good,bad im the guy with the gun evil dead
when you think bush is a good president,but that also makes you stupid
i have a razer
funny i was never like that uh things will get better,but u have to want it to
if your family tree doesnt fork if you work without a shirt and so does your husband
the 2nd one was good,but the 3rd could have been better
as the title says it could be interesting with a different story and charater
how can u not like gundam
Anubis (July 25 - August 28) Anubis is the guardian of the nether world. It is the most determined of all signs. Those born under this sign are self-confident and their ability to keep things under control make them widely respectable Strengths: sympathetic, generous, loving and perseverant in proving their view point. Jobs assumed: advertisement and fashion. the job part was funny
to ask for a translation
some type of rice
i think getting over it would help
Meaning:i feel like i dont fit anywhere Pronunciation:exile or exile0025 Inspiration:sounds cool to me,and 25 is my fav number Other:none
save this world remix-Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus
jesus in tiedie,at woodstock
northern lights-shaman king
*mid-air glomp*
can you show the region around Yokohama please?
i've got bad news....i cant find my deck. someone else can take my place im sorry
i stand alone-godsmack