Aww thanks. <3
Oh okay cool. Thanks.
You're welcome. Are you available today?
Ikr? XD :D
Okay. I'm not at that level yet xd wish I was though
Hey sorry for asking but what manga is your profile picture from?
I'm not really good at coloring that kind of thing but I can color an avatar or something for you if you would like.
Oh alright. Tomorrow then? Or no
Sure. I can have a wack at it.
What?! How am I supposed to upload files to the internet?!
Got any time today?
Awww. That's no good.
Kinda. Though I usually make sure to keep the original somewhere.
He he xd ...........
Yeah figured that. That's okay though.
Lol thanks. Lol so apparently sopa is striking this site. -_-
Is this even going to pass? This is unconstitutional the last time I checked.
Hmmm okay. Why don't we try on the weekends. XD