lol "youre about as usefull as a cock flavoured lolipop" best Iine xD
*poors bucket of paint over both of us* ;D wink wink
hehehehe i can do anything i want lol no im not that bad xD i gtg gona go out =( ima talk 2 u l8ter okee *unpauses u then grins*
lol u just want me 2 drown again *presses stop button on remote* hehe u cant move *swims behind u then tags* gotcha xD
lol ill just drown u then*looks up at sky*
yeh thanks for ur help *lies back down* jesus next time im watching u drown xD
*spits out water then starts gasping for air*
*lies there* ..........................
*eyes closes* .......... *body floats motionless*
mhm luv 2 lol XD *dives back in 2 water and opens mouth* woops
*lands in water, goes back 2 shore then pores self with paint this time blue*
*waves back then dives into water, watches u fall down watefall laughing* lolololololol *dives from the end of the cliff*
KH2 , his longer hair suited him and wat he was like in KH2 cool mysterious and cool +P
Cloud form lol sora 2 wimpy to hold his big sword anyway XD
im looking at the reason xD if u didnt like 2 stay clean so much i wouldnt really care =P so its all your fault *jumps infront of u* BOO !!
nice try but... *poors bucket of paint over self then hugs you* hehe *then jumps away* there u look nice in orange XD
stay like this*
hehe u cant boss me around anymore xD *pretends to touch u* i think ill stay like foreva ya know?
its alright ill stay sticky ^.^ that way i can just touch u and ull listen xD *pretends to touch u*
*stays sticky and green* kay then pushy take your time xD *sits on floors whistling*