Wouldn't it be nice if we were older! and the morning... dun dun dun we belong! Oh wouldn't it be nice! que the Beach Boys
I'd have to say Killzone. its a really fun game.
Avenged sevenfold are sorta up there in my top fav bands. i like em
I was in a room with my brother and friend. My friend is runnin around the corner like "sprinting" at full speed and this dam lil mutated patient...
Yea and I'd love to see 'em in concert, I've heard their great. Yea its a really fun game. they just came out with the sequal, scares the living...
People like that make influences no matter what. Hopefully your friend will return to her normalself soon. It was a stupid desicion on her part.
F.E.A.R. she looks like the girl in the game "Alma" and you listen to Bullet!?!?
you seem cool too. your picture in your album reminds me of a game i play.
aww you have a life! =D i dont! i play GH3 all day! *boop* free cake! wana peice?
What the heck kind of a world do we live in where we have to be afraid of hospitals? I am happy I'm not an organ doner. And what the heck is wrong with these doctors that would do this?? What if it was them on the operating table?
sure :) :)
The world is a terrible and injurious place. And I will sit back and laugh when the government turns on religion. the economy falls. and the end of this stupid system of things comes.
Yes. It is extremely real. And the sad part is that traveling women are more suceptible (spelled wrong?) to this. They are foreign to the land and are unsure of the language. Its a terrible truth that is going on.
Well you have two choices I believe personally. But the biggest thing is honesty. My first choice would be if you might like him more than a friend. Wate. If something goes wrong with your current boyfriend he'll still be there wating for you. Second choice is if you dont think you could ever like him, (his looks or personality) tell him straightforward. (not about looks or personality) say, "remember that promise we made?" and say it just doesn't feel right... I hope i helped at all... :) And feel happy that so many guys are after you hehe ;)
I have enver agreed with Kemotherapy/ radiation. 'Ya know what else has radiation? Bombs. So I mean, what does that tell about the treatment?
Yeah i agree with Cody. just paly around with the colors. I'd personally choose darker colors, but you can choose for yourself.
If you notice Roxas and Naimine had "feelings." and both of their somebodies were still alive! so maybe have a somebody makes them more sombodieish. get it? so maybe axels somebody is still alive?
aww your gonna ignore me now? *pokes*
Tikaru clapped his hands together again. "I'm Tikaru. I'm a little rusty on my teleportation so I'm testin it out while I wate for teach to take his great 'ol time!" He sat back into the chair.
oops. i posted my next visitor message in my own profile! LOL