Tikaru pushed his hands together in a clap. He felt the wind rush around him as he teleported next to her. "hey." he said dodgingly. he clapped his hands together again and went back to his seat.
oh man i get them alot... they are so annoying!!
Tikaru sat down next to Claire. He put his bookbag under his chair and pulled out his textbook. He watched Claire put her hand up for the question. He scanned the textbook for the answer to the teachers question but couldn't find one. "meh" he let this question slide.
Yes you can. umm click the new posts link and its called "Nobodie Highschool"
nobody highschool. It just started so there isn't a big plot.
Tikaru ran into class. "hehe sorry im late Teach, I was... umm... cutting my mom's lawn?... yeah cuz here's the note." He handed the teacher the note.
*bows back* well thats cool. you should join this RP i just joined.
Sei...err yeah. idk why i talk in spanish randomly... *stirs*
Chacter: Tikaru gender:Male clothing:Black and White skater shirt. Tight Jeans. Skater Shoes. Zip-Up Hoodie. powers: Darkness. Teleportation weopon: Blaster Rifle with a Sword that Shoots out if you hit a button on the rifle. personlality: Quiet. Listens to music alot. Shy at first but when you know him he is friendly. Helpful to his friends, very protective.
Same thing. I was looking at this guys AMV and I was wondering where he got his videos from. So I private messaged him and he told me it was here....
can i join =D
no thats cool. so how'd you find out about this website?
Oh wow. thats really weird. My brother and 3 of my friends live about 5 minutes from this extremely scary house and I really wana go inside it.
hey whats goin on?
Epic win CtR... Epic Win
I met someone who did the powder test. They said it happened, BUT They have kidded around with me before yet i still believe them. They said that there were witches that lived in one of the houses, and the pentagram drawn all over the ground nearby. (Satan Symbol)
hey its been too long i haven't talked to you.
its been too long i haven't talked to you... whats goin on?
well... _____________________________________boop free death.
*boop* free cake! =D its free cake day in Bladeoria!