Hey..all i can say is ask HIM...and flirting isn't hurting anyone...
It's ok. I'm ok. Just been a really tiring day...
Hey! Wow you're up late. :glomp:
Ok well if your Sephiroth then you better be prepared for this...:glomp:
you have to vist message in order to get his attention....
I was so tired one day I found myself staring at a stanger and that person came over and asked me "Do i know you"? xD I was so embarrased.
Yep. That was my mistake last night. xD Now i'm yawning constantly. lol
Me: *Stares at you*..What is that about? Xion: I think they've been at the bottle... Yuffie: Sure looks like it. Hey! Do you think they have...
Yeah, just getting sleepy but, it's too early to go to bed for me....if i do i'll just be laying there staring at the ceiling. xD
Me: O,O.....*walks into bedroom* GET OUT OF THERE!!! Zack: Hey wait! NO! Put the knife down! Me: GET OUT!!! Zack: *gets kicked out of room*...
Hey how's it going?