Oh no! Allow me!!... jkin guys... don't gang rape me again
it still never told me is kika a guy or a chick? cuz i asked her and she said she would tell me but forgot i guess.
what? i didn't understand that at all.
oh... gotcha...
Is that the guy who did that kid show on abc? where he had that theme song like welcome to the neighborhood? or something?
exactly. the keyblade can "think" for itself. and it wouldn't choose someone evil just cuz he defeated the person weilding it atm.
2 on 1... fine... i summon chuck norris. Epic Death.
I was thinkin... whenever big rocket ships fall to earth, they hit the other particles in the air wich makes them very hot... so why whenever humans skydive... dont they spontaniously combust into a giant fire ball? cuz i mean comon... that would be EPIC!
not mine :\... cuz mines my house! =D yay me!
excuse me... i'm right here. and i can see everything that goes on in here. right through this little peephole. *points at scope* now we just need to aim it right at Sai... :O
Boop *free cake*
You shall continue to write this... and no im not posting this just to raise my post count... -.- foolish peope.
that. was. epic.
actually a better question woulda been... am i gonna be good or evil?
AHAHAHA i read the story!! tahts great... what are you gonna put me in as?
LMAO!! oh my goddd
kk gotta bring my dog to vet for shots. BTW. can you shrink large images to smaller without them bein too fuzzy? cuz i was gonna make somehting my...
oh.. uhh k. I gotta go take my dog to the vet. byebyes
Stop it Illusion! My mom keeps lookin over at me cuz i keep lol'n.