That's probably what I'll end up doing. At least as long as my teacher isn't lurking over my shoulder. >:
Hopefully not. This last one was sprung on us so suddenly it was shocking. On the bright side I know all about Kepler and his three laws of planetary motion. And the downside? I do not plan on moving forward in the field of astronomy. xD But yeah, whatever, now I can just watch all the other people who didn't do their presentations yet. Oh joy.
Aw, your lucky you enjoy that kind of stuff. I just had to do a physics presentation in front of my class, yeah, I think I just made a fool of myself. :P Oh well, at least it's all over now. :3
Hiya family ^^ Ugh, I hate public speaking. -.-
Well it's not like I'm affected by this in any way, but yeah, nowhere better to post right now. :P
Well I think the poll is cute. Good idea joining the forum, I'm sure you'll have loads of fun here. Just listen to the advice everyone has already stated and you should be fine and fit in quite nicely. :3
I've seen cases of both males and females alike committing suicide over online bullying. It's an unhappy truth, but monitoring this kind of harassment and creating a law or punishment to enforce against it seems like a difficult task. Of course such a law would be ideal, but chances are not much can be done and it would be easily bypassed. At least that's how I see it.
I think it depends a great deal upon the type of sword being used, but most likely I would fight using Sora's style. In Sora's, with two hands, there seems to be a bit more control over the weapon.
I prefer Sora staying. I had enough withdrawal playing as Roxas in Twilight Town, not sure if I could handle that again.
I'm not sure if there is really any way to explain it. The information about Organization XIII was important, but I suppose they just never found a reasonable way to incorporate how it was obtained.
But the spread was moldy.
Opening Credits: Teardrops On My Guitar~ Taylor Swift Waking Up: Drive Away~ Gratitude First Day At School: Vicinity Of Obscenity~ System Of A Down Falling In Love: The intro song to Grey's Anatomy Fight Song: Runaway~ Linkin Park Breaking Up: Three Evils~ Coheed & Cambria Prom: Once Upon Your Dead Body~ Coheed & Cambria Mental Breakdown: Lips Of An Angel~ Hinder Driving: Trade Yourself In~ Shinedown High school flashback: Be My Lover~ La Bouche Flashback: In The End~ Linkin Park Getting Back Together: Sandstorm~ Darude Birth of Child: I'm So Sick~ Flyleaf Wedding: Sweet Sacrifice~ Evanescence Final Battle: Crossing The Frame~ Coheed & Cambria Death Scene: In Memory~ Shinedown Funeral Song: Some Day~ Shinedown End Credits: Boyfriend~ Ashley Simpson --- Jeez, I had a lot of artist repeats.
I'm in love with a stripper.
I thought the very beginning was slightly on the confusing side, but that's probably because I hadn't seen through CoM yet. About a quarter of the way into playing kh2 I took a quick break for CoM and after that the story line for kh2 cleared up.
@ DA, I couldn't help but notice your picture here has an odd resemblance to your current sig. At least as far as eyes, hand gestures, and feather dusters go. Anyway, marvelous pic. @ Lithium, love the piercing. @ RRMS, to put it simply, you look darling.
I'd definitely have to agree with Dory. She had the best.Lines.Ever.
Title: Little Razorblade Artist: The Pink Spiders Album: Hot Pink I think the song is a few years old but I only just started listening to it last year. I'm completely in love with it though.
Personally I think Kingdom Hearts is fine the way it is. There is a relatively good balance between Disney, Final Fantasy, plus all the new concepts and characters created specifically for KH, which is why I don't see much of a reason for throwing it off. For all the people who wish for the elimination of Disney in KH, perhaps this really just isn't the game for you. The appeal of Disney to the younger generation of kids is much too high to remove it. Also, the way I see it, even if Disney was removed, Kingdom Hearts really doesn't have much of a purpose without it. The story line would probably be rearranged so much that it would be nearly unrecognizable as part of KH. I'm sorry but KH just isn't KH without Disney.
I only have eyes for Behemoth. I wish that Heartless would have returned in KH2.
I suppose with a 45% chance I am more or less screwed.