hey was up
man ur hair is blue blue
ok thanks y u dont leave it on
were can i find this pic at
oh y u say that
yah i want to know alot of things u know well u got pics of u
yah i try to keep myself bussy on top of all that i am in drama and debate hockey u must live up north right hey tennis is kool right
oh thats kool then so yah hey so wat was the bad news about
is his name shadow
of cours i do i love sport football,bassball,baskettball,tennis,and shotpull do u play eny sports
yah hes sounds kool though u look familiar do u have a cousin that lives in houston tx
piano, keyboard (dont laugh) tuba, a lil bit of the violin and bass guitar
well ya she probabley was embarresed that you backed away
hey my bad my computer messed up on me im back man pactrick i really cant understand
yah i love football i play alot of instruments to including guitar
maybe u emmbarresed her
yah daniel u play guitar
wat was she doing wen u backed off
so do u have a name jettie
oh so wat exactly did she do