*drops cookie* cant catch 0.o gimme another 1 oh and ty ^.^
Xemnas at the end when you gots spam X and triangle to deflect all those lil laser thingys THAT WAS SO COOL
it was riku but he didnt want to fight sora
!!!!! Help pweez !!!!! does quoting someone count as a post and does posting count if u post in your own thread?? QUESTIONS so smile RawR
SAMURAI cuz i loved his reaction command u could do wiv him "Rising Dragon" just wish you could continue the technique for more than 5 hits
Sora and Kairi oh i dont like king mickey wiv riku lol xD
hmmm or was i ?? lol im confusing myself eeekkk xD
lol roxas and axel dont occur 2 me when people ask this question because there main characters those 2 should not be a choise .. ummmmm id say DEMYX FTW !!!!!
yep i think ragnorak aswell
lol or was i flirting 0.o hmmmm
atlantica was alright in KH1 made me happy but in Kh2 omg i cant even say it, i never went to the world ever again 0.o
Billy Zane was the right choice 2 use, he just suited the role
lol i wasnt flirting ;D i was just making a really really really cheeky comment =P
dont put your sig on the site or block random pdople seeing ur sig, gd night cu 2morrow
*yawn* almost midnight , ima go 2 sleep and NO U CAN NOT JOIN ME xD jkes , gd night xx
lol! at first i got confused bout that double smiley *slaps face* then i was like ooooooo uh im so stupid =]
oh really ... wat makes u so certain ms smiley frowny ^^
so now u neva got an excuse to frown ever again ;D well atleast until i turn dull =(
woooo hacked kh2 for the first xD feels good =P