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  1. Shikou
  2. Shikou
  3. Shikou
  4. Shikou
  5. Shikou
  6. Shikou
  7. Shikou
    This has bothered me for a year. About a year ago (maybe a little more) I went to the doctor for a psychical and she suggested to my mom to take me to a therapist. I felt confused at the time because I didn't do anything wrong, she doesn't know me personally, I did what she asked me to do like anyone would. Then a few weeks later I got mixed up in a car crash and went to the same doctor (no I wan't driving and I came out without a scratch on me). I've noticed that she wrote down "Bipolar" on the paper and asked if I need some meds which made me more confused. The therapist I went to said I am completely normal and I just need some sleep (I cant sleep when I want to sleep). She suggested sleeping pills but I knew it would make it worse so I didn't accept it then that was the last time I've ever spoken to a therapist.

    There are times where I would get mood swings but that is rare, when people think Im depressed I am in reality in a good mood but I just I don't show it. Schizophrenia and Insomnia maybe but not Bipolar.

    What do you guys think made the doctor think I am Bipolar when she doesn't even know me??
    Still to this day I've never figured it out. Should I go to another therapist to make sure????

    I don't cause any problems like start fights with the people around me. Im not a violent person ether. (Im not saying people with Bipolar are violent).
    Thread by: Shikou, Mar 15, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  8. Shikou
  9. Shikou
  10. Shikou
  11. Shikou
    I don't know the song playing in this video but I sure can't wait for this game!
    Thread by: Shikou, Mar 15, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  12. Shikou
  13. Shikou
  14. Shikou
  15. Shikou
    I think so too, this game might be the Catherine of 2012 xD
    Post by: Shikou, Mar 15, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  16. Shikou
    I must warn you guys, the video has bad language :P
    But so far, I like the voice cast for this game already, I really don't mind that it doesn't have both Japanese and English tracks.

    Posted by Crunchyroll
    Thread by: Shikou, Mar 15, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  17. Shikou
    There are a list of Silent Hill songs with vocals by the lovely Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (sometimes credited as "Melissa Williamson") with her beautiful voice. The composer of the beautiful Silent Hill music is Akira Yamaoka. Some of these songs are written by others (for example, Joe Romersa wrote the lyrics for "I want Love"). On many places like YouTube, iTunes, and many others give all the credit to Akira Yamaoka who is the composer. Shouldn't Mary Elizabeth McGlynn be credited as the artist or do I have it backwards? I would ask my awesome favorite music teacher sense she knows a lot about music but it's been nearly 4 years since I last talked with her. x_x

    So anyway, I hope you guys get what Im saying.
    Who should be given credit for these songs? Elizabeth McGlynn? or Akira Yamaoka?

    Silent Hill 3
    Lost Carol
    Walk on Vanity Ruins
    I Want Love
    I Want Love (Studio Mix)
    Letter - From the Lost Days
    You're Not Here

    Silent Hill 4: The Room
    Waiting For You
    Room of Angel
    Tender Sugar
    Your Rain, Your Rain (Rage Mix) and (Reprise)

    Silent Hill: Origins
    Blow Back
    Shot Down In Flames
    Hole In The Sky

    Silent Hill: Homecoming
    One More Soul to the Call
    Elle Theme
    Alex Theme
    This Sacred Line

    Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
    Always on My Mind
    When You're Gone
    Hell Frozen Rain
    Thread by: Shikou, Mar 15, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Music
  18. Shikou
    I rarely drink Orange Juice but I am most like to drink it in the morning at school with my Breakfast sandwich (sausage biscuit) when ever they have them. But which ones are effected? Until I know for sure good bye Sunny D, I'll miss eating you like ice cream in the summer :(
    Post by: Shikou, Mar 15, 2012 in forum: Current Events
  19. Shikou
    Ah, I guess Square Enix is trolling us :/
    Post by: Shikou, Mar 15, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Shikou
    Is that really the changes to the box art? o_o
    OMG! I want a better scan of Xion smiling! ;_;
    Post by: Shikou, Mar 15, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates