OMg man. I would never buy it though cuz i would never drive it, id be too afraid. But man that inside is sooo smexy.
lets play Russian Roulette!!
i lold kiryu
Kiryu is always expressing his dieing love for you! and he isn't gay! AND DONT MESS WITH MY HEAD CUZ IM SURE OFF THIIISSSSSS
I like them... but I mean... I like sooo many bands. They aren't the genre of music I listen to soo thats very good though that I love them.
Kikame I KNOW your a chick... I KNOW IT!
gotcha cuz like. I always wanted to try skydiving... but bursting into fire wouldn't be top priority.
Did you buy it? Or did the Boogie Man leave it there after a sleepover with his friends?
I have nothing to say really... it was a really great.
Of what happened when I get back talking to my friends.
Whats a quall? Kikame: I'm gonna discuss with these people talkin behind my back why they did it. Hopefully youll be on at 10pm when i get on and tell the story.
I listen to them alot. They are a very good band. I found them while listening to Attack Attack! I find them really awesome.
what is a quitar?
Ok I'm ending my depression cycle tonight. I decided that while jumping up and down in my shower. Im gonna talk to people tonight about it.
Lol bye guys taking a shower.
The power of oxyclean is so powerful! It can get any inground stain out! just watch!
Sai could you please point out to who your talking to? cuz i can't find out who your talking to when
jkin! OMG i only need 3 more rep points and Ima have 2 rep bars. NOBODY HERE GIVE IT TO ME! I CAN GET IT ON MY OWN!!! BTW you are still KIKA
Its those Canadians man!! eh?
again i dont understand that at all...