The live action will be out next month (April 21). Here are things to expect 1.The Yuno you know in the manga and anime is a re-imagining version in the Drama. 2.Yuki isn't in the Drama but he is a new Diary user named Hoshino Arata. 3. Yuno's name is changed to Yuno Furusaki. 4.Masaki Okada will be Hoshino Arata and Ayame Gouriki will be Yuno. Are these changes bad? Of course not. It would be boring if it was made exactly like the manga with no originality. For those of you worried about Yuno's character. Here is the plot of the Drama Here are some teasers ^-^ [video=youtube;7Fv89Je4doM][/video] [video=youtube;5GO3pjLp-ZE][/video] I personally am very excited about this! :D
Dolls are my weakness when it comes to horror ;_;
If you like Fatal Frame post which ghost scared you the most in the games. I hated the twins in Crimson Butterfly. There is one more from there though >_> I wonder what the outside looks like *takes out camera and looks out a window* Peeping boy: HELLO!!! *fights off a near heart attack and takes a picture* -Mean while at Himuro Mansion- *opens door* Koji: Hello! *runs away screaming like a little ***** True story xD
How awesome! Another Fatal Framer here in KH-Vids! ^_^ I enjoyed Crimson Butterfly and wish it would be on PSN too x_x
And after a long time of hard work. I've sent it! Im very anxious, I've put a lot of thought this time then I did last time. I hope I get accepted :o
Time for my second attempt, I hope I get accepted this time :) *starts to work on app*
I am so going to set the Xion picture as my background on my PSP <3
Hmm.... it seems PS2 Classics has been live on PSN for a while like seen in this video and this video too. Anyway besides Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy PS2 games, what other PS2 games would you guys like to see on the PSN store. I personally would love to see all 3 Fatal Frame games. I love them so much <3
And yet, they still haven't released Black Rock Shooter: The Game yet :(
I miss those days, they were fun times :( Im not a fan of the whole "used game restriction". It makes no sense at all. I don't really think there is a way for the system to tell if a game is used or new. I rather use a PS3 if they go on with this.
Taken from here by IGN. There is a video there too if you want to watch it.
Aww, I thought this was Dokuro-Chan getting a comeback with a Vita game. Never mind :( We will forever miss you Dokuro-Chan ;_;
Aww, I was looking forward to hear Passion on the opening but this is good too, It wasn't disappointing. Passion might as well be the ending song :)
I don't know why but the way he talks makes me laugh more then those screenshots of him blushing Lmao! [video=youtube;QJtjQ7iD97o]![/video]
There will always be an idioit who will bring it here. If not taken with care and set free... that thing will scare me to death. We are just lucky that thing dosen't have razor sharp jaws! ....I hope it doesn't or it will cut through my window shades keeping the bugs out of the house >_<
No, not yet, and to be honest I don't even want to know >_>
Im at school right now and can't look at the video because these computers are so lame! But after reading about how the bug looks like I don't even want to see the video if it's compared to something! O_O Found here