K. those dont rlly count. tats like tellin someone tat was just raped... atleast it wasnt bigfoot! doesn't make them feel better.
ok i give up tell me please
like i doubt you made that avatar. but if you did. nice.
but i doubt it
Please name me the things... I'd love to know them. (not sarcastic tone) I was never stupid enough to do that. I always asked 'em in person.
In quite a few places in the US there are scientific phenomenons (spelt wrong?) that can't be explained. Quite a few think that these may be the workings of ghosts, or maybe dead loved ones guiding them through life. While other people, believing more scientificly think that there is a plausible explanation to all these controversies. The one I would like to bring up is the phenomenon called Gravity Hill. I personally have never attended one but I have a close friend that did it so I trust that this is real. There are two places that I know of in the state that I live, where 'happenings' have occured portaining to Gravity Hill --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Story Of Gravity Hill On a very cold day at about midnight a woman was driving through a foggy road. She looked up at her rearview window to check on her three kids. One of the children was a teenager and the other 2 were about 10 years old. As she was driving along she came across a large hill. As she was climbing up it her car broke down, she quickly pulled the E-Brake. She turned to her children and said "We can't stay here or we may get hit, we'll have to push it, and we can't push it down for fear it will get going to fast and we'll lose it and it may hit someone." So the children got out of the car and began to push with the mother stearing it. She got near to the top of the hill where the "Stop" sign was and was about to tell the children to stop pushing. As she turned she saw the oldest boy slip and fall. The weight of the car was too much for the younger children and the car backed up over the three children killing them all. The car began to fall down the hill at a high-rate of speed. Before she could pull the E-Brake again she was hit by an 18-wheeler. The mother died on impact. Now if you go to 'Gravity Hill' and turn your car off or put it in Neutral, The "Spirits" of the children and mother will push your car up the Hill. And if you put powder on the bumper you can see the handprints. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scientific Explanation (this was explained to be a bit blurry so ill give you a general idea) Apparently there are gravity pockets that are scattered underneath the earths crust. And there are certain hills like this where the 'gravity' has escaped the pocket. Something about the polar differences drags the car up. (thats probably wrong, but there was an "explanation", more of a theory. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now my close friend has gone and done this, and I completely trust her. She said that the car was pulled or "pushed" up the hill. They didn't have any powder so they couldn't do the bumper thing but I'm sure that they were pulled up. I will be going soon to try it out myself. So what are your thoughts on the matter?
I can't find it. Would someone please post a link? =D
Dangit. Ok... im'a guess your a chick? just becuz you give good advice.
That in wich lies the question. WHo is he that has no heart.
Little Android Man... Born without a Soul With no voice of reason The Sciccors took control! Little Android Man... Born without a heart... If your in his vicinity... He'll cut you apart! Cut,Cut,Cut,Cut (CUT CUT CUT CUT!)
I was looking through my friends Ipod and looking at the many Genres she has, because she has ALOT of songs. The FUNNIEST genre I've ever seen was in her Ipod, and I've enver seen it before. Death Black Emo. I istened to one of the songs and it has the background music of like, the emo twang of a guitar, somewhat acoustic. Then turns into headbanging Rifts, then back to acoustic, the guy singing dind't scream, it was more like... best way to describe it is the band Aiden. it was just the funniest thing I've ever heard. and seen.
Noooooooo!!!!! I must be respectedddd!!!!
Welcomez. Post, make friends, what everyone else said. *boop* free cake!
Green Eggs and Ham.- Dr Suess. <--- freakin rocks
13,21 I'm OctoMom! I'm throwing babies for no reason!
2,3.... i actually looked it up lol Screw you! you may only be a 12er but you can't make us 14ers look bad!
siete?these are also fillersjkjkjk 3,5
tresethese are fillers so just ignore them. in fact. stop highlighting my messages.