Nice wallpapers :D I hope others will post theirs too.
This is what I have as of now. For those who are wondering, it is from Fatal Frame, one of the best video game series ever! ^-^
Surprisingly, with five 2 hour classes and 4 school days a week my school makes time go by faster. My wait for Thursday would be like if an hour had past and have all of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to play the game starting Thursday night xD
Sounds good. Maybe have him be a decedent of someone who lived in Silent Hill or something.
Toy Story and Bugs Life :P
I made a game before. Well, tried to make one.
For that to happen you need to show it off xD
With the status it has now....... that's unlikely -__-
Maybe someday we will see a new Silent Hill game that uses the origin material and study what made it so great.
It did get pushed back but the final product might be rushed like HD Collection :/
They haven't said much about it ether :/
Or slapped "Silent Hill" to an portable MMO (is that even possible?)
I don't really understand "Book of Memories". I don't think I would even play it x_x
Im not sure if someone was playing stupid or is too lazy to look it up. During a LP of HD collection someone asked "Does this game have co-op?" He...
I guess that makes sense.
I watched the movie before I played the game fully (as in played half way). I've recently watched it and understood almost EVERYTHING but after...
I forgot about that game! The last thing Silent Hill related he had done would be for the second movie that is 100% DONE but not released.
I wonder if they ditched Akira or he didn't wanted to be any part of it anymore after so many years.
I seriously had no idea they changed development teams frequently after 4. What I used to think was another team took over after 4 and continued...
I just finished 10 parts, a lot of what they are interesting.