Lol..dude...i'm the same age as you. xD
Me neither...just babysitting a cousin. The reason for the late message. xD
Hey bro what's up? :glomp:
Yay! Thanks Moshi! @ wolfizz: I just bought it! It takes some time to get used to. other than that it's great.
Ok ok! o,o
*elbows Ultimate Darkness Sora in the ribs*
hahhahhhahahaha! Yeah right! You? badass? pttttthhhhh! Lmao!!!!
:birthday:Oh! I didn't know! :/8D::glomp: :poke:Happy (late) birthday!!!:party-smiley-013: :rockband: Drink up! lol :cheers:
*starts singing Sweeney Todd songs randomly*
"At arm is complete again"
I'm walking away now...-.-
dang....wonder how much that is over here xD (i was never really good at figuring that stuff out)
Lmao!!!!! *snickers*
I ment that people haven't said anything since I last posted ...i didn't mean a re-cap *eye twitch*
Really to me she acts like a overly hyper girly girl...o,o
dude you can say lotr is boring but when you start comenting on the hobbits and things it's not boring. xD
lol He's 16 duuuude....-.-..... i think..o,o...idk....OMG I'm leaving...
^^ Thanks! I thought i would hate the pic being in the way of what people were saying on my profile but... I always loved that pic so it was a...
lol...k night.