oh, yes....yes you are.
Heeeyy look it's bambi xD
why's that?
no no no...i don't have kids yet. i ment later on xD
lol my kids are gonna be sick of long hair when i make them wear it long xD *evil laughter* xD
That must have been hard to take care of. O.O
*talks baby talk* Awww...i bet you were a CUTE baby! *ahem* xD ooooo tay
hahhhahahahah! *busts a gut* That was good *wipes tear* xD
hahahahahaha! xD Yeah, but i post the blame on my grandmother...she accidentally hit my head on the ceiling fan when i was little xD
I'm sowwy! *hugs Soras heartless*
Well I'm glad cause i'm not really good with memorization xD
*snickers* xD *giggle/snort*
lol...i'm pretty sure you would survive above the rest Ultima Queen. xD
I bought it today! ^^ This is the happiest day of my life! Sephiroth: *crosses arms* O,O....i mean...the SECOND happiest day of my life. xD
No..not beer....Rum is better. ^^
Did you get 358/2 days yet?
Your welcome ^^ *gives you a noogie* xD
Lmao! "Random hearts?" Now that was cute! ^^
Aww...thanks! ^^ *hugs* your a great brother.
ah, well...thank you, thank you *bows* ^^