*bear hugs u* grrr u cant move now *laughs*
wat kind of an angel cuts herself ! lol *offers gum then makes bubble*
hehe ive already cut abit of your hair *grins* dam ive run out handcuffs O.o *ties u up wiv rope*
gimme code!!!! must be halo form xD jkin
NO !! *swallows knife then handcuffs u again* *sticks out tounge*
yeh but d/w i got another 1 and gt worked
lol sorry i was just trying 2 confuse u 2 and it worked xD
*jumps ontop of ur head , steals knife and handcuffs u* hehe *sticks out tounge*
hmmm *stares at ur face confused* lol
*gets up and covers embharrasing rip at the back of me jeanz* oh gr8 , u owe me a new pair of trousers =D
im not sure xD but my ass is hurting so i think im SITTING ON IT !! ty for trowing me on 2 it x.x
hey geog is awesome! did i just say that 0.o omg
*lands in mud* wyd u throw me of ur back =,(
*jumps on ur back* gimme my blade ^.^ ima go for a while cya =P
i took geography instead of history xD but i regret it
*laughs* dun get 2 stressy 0.o
they definately wanted roxas back and i think roxas knew that all along and Axel, wanted heartless
umm well ive been good and a bit of bad xD hehe wat boutz u *jumps on ur back and brings you down* 0.o
*wakes up* wesr my gunblade !!! i need it xD