Heeeey everyone, I have time to kill and words to write, so let's join this thing Name: Original name is long gone and has been replaced too many times to count, most commonly used alias is Sleight, currently goes by Maxwell (male form) or LeNoir (female form) Age: Unknown (secretly around 21, but don't tell anyone) Appearance: using their magic Sleight can change their face, build, and even gender. It takes a long time to prepare though so currently Sleight has two forms they switch between. They wear a magician's hat and fine clothes, weilding a cane. Small bio: Nobody knows Sleight's past life as they change identity as often as they change clothes. Except me, because I made this character. As soon as sleight discovered their illusion magic they became a trickster and conman, abusing this power to the fullest for their own greedy desires. They worked as a magician for a while, but this was far too easy due to their magic so they turned to a life of crime. Sleight always sought more and more challenges and robbed banks and wealthy places. Sleight challenged himself to trick even those with the strongest minds, and gained great profit. Sleight is a mischievous trickster with only their own goals in mind, they have a sliver tongue and can influence almost anyone, being incredibly persuasive. They prefer to deal with problems using words as opposed to fighting, but will not refrain from more violent measures if necessary. Weapon: Surprisingly harmful magic cane Power: Sleight has an incredible amount of illusion magic, they can change appearance and create incorporeal mirror forms (tell me if this is okay). Sleight can melt into the shadows and become not entirely invisible but difficult to see.
Hikari told him he should try again with the diary, perhaps he could. before he could reply three women approached, through blurry vision he recognised Thea and Skadi, but the other he did not know. Slowly and clumsily he stood up and staggered slightly. He then bowed and lost his balance slightly but managed to not fall over "Heeeey gals, nice to see you all" he smiled widely "Thea, nice to see you conscious at last, Skadi, great mission we were on right? Wrong, it was pretty terrible" he stood there for a moment more staring at nothing before a thought struck him "Oh yeah, say hello to Hikari, I found her under a tree. Hikari say hello to these guys, oh, right sorry" He winced as he realised how insensitive that statement was. "And I'm Damian, so the only person whose name we don't know here, is you" He pointed at the unfamiliar woman "Who are you and why are you spinning around... no wait that's just the alcohol"
"That's so sad" Damian looked at the young girl sadly "I know how it feels to be bullied an ridiculed for something you can't help, and I know how it feels to be unable to express oneself, well I suppose my obstacle was more anxiety and oppression than an actual physical thing stopping me talking" he read the paper that said it was a diary, he supposed that when one couldn't speak their only form of expression was on paper "I used to keep a diary, then I threw it away because I thought there was nothing worth writing in it" Damian shuffled a little closer "Don't worry, you're not alone in this world, there are plenty in the guild who've had to deal with tragedy, and we will help you" he hoped he was being comforting, there was always the chance he was just being awkward and drunk and she'd think he was creepy.
Something was nagging at Damian's mind, he knew it was probably rude to ask but... "If you don't mind me asking, why aren't you talking? I mean it's not like you don't have a tongue" he slurred "or maybe you don't, I can't really see. Either way what's the reason?" Damian sat back against the tree watching the sun set slowly on the town, it was comfortable, no wonder she chose to sit here. You could just about hear rowdiness from the tavern but it was drowned out by the rustle of leaves and the sweet sound of birdsong. "Also what was that you were writing when I arrived?"
Damian's legs gave way beneath him and he sat by the tree, she handed him a piece of paper. Apparently the girl couldn't speak... couldn't or wouldn't he wondered? Nevertheless the paper explained, after Damian had strained to read it, that the girl was Hikari from the guild "oh, nice to meet you Hik... Hiraki, no... Hikari" he slurred "My name is Damian, I'm from the guild too. By the way I'm not normally drunk but Edric convinced me. I don't think it was a very good idea, this isn't fun at all" groggily he looked back at her "Have you been in the guild long? I've only joined recently"
Damian stumbled out of the bar into the clear night, he felt dizzy. This had not been a good idea. He'd thought alcohol would help, and perhaps it did temporarily, but now the memories came flooding back. Stumbling along the road he came across a large oak tree and leaned against it until the world stopped spinning. Suddenly he saw a young girl sitting under the tree "Oh, I'm sorry" the girl was writing, and seemed to be crying a single tear "Do... do you mind if I sit here?" he sat down under the tree as well. "I saw you in the bar I think, no place for a young girl like you, are you here with the guild?" he asked. He didn't know why he was talking to this girl, he guessed he just wanted someone, anyone, to talk to while he could.
Malkira was pleasantly shocked when Cal held him, and her words were hopeful. "Strength will only get you so far" Malkira muttered "I've seen enough of the world to know it doesn't always go your way, I'm lucky enough to get a second chance in this body" he pulled himself away from her, trying to be gentle "Let's go, we don't have much time" Yet despite this cold exterior there was a glimmer of hope in his heart, Cal's words had made him think... perhaps... perhaps it was possible. Not alone but with his... friends. Yes, they were his friends now.
"Oh good, I'm not going along alone" Malkira stated when Calxiyn followed him, this brought back memories "of course, I could fend off any minotaurs or whatever myself, but it's always nice to have backup" heh, that's exactly what he would have said to Serora, back then, it seemed so long ago. as they walked along they came across another choice "hmm, we're running out of time Se... Cal sorry. but I suppose there's no harm in checking out the dead end. Well there could be, but not for me. come on" he gestured for Cal to follow him and completely by accident hit her with one massive stone fist "Oh, uh, I'm sorry" he looked down at his rock arms. For a moment there he had thought he was human again. It was just like old times, going into any dangerous situation, Serora would follow him anywhere. Did he really miss that time so much? "Sorry... for a moment I..." he stayed silent for a moment longer "Cal... I know what the Oracle said but... do you think i could ever become human again?"
"Forget it" Damian sat back, a downcast expression on his face "What's the point after all, whatever happens tonight won't change tomorrow. Sorry for wasting your time" he clumsily sat up from the bar and passed by Edric, interrupting their conversation "This wasn't the best idea Edric, I don't feel any better, I can just say freely what I do feel. My efforts to find solace have been pointless" he said quite loudly "this entire ex...excu... excursion has been pointless, I don't know what you'd hoped would happen but it's clearly not happening. I'm gonna go now" he slowly stumbled towards the door.
"Orange route" said Malkira "Because why the hell not. I really hope we don't run into a minotaur, or some other Greek abomination. Like the food they have there, ugh, I really hope we don't run into that, there's only so much lamb one man can take" Damian sighed "Too bad" and drunk the beer he'd offered Mizhak. When the woman suggested Edric was his father he burst out laughing "Ha! Well actually" he said still chuckling "Edric may be a drunkard but he's probably still a better dad than my real father" he took another swig of beer, the memories were flooding back, of his home, of his father, the imperious man who always seemed to look down upon Damian, especially on the day he was cast out "That man was a bastard, completely intolerant" he took more swigs, "He dictated my whole life and was always ready to criticise everything I did, he always wanted me to grow up to be just like him. But I'm not like him" he scowled and sat for a moment longer in his thoughts. Then suddenly he chuckled "Here I am, complaining about my rich and luxurious upbringing, while you two" he gestured to the people at the bar "have to work here to make a living" he leaned over to Mizhak "Is there no way I can sway you?"
Damian took the boy's hand firmly "I'm Damian" he replied, this was not going as expected, he expected to be flat-out rejected but this was clearly just awkward for the boy "I know what'll give you a confidence boost" Damian slid over the mug of beer "this wonderful liquid. The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems" Damian smiled suductively and raised his own mug "drink, and there will be no possibilities and endless limitations, I think that's what Edric said... come to think of it it was probably the other way round, yeah, possible limitations and no endless. Just drink" he hoped this would work, the boy was cute.
Damian listened raptly to Edric's speech, it was all very confusing but that scottish accent wove thoughts of the endless possibilities of alcohol in his mind, limitations are gone? what was inconcievable now possible? Damian was surprised when Edric gave him a mug of the strongest stuff they had, but decided he had to start somewhere. "Cheers" he replied, and took a massive swig. It acted quickly. Several swings later Damian felt a warm feeling, he wasn't so self-conscious, he wasn't so paranoid. He actually felt like he could go out there and talk to people and wasn't overthinking the consequences, one tiny part of him told him this was a bad idea but he didn't listen. His inhibitions were gone at last. Time to have some fun. Damian shuffled a little closer to the young male bartender "Hey there" he said flirtatiously "So when does your shift end?" he bit his lip subtly "If you're into that of course"
"Let's just get this over with, we're pushing our luck, I'm going "to the down" as you say" Malkira shook his head at Calxiyn's complete lack of grammar and legible speaking "The "End end" looks dangerous, we'll probably find a minotaur in it" Damian was moping at the bar when suddenly Edric came up to him and offered to teach him how to "drink like a master". "It's not like I've never drunk alcohol before... just not often" he said shyly. He didn't think drinking was really something that could be mastered, it couldn't require much skill. Claiming to be a master drunk was surely like claiming to be a master Riven player. Nevertheless Damian turned to Edric and smiled "I guess I could do with some tutelage"
"Green" Malkira stated "always hug the left wall, also I'm green (now) so this is apt. Geez how long is this maze, I swear this has taken up most of the mission, hopefully this is last obstacle, i don't want to have to face another Greek mythical creature that makes me question my life again, seriously what is with these guys, Oracles, Sirens, Midas, Icthyocentaurs, it's as if whoever runs this universe has been reading up on Greek Mythos recently" Damian entered the tavern and surveyed his fellow drinkers. Edric was here obviously. There was also the stranged guy who turned into a girl, but hey, Damian wasn't exactly in a position to judge. There were a few others including some girl who was writing notes and didn't seem to speak. Also a strange man in a hat who was giving them free drinks, great, Damian needed a drink. He approached the bar and showed them the guild insignia which he happened to have for some reason. "Uh, I'd like a... uh... pint of beer I guess?" he asked awkwardly. There were a few cute guys in the bar but he was nowhere near confident enough to hit on any of them, he needed to get drunk, at least then if it went wrong he could pass it off as a drunken mistake, but hey there was always the chance someone would say yes. Damian took off his hood and looked at his reflection in a glass. Sure, he was attractive but wow he looked emo, he tried to put on a bit of a happier expression but it wasn't coming easily, memories were circling his head. He really needed to get drunk, only then could he flood out these doubts.
Damian is spending his 1 point on George Ezra, +3 Budapest. oh sorry I mean 1 point on Ezra, +3 magic
"Do you even need to ask. I've told you, always left!" Malkira pointed along the corridor "I'm not going to go back on that now!" Malkira hoped nobody would notice he was talking in green text now. Or that his character had undergone a massive redesign. He also hoped nobody would realise it was just because the Roleplayer couldn't find a good magical golem picture in red. Well, Damian's first mission hadn't exactly gone as planned. When they returned at first he didn't talk to anyone, he simply sat and stared, thinking. Why did two of their guildmates have to die? Why did innocents die everywhere he went? He thought he was a healer but he'd contributed nothing to that mission. At least Preminger got what she deserved. He hoped next time he'd be able to make a difference. Just as Damian was settling into his thoughts they were rudely interrupted by a yelling Scotsman. "Sure, I guess, I've got nothing better to do and alcohol is excellent for forgetting things" Damian strolled over to Edric and Zephyrine "I'll be perfectly honest, i don't drink much and can't hold my liquor, so this should be fun"
Damian thanked the king then noticed Leo talking to Silvia, she seemed to be distressed, he didn't blame her, so was he. Both of them healers, both of them traumatised by the possible deaths of two of their guildmates that they could have saved. Yet while Silvia became depressed about it Damian could only feel angry. Damian went over to where Silvia and Leo were and heard Silvia's speech "Silvia... I feel the same a lot of the time, all I've ever wanted to do was help people" Damian came a little closer "And in return I've been treated like dirt my entire life. The fact is we're rare, especially altruistic wonders like you, there are always people who will abuse and exploit others for whatever reason. Greed, Belief, even fun, these people care little for the lives of others, and there's little we can do about it alone" At this point Damian gazed at Silvia with fire in his eyes "That's why I joined the sapphire eclipse, because together we can help people and fight those who would do them harm. There are many people... and well not people... who are here for many different reasons, you have more reason to be here than most, I can see a fire in your heart, I can see a desire to change the world. But if you want to change the world, you have to start with yourself"
Well that was one kafuffle. although he tried to hide it Damian smiled when Preminger plumitted to her death, couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. Damian turned to the king, who still didn't have a name "Really it is our pleasure, your highness, there's nothing we like more than helping those in need. I should tell you though" Damian dropped his voice slightly "There are a couple of unconscious dark mages near the mines, they were the ones that helped Preminger and kidnapped your son, and I believe they killed our guildmates. They're in disguise as them right now. If you find them, may I advise that the very least you do is lock them up"
It was good to see everyone again, he was glad they were all okay, but two people were notably missing. Damian's eyes narrowed at what Johanna said and his smile faded. "Two people in disguise as Sara and Amanda, the same people that kidnapped me and pretended to be me, attacked us earlier" He approached Johanna "what did Preminger say about Sara and Amanda?" He asked, dread in his voice. He hoped the answer was not as he expected. Nobody was following him. Great. Despite how much of a good idea following the left wall was, he had a feeling it would be a better idea to be in a group. "No Balthazar, I'm not going up or down, I don't want to walk alone into a trap, I'm rejoining the others" he went back to where they were "I wouldn't reccomend going in there, our good luck can't hold up. Let's go straight on"
Malkira woke up and brushed dust and cobwebs off his statue form, he didn't know why but it felt like he'd been inactive for days. "Have none of you ever been down a maze before? Seriously, you always hug the left wall, what else would you even consider doing, you'll all get lost trust me. When I navigated the labyrinth of Kaladala I ignored that advice and was stuck in there for days" Malkira lectured the group "You should always listen to me, because most of what I know comes from Serora, and trust me, I know all too well to listen to her advice..." With that Malkira turned to go back the way he came, but waited for others to join him. Damian used Cure on idk whoever's lowest