I mostly just do random doodles here or there, nothing serious unless I'm in the mood. I also just downloaded Paintbrush (I think it's like Paint on Windows, only this is for Macs) and I've been fiddling around with that a tad too. Kinda hard using the computer mouse though. :P I don't do much in the way of fanart though. I started a Fruits Basket drawing once, but didn't get very far on that, lol. Yes, snow, I <3 it so much. Does it never snow at all where you are, or just rarely? D:
Hi, I'm on as well now. ^^ Score +1 for having a snow day today. It's so pretty outside, I love the snow. Eh, I should do more drawing too. I spend too much time online, watching anime, playing video games, reading manga, reading books, but most of all being online. :x
I love copy & paste perfect Welcome Thread posts responses. They fill my heart with such warmth.
I shot the sheriff.
Well it was more exciting than any entry I've ever made. I wish I had some sort of background music playing to fit alongside the prominent moments of my life. That is, at least until the constant sound becomes too annoying to tolerate.
We are the lone rangers, are we not? >:
Something like this would be mildly helpful. And by mildly I mean extremely.
I actually found kh2 Sephiroth to be the more difficult one. It took me much longer to complete him in the second game than in the first one. This could of course be because I played kh1 on the easiest mode and kh2 on proud mode; but even still, my opinion remains.
Nasty database errors. -_- Now everyone is gone.
Seriously. But it's still rad.
Revive! Ack, sad moment. =/ Nah, I've never seen Naruto.
Kiwi. Grapefruit vs. Tomato.
Oy, I'm on... but now no one else is. ._.
Well this isn't KHInsider, but kh-vids humbly welcomes you. :3
Playing Roxas in place of Sora may be cool, but it wouldn't be able to fit into the story line at all. Sora doesn't really even know about Roxas until late in the game, I don't think it would make much sense to show their connection before then, even if just for a simple fighting substitution.
What a glitch. I would either be psyched about not having to worry about leveling up throughout the game, or bored to tears from the lack of effort needed to complete it.
Body piercings, approve/disapprove?
Same here. The only thing I can think to do is screw with my signature a bit. :P
"You like sandwiches? We should get some." I have personally seen that one used and prevail.
Now this is what I call a campaign advertisement.