I thought Roxas was some annoying dude that I was going to have a hard time getting rid of. It wasn't until I realized he was connected to Sora that I started warming up to him.
Hey fami- Eh, I don't think anyone is on. -_-
The poster below me smells... good.
Hiya :3 I'm psyched that it's Friday too. I need some sleeeeep~
I'll keep that in mind the next time I'm being choked by a friend. My fault.
I once gagged on an orange back in the third grade. Let's say we're no longer tight and leave it at that.
No, I wouldn't use it. I feel no need to buy or use a fan based Death Note, therefore any supposed real one would mean nothing to me.
People were getting database errors yesterday? Gross :P They're just another stressor in life we do not need. Aye, aye.
I'm a tea lover as well, and now that you mention it I'm also guilty of that habit. Anyway, welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy yourself even more now that your a member. :3
Not sure, there was six songs on the disc which I remember immediately falling in love with. I've been meaning to look into them further but the thought keeps slipping my mind. EDIT: I just checked into it and the songs "Water's Edge" and "Garden Of Evil" were from the A Better View of the Rising Moon album. Not sure where the others came from though, they're actually not even listed in the iTunes store.
I really don't have many physical CD's. I've got tons of music, I just don't purchase them on discs. My CD list: A Fever You Can't Sweat Out~ Panic! At The Disco (bought it myself two and a half years ago) The Open Door~ Evanescence (received it for Christmas a year ago) 1997 Promo CD~ 1997 (got it for free last year while in a Spencer Gifts shop)
Mainly I listen to alternative, but I tend to like a little bit from most genres. I'm really not all too picky with my music tastes. But yeah, like I said, alternative would be my favorite.
Well I've got both on my iTunes, but I'd listen to Maroon 5 over Linkin Park any day.
I realize you said not to count the current voice actors, but I'm pretty sure that a simple change in the tones of their voices would result in a decent sound of maturity.
Well I suppose a near death experience could be considered just that.
Oh man, that made me laugh pretty hard. xD But yea, procrastinating is just how I roll. It has yet to sneak up and bite me in the butt, therefore I'll probably keep up with it until my dying day. Hmm... perhaps I shall procrastinate in that aspect as well.
Haha, I'm afraid they might flip tomorrow if I don't bring them in. Perhaps I should find the pic now... ...or maybe I'll procrastinate a tad bit longer.
Sounds like a blast. xD Ugh photos, that reminds me, I need to pick up my senior photos and get a baby picture to put in the yearbook. My friends keep bugging me about it but somehow it always just slips my mind. Xp
Haha, nice. Sounds much more exciting than my classes today... but that's probably due to the fact that I was stuck in panic mode nearly the whole time, lol.
Ugh, how awful D: You got it back though, right? EDIT: Night true darkness ^^