lol u need a bigger head xD i missed your comment " shouts back hi really loud" hehe
i know this isnt a choice but i would say tinkerbell or bambi from kh1 there both so cute =P
neva used magic thought they all sucked but if i had 2 choose i would say reflect
*juggles Gunblade and knocks self out* hey mum got any pancakes X.X
lol i find it funny wen Donald talks .. its like quack quack quack wtf are you saying =P
*stumbles* bad spelling doh -.-;
well i know .. you were 2 busy swinging your knife bout xD *stubles and cuts of a bit of your hair* not my fault 0.o wind blew me *runs*
Yep hopefully if they keep the same style of gameplay that they might make Lucia (FFX world) and Tidus there OH AND ALSO A BLTZBALL MINIGAME WITH SORA OMG THIS IS GETTING BETTER AND BETTER
oh and stop showing off that u got a knife =P *takes out Gunblade* nananana ur knifes nuting to this ^.^
hehe a foot healing cookie aww how nice xD where wer u wen i stabbed my hand hmmmm wer was my special cookie then -.-;
*steals Knife* * flips up knife but drops on foot* ouch maybe i should stick to stuffing myself with cookies dont you think =( ow ow ow ow ow
wouldnt that be awesome having the blitzball star in your party and you never know maybe a smart coder could have found a way to play as him. lol that would be so cool, i can imagine their limit technique right now, maybe sora could smack the ball wiv the keyblade then rebounds back to Tidus so he can Sphere shot it. Screw Auron, Tidus all The way but ima not sure wat area to put him in , thats the only problem
yes an no but i think they should have included more types of dif heartless not just 2 , the idea was great but the heartless picking needs work
*talks with mouth full* you want me 2 buy u 1 for yourself this time .....*mumbles on* lol
*eats whole packet by myself* hehe *burp* woops 0.o
*goes to shop and buys a cookie packet* u want 1 xD
Fat Bandit , i duno wat idiot thought of that heartless but i h8 him just as much as the heartless
Gaurdian Soul ... i duno wy but i just love it ^.^
i got anit when was fighting cerberus and went master form but it was so dark i didnt notice at first =P
valor - Kingdom key and the keyblade auron gives you forgot name 0.o wisdom - oathkeeper master - sleeping lion and oblivion final - fenrir and ultima keyblade Final form 1 i think is the best combo