hey im back *takes out water gun then shoots u on the head* hehe WATER FIGHT!!!!
u guess , lol shouldnt u know ur own name xD how bout i call u meggy =P
hehe u guessed correctly ^^ soo wat can i call ? =D
u guessed correctly ^^ so wat can i call u ?? =D
hehe different is good well it is 2 me =P and yep slip is my bro !! u can call me Jay , lot easier than rVII xD
soz if i dont reply but im going out and prob wont be on 2 day =( *poors water over ur head again* hehe sorry habbit
woo *feeds self cookie* =P just painted her lil emo corner yellow , lets see how she gets outa this xD
sorry my bad im still a bit of a noob xD *poors water over ur head then laughs*
hmm xD depends who your sister is *takes a wild guess* is it Star Angel??
*paints the emo corner yellow then renames it happy corner* hehe the best art work ive done all year ^.^
if ansem the wise just left everything as it was then u would neva have this game 2 play XD jkin
*takes blanket and matress then runs off* hehehe *falls over from exhaustion*
nice 1 i still need 2 get ultima weapon dammit
donald and goofy are absolutley useless lol they do nothing they cant reach any1
*goes to shop and buys the worlds tastiest and biggest lolipop* yum bet u want this but u cant eat laying down aww 2 bad 4 u
The first time i chose sword and got rid of magic but then after i completed i thought def would be a main priority
wtf how does he look like a girl 0.o dam wat kinda girls do u know xD
come on get out i was the 1 who was tired anyway XD !! get ur butt outa my bed =P !!
lol never heard that before =P hmm nope soz even searched youtube nothing, you just might be special or sumin xD
grr wat can i do to get u outa there *scratches head and smiles*