...........Wow.....*covers eyes*
um...i just...no.
...and why isn't he here? o,0
Aww! ^^ :glomp:
um...well...who then?
That's ok talk to you later.
Sweet! ...what do you mean "sort of" o,0
*hugs* little bro! ^^
Oh cool! ...wait..why isn't he here? 0,o nothing really it was just a flu bug i had a while back.
I'm Soooooooo bored.
what?...an uncle? Who? o,o
Well first off everyone was gone so i was bored and just kinda went away for a while. but i'm back now.
Well i got sick the other day...man it hurt me soooooo bad. >,<
*sigh*...is everyone alive? ...I feel horrible. T~T
Hey bro i'm back i've been really busy lately...*hugs*
Lol..i'm back it's been really crazy this month...i barely had time to talk to anyone..just been on for a few min every day.
Sorry no...
awww...sorry bro. *hugs*
haha! yeah! xD Well ...i'm gonna try to get some sleep ...i think the sugar is starting to wear off. lol...night bro!