Of course it does...it's organization 13 0_-
....alrighty then...o_0
Dang...things have been slow of late. o,o
oh my gosh bro! O,O *hugs* I'm glad your ok.
i wanna see that movie so bad! xD
*gasp* no i haven't! O,O send link please?
lol Ah! I'm late! O,O But.....we passed in NOVEMBER!!! Dang! i miss everything! Ever since i had those stupid seizures! >,<
Metal, Classical, Techno, (some) Rap, Celtic....and beyond. lol
*saw everything* ...*dies*
Oh...Sheet! O,O
*pokes at food*....*stomache growls* -_-'
Hiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are you?
Your...not serious...are you? o,0
Why? What's wrong? O.o
Hey bro missing ya.
Attention all Radiant Garden residents: This is no drill. Take shelter within your homes. We have a lunitic on the loose. REPEAT: We have a...
Yo bro. you there?
I'm alright. I miss you too. Things have been really busy this month. So how are you?
*sigh*....well...i give up.
You can't be the Kind and Queen. -_-....it's just not right.... Just....pick a character that we can all manipulate ^_^