NP! Teehee :glomp:
@1+2+3 I was on my PsP so I couldn't write all that I wanted. 4. I have always thought people never liked me. And I'm not talking about internet friends. I'm talking about the ones in real life. The ones I can see, feel, love. I have always felt they enver loved me. And I always thought if sometihng bad was to happen to me they would view me better. That has been my only reason I thought of suicide. And becuz life sucks for me.
:OOO that must have suuuucked! so was it an ugly chick then?
i can't wate to get my second... you'd think after 1 year and a half i'd have it by now :(
Not if its right from the source...! wow i think i might have gone too far this time.
The second one maybe it'll be breast milk! =D
:d :d :d ;d
Xaale is back. lol ill put that everywhere xD
Dun dun dun!!!! Xaale is back!!!! Dun dun dun!!!!!
Hell yeah xaalee!!!! Weee lovveee yooouuu!!!!! :d:d:d:d:d
LMAO that was epic.
NOOOO!!!! xD i thought you lefffttt!!!! :( :( :( now we can talk about bullet again and the new album!
take your sweet time and pm me it later.... WYR Reach your hand through a bucket of Barbed Wire and AID's infected blood. or cut off all your toes then your fingers then gnaw your arm off?
Peter Pan... Imagination pwns. Imagination can take you places that are better than life.
Depending on what games i play yes and no. When I'm on the computer playing an mmorpg. sometimes Runescape, ill listen to music ALL THE TIME. Aiden/Bullet for my Valentine/ Silverstein. When I'm playing my Xbox 360 no. Especially enver when I play F.E.A.R. the music makes the game want to blow yourself up with a mega cannon. or shoot yourself with a sawed off.
Metallica, Obama doesn't rock as much. WYR Slit off your own eyelids? Or eat your own parents?
i think that is it isn't it? lol thanks! =D
I finally got my 200th post!!! and it only took me about a year and half!!!! Que Music! EVERYBODY TO THE DANCE FLOOOORRR!!!! "BLAST OFF!!! its Party Time!!! and we dont live in a fashion nation!! Blast Off! Its Party Time! AND WHERE THE **** are you!!!!???
Yeah. I couldn't see a huge difference either. :\