Very well. Thanks ^^
Excuse me? "good girl" is not the word for me...
I wouldn't argue with her if i were'll make her drown us out....
WHATTTTT??? ....I do...O,O
HEY BRO!!!!!!! *hugs* what's up?
ahhh.. i see.....
ok ....I wants a blueberry muffin now....*sees Reno*.....*Nibbles on Reno's arm*....
*inhales balloon and starts singing*..We represent the Lollypop guild, The lollypop guild....
Hi What's up?
I don't really care....I really like flirting. :D
*blows raspberry at Ultima Queen and Rhian+Roxas*
See you. ^^ :kiss: Sweet dreams to you to. *waves bye*
lol ..yeah on my scale Cloud and Sephiroth...i couldn't choose which one to pick first. xD I'm so sorry but, i have to get to bed. Talk to you...
Eeeekk! *ahem* Cloud is adorable! I bet it'll be great :D Oh, you know what whould be a real good oposite....SEPHIROTH! (but that's just an idea...
Can't be a good sign. o,o
School work, Chores, fixing cars, hayride is coming up in three weeks so there's gonna be ALOT of people here ( I live on a farm xD), More...
Wow That actually would be really cool! o,o Wish i had enough time to help you with it.
Really? What kind of production would that be? o,0
How have you been?