it was really good it was really under apprachiated
feelgood inc-gorillaz
one without time
i can duel at 4:30ish
i really want to get it but im broke
guradin soul is pretty cool
that's kinda cool
i'd say the green looks better
is it japan
your insane if u think gas prince's are fair
pokemon is just an example of how you can milk a fossilized cow
the 13th k.h. nut
a snake,cant get any better than that
a fire breathing rubber chicken vs a vampireic noodle
a person who needs to get his priorites strait
a fan girl
can i get a hug?
sky2high in your pants
thats cool,but confuseing. they could be 'something',as oppose to nothing(nobodies)
i blame u cause ur karma ran over my dogma