hehe since i felt like getin wet ^^ *takes u off my back, goes under water, opens eyes then pulls ur legs down so u underwater* *winks*
hmph fine stay under there *sits on floor and hugs knees* u no my fwend =( *sings sad song* lols
lol we have only been talking for bout an hour , wow dino`s are charming hehe *jumps into a river with u still on my back* woo!
no!! *goes under cover, grabs u then takes t out from under cover* hehe *continues 2 hold u* dun even try going bck ;D
hehe *gets up then gives u piggy back or a dinoback* RAWR xD
*squeeses ur cheeks* cheer up , neva b sad wen u talk 2 Jay :D
hey layoff the cheeks * tickles u back* *smiles*
bro u got some crazy codes lol movie mode!!!!
hehe same old ,school,hangin with friends blah blah blah xD *pokes u 10 times then gives u a piggy back*
only if they milk choco chip *makes cute dino face* lol
*runs 2 other side then catches u in my arms* wy semi *tries 2 make u laugh*
dont worry ima veggie dinosaur lol completely harmless =D *eats a tree* hehe
dam ur jks lol hows blitz form comin along *star fives* < --- lol
*puts u in cannon then fires* lol how u doin :D
if its that annoyin il stop 0.o
im just playing as riku in kh2 crashing every 2 secs heh xD *throws ps2 at wall* RawR
a scapt??? wats that :P
hehe actually i was gona spend 5hours postin 2morrow , wanna change my name 2 my real name wich is Jay ^^ *buys u a fish* hehe
sorry i logged out my comp crashed and wouldnt turn on =( *buys u a packet of peanuts*
hehe *breaks catupault* ffs -.-; im so clumsy *throws a peanut at u*