*hands you u a monster* enjoy
hello and welcome to kh-vids,hope you have fun here if you need any help just ask(pm me)
"..and that was without a single drop of rum" jack sparrow
yeah,some surfer guy ever knocked yourself out
mmmh...for some reason the word "unusual"comes to mind.
some old guy
get away from me you eight-legged-freaks eight legged freaks
no,but my friend has have you ever shout something in the middle of a movie at the theater(heh.me)
no have you ever fallen down the stairs
i am also staring at kitty's undies...aswell as a lvl 25 twilight warrior equpped with gun and sword combo
when you believe you can do the same **** you see in the movies
its got all my favs
ive felt that once or twice
yeah he was,he played nick fury of S.H.I.E.L.D
that would be so cool,it has to have voice acting in it to
yes there is
its really a matter of opinion,but i think you should go ahead and color it the first pic looks like kairi's wearing vincent's outfit
it was awesome,and the scene after the credits was just as good
huh..never heard of them,i might give them a try. hey have you ever heard of a band called Pillar?
his outlfit in the first game was better