It looks like whoever created such a medal was full of intelligence as well :3
Vivi kind of reminded me of how Donald is in Halloween Town, behind all the clothes and rapping's there really is just nothing there.
Riku definitely grew the most in character. He started out with a rather smug attitude, then darkness took over him, and now he has finally come to peace with the jealousy he had towards Sora. That is a lot of growth in two years.
High school really hasn't been as difficult as I expected it to be. More or less I've just been gliding through. Toughest year so far was Junior year, it started out easy, then out of nowhere it hit me in the face. Dx Right now I'm a Senior and since my collage applications are all in I wouldn't be surprised if I started sliding soon :3 Word to the wise: Avoid friendship drama at all cost!
I really love The Notebook, one of the most emotion ridden movies I've seen to date. From what I've seen it's really hard not to like it after seeing it. I have several friends who are in no way appreciative of the whole romance genre, you wouldn't believe how they talked after watching it.
4 or 5 hours last night. I went to bed kind of late last night/early this morning and I woke up shortly after because I find It hard to stay asleep when it's light outside. Not really a good combo, but I'll live.
When I'm bored I usually just read a book or watch TV, anything to pass the time until I figure out something better to do. I'm bored often though so I tend to read a lot :3
Well I'm pretty sure I'm getting a laptop, but only because my dad flat out asked me if that was something I wanted. That's the only thing I know about so far though.
The movie was alright and I suppose the characters it could add would be interesting, but I really would rather not deal with them in any form of Kingdom Hearts. The two just don't seem to match up in my head.
In all seriousness, having a baby is one of the few things I look forward to in life. I dunno why, but having a family some day just seems so appealing to me. I want to have two, preferably twins, but there isn't much I can do about that xD I really don't mind what sex they will be, each have their special little pros and cons. I think about names all the time, right now I like the name Weston for a boy :3 I probably think about this stuff too much << xD
Maybe, but Kairi and Sora can hardly be considered dark characters, yet they both have Nobodies. The two concepts of being dark and having a Nobody don't always tie up.
As stated above, Riku never had a Nobody =/ I don't really understand where such an implication could come from.
King Triton has age and experience on his side. I wouldn't be surprised if he's crossed paths with a wielder of the keyblades before.
I don't think the significance is held in the log, instead I think the significance is held in what the log represents. I think the log represents Sora Riku and Kairi preparing to leave the island, it's a way of showing how simple life was back then.
Well I usually have ham for the main dish, which I absolutely love. And in addition there is a side dish which includes celery sticks, cream cheese, and chopped up olives, it's delish :3
I'd want my guardian to be some sort of super human. I wouldn't want them to look visually remarkable, but they would need some sort of extraordinary strength or power. Edward Cullen comes to mind :3
I actually do have to move soon, though I'd rather not =/ But if I wanted to go somewhere abroad I'd probably want to live in Japan or Madagascar... or perhaps somewhere in Europe :3
Oh gosh, good luck on those >.< My midterms aren't until the end of next month, but even still, looking forward to them is not a pleasant thought.
Lol, I love that song, it's on my iPod. xD And it's good to hear you didn't get hit, that would be slightly problematic ^^
"Baby It's Cold Outside" is my favorite, though I think it may be more winter oriented than Christmas. Even still it's rather cute :3 I also really like: "Hark How the Bells" and "All I Want For Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey