boobii ^^ *smiles, lets u take me down, gets up then puts u on my back* xD i dunno why im doing this lol
come on u lil softy *helps u up then pushes u bak down *come on u deserve some payback hehe *smiles*
*pokes u inbetween the eyebrows so u lose balance and fall down* *kneels down* id rather get myself hurt than seeing u in pain AND besides i can...
nice work!!! ill check it out study hard!!
hows blitz form coming along xD cant w8 2 use it !!!!!!
no dont do that xD how bout u just torture me instead *makes funny face then smiles*
really? then wat would make u feel good? *plays with your hair*
wat new codes u made BTW if i dont respond my batteries run out so soz xD sorry bout that =P
hey ^^ downloaded RF took me 8 hours !!!! worth it though xD blitz will soon be back!!!! il be on 1:00pm xfire cant w8 to start owning !!
xD *laughs* mhm u my favourite target ^^
aww xD i cant watch u die *pulls u out* besides if u go who am i gona throw stuff at =P
hey i gtg find a nice server and ill b on at 1 on xfire okee cya
wat type of game is it and we play private server?
come on we da Blitz Bro's xD dam we need a new game to own at
no aint that just psp so slow and it takes ages 2 load up conversation, i would respond quicker but cant -.-;
*spits out mud* oh do u know, well im a nice guy who always gives someting back *picks u up then throws u in quick sand* omg u dead =P
rofl rmembr big daddy "GOD DAMN STICK"
yeh........ *pushes u over into mud puddle then laughs so hard* xD
"take care of ur balls and theyll take care of u" lol wtf =P
hey btw im sorry that i always leave randomly =( its not that im bored or anything just sometimes i busy =)