Its a song By "System of a Down." Russian Roulette Is a game that was 'originated' in Russia where you put a bullet in the cartridge and spin it. You put the Gun to your head and pull the trigger. I believe there is a 17% chance you die.
uh-oh.... whats my char name gonna be? now ill have to read the whole story teehee.
"I play russian roulette everyday a man sport! with a bullet called 'life'... yeahh mamma called 'life.'"
Well... Hack the system to get me more rep points! =D that would make me happy. nah not really... theres not much you can do... since you can't come over to my house and play russian roulette.
Welcome to Kh-vids. Make sure to post and have fun.
I lol'd...
Yeah.... Quite.
Its over Destined. I have the High ground.
And then I get the hell beaten outta me? I dont think so.
You dare fix my grammar usage and choice words!? You pathetic padawan shall not live to see the next millenium! Dont worry Darth Renegade. I shall deal with this peice of bantha fodder.
Obviously that. And to the second reason there are two reasons. 1) Some are just too ******ed and they dont think I'll hear my name and some other choice words. 2) There is this one little kid that tells on everyone and he told me what people were saying.
*que Darkest Blade's entrance* Hellow Master Renegade. The plans are almost complete. Soon we shall rule the galaxy!... or just khv
Ok. Whenever someone's depressed like me, we take everything little and blow it outta proportion. So everything from me hearing about people talking about me behind my back, my brother being a total deuche. I just dont want this to keep happening.
I couldn't care less about that anymore. We're friends and its great. Its just. Idk.
I think he used the wood fora surf board. Y'a know to impress the babes...
Honest Abe?
Oh c'mon! A single Admin says they're leaving on April 1 and your all like LIAR! I homeschool guys... not that difficult! Now dont feel too bad I'm not leaving I'm still here to annoy the crap outta you guys!
August>All other months.
Cake>Pie so... yeah