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  1. Relatively Sane
    Damian stood there awkwardly as the conversation proceeded around him, he wasn't being kicked out at least, that was a start. "Right, well, let's have a look at you" this was business now, he could get his professional face on. Damian looked over Conrad, broken ribs, bruises, dislocated arm, nothing too serious that a bit of magic and medicine couldn't fix. Damian grabbed Conrad's arm "This may hurt a bit" he stated and with a swift movement popped Conrad's arm back in place. He then continued using a mix of magic and medicine to gradually heal Conrad.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Oct 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Relatively Sane
    A while after exiting the room Damian heard a cacophonous noise coming from it. What was that? Sounded as though someone was making a mess. As he got closer he could hear shouting and eventually it was quiet again. Shyly looking into the room he saw Tessa and Vance who was supporting an injured Conrad. The room was in total disarray. He had no idea what happened but he heard Vance say about finding Conrad a healer. Damian grimaced, he was hesitant to face them again after what happened but Conrad was injured, and Damian was probably the most experienced doctor the guild really had. He had no choice
    "Uh, hi again" he entered the room awkwardly "Uh, I'm a healer... a proper one too... I've got some equipment around here somewhere..." he shuffled around awkwardly looking for the equipment he had somewhere in the room. It looked like a bomb had gone off, one of his medical books was ripped open with the pages scattered around the room, a syringe was embedded in a wall "If you want me to treat him then lay him on a bed please... uh... I have over ten years experience of this kinda thing... sorry for sleeping in your bed" he said sheepishly, he was constantly flinching, expecting at any moment to be called a cur and a drunkard. He would rather be anywhere else but it was in his nature to help people, he had to.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Oct 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Relatively Sane
    As Damian listened to Vance's words his heart rapidly sank, a part of him knew they were right. He didn't listen to anything else, he didn't hear Conrad or Tessa, all he heard was a voice, his own voice, echoing around his head, repeating the insults cast upon him by Vance "I...I...I'm gonna go" shyly he shuffled away, then full on ran out of the room and further along the corridor, tears were welling in his eyes. There was nowhere he could be comfortable and safe, not his room, not the guildhall, certainly not the tavern... how about the roof?
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Oct 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Relatively Sane
    "GAAH!" Damian had been sleeping peacefully trying to rid himself of the worst hangover of his life when suddenly someone sat on him. Oh, it was Vance, they shared a room... Why was Vance sitting on Damian's bed? Glancing around the room he quickly noticed that while drunk he had managed to plonk himself down in the wrong bed. Well. This was awkward. And to make it worse Thea and Tessa were outside and could probably see him, he'd already embarrassed himself in front of them when he was drunk, they probably thought he was an alcoholic idiot. This night was not going well. Calm down, all you have to do is explain this and laugh it off, it'll be fine "Uuuuuhhh" Damian's throat went dry and he stared at Vance blankly. Idiot. "Oh, uh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sleep with you, rather, in your bed I mean, uh..." Damian's face went almost as red as his robes. IDIOT. "I'm so sorry... I was drunk, heh, how crazy right? uuuuh" IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID? THIS ISN'T WHAT YOU MEANT TO SAY AT ALL! YOU'RE HOPELESS!
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Oct 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Relatively Sane
    since nobody else has applied I guess Damian will be the knight
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Oct 4, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Relatively Sane
    Malkira the Cursed would like to be the Troll, he's already in costume
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Sep 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Relatively Sane
    Name: Dale Rayne



    White hair, tall, lean build, kind face, kinda like this

    Dale is very friendly and trusting, as well as being quick to forgive. He is not naive though and understands a lot about human nature. He is also very creative and artistic.

    Dale dreams of a world of peace and love without conflict and will do anything to achieve this.

    Often daydreams, not good at planning, can be too trusting

    The darkness, bullies

    Proficient at martial arts, understands people, good at art, very friendly and trustworthy nature

    Blood Type:

    Star Sign:

    Art, practising martial arts, walks in the countryside, visiting places with friends, helping people

    Therapist, volunteers for several charity organisations.


    Wayne and Dale may be brothers but they are entirely different people, they always were. When they were young they would compete in everything, mostly because of Wayne's competitive attitude. Wayne would win in anything that involved brains and skill, but Dale was far superior athletically. At school while Wayne was focusing on maths and science, Dale was more artistic. Wayne thought Dale's social skills were useless, so Dale challenged Wayne to see who could get a girlfriend first. Both failed. Wayne because of his unlikable attitude, Dale because instead of a girlfriend, he found a boyfriend. Dale was teased and bullied for this, but forgave those who did it to him, because he was just that kind of person. However one afternoon he was viciously attacked after walking down a dark shortcut home. Fortunately he managed to escape his attackers but this convinced him to invest in some form of self-defense, encouraging him to take up martial arts. This also made him realise that there was such a thing as being too trusting and forgiving. Eventually Dale became a therapist because he understood people and wanted to help them, also doing volunteer work for this reason.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Sep 29, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Relatively Sane
    Majestically Malkira strode through the doors of the Sapphire Eclipse "Greetings mortals!" He said happily, this mission had gone well, and he felt like a valid member of the team, he'd saved Cal's life, and he felt he finally had a friend. Also the search for humanity was progressing at last. "That went surprisingly well, also, if anyone wants we've brought back a magical oracle who can answer any of your questions. You're welcome" He bowed and almost skipped (I'm not sure a statue can skip) into the hall.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Sep 26, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Relatively Sane
    hey why not let's do this
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Sep 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Relatively Sane
    Well things were certainly happening, LeNoir chuckled at the scene that unfolded, especially when Sherridan said "I don't think you're my type" "Oh ranger, the irony of that statement will be lost on you, you truly know so little" She laughed "Also you should never underestimate someone based on how they appear, even if they are a child" she turned to Ray "It seems there was a confusing mix-up going on involving Sherridan being your friend Emily's father and me being his wife. Which personally I wouldn't mind but I'm not sure the feeling's mutual" she winked at Sherridan "Hold up, where has the white walker gone?"

    "That girl cannot compete with me at snowman building" Hycastle stated as he returned to the group "Ah, more mortals, either way we were here for a reason were we not? Should we not continue? Casimir has certainly gone in with some vigour, but perhaps he is too rash. The logical solution would be not to endanger our lives and perhaps to watch how this scene unfolds, do you agree?" He directed this at Sherridan and LeNoir. The others (Tessa and Ray) he stared at intensely "I am the Winterbringer, a being forged of the deepest and darkest cold, herald of the ice age. I care little about who you are, but tell me, what can you do?"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Sep 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Relatively Sane
    As X slowly became gold Malkira watched with an intense and judging gaze. He felt no sympathy as the man's agonised face was paralyzed, a man who used people as pawns and cared little for life did not deserve mercy. This was the price of greed, a price Malkira knew more than most. Suddenly he realised Cal was hugging him. If he had skin he would blush. "Anytime Cal, I never leave a friend for dead" He said sincerely. Balthazar stated his intentions. Certainly the hand was useful, but its use was cursed. Gold was cold, numb, dead. Malkira looked at his own hands. cold numb stone. This was the cost of his own greed. At least he was given a second chance. "Yes Balthazar, the hand is in safe hands with us, all of us at the guild are honest, moral and reliable..."

    Meanwhile in a random back alley

    "Uuuugh, my head" Damian sat up. He was in a gutter, his clothes were covered in dirt. What had happened? Had he just randomly passed out? Ah the effects of alcohol on someone who'd never been drunk before in his life. There was a deep thumping in his head, well this made it certain, he would never get drunk again. Or be around Edric. He stumbled to his feet, putting one foot in front of the other was a task. Slowly he limped back to the guild, he wanted to get as far away from that tavern as possible. Lurching through the door he gazed upon the gathered people, the buzz of chatter was far too loud, the lights too bright. Quickly he stumbled through towards his dorm trying not to encounter anyone else on the way.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Sep 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Relatively Sane
    It was tense. So tense. Nobody was moving, what to do? They couldn't keep the hand or Calxiyn would be killed, they couldn't give it away or they'd be giving power to a man who didn't deserve it. Malkira realised he was the only one who could act.
    "Give me that" He snatched the hand of Midas out of Balthazar's grasp (making sure to hold the bit that meant he didn't get turned to gold) "Fine X, you win fair and square" he passed X the hand carefully, and yanked Calxiyn out of his grasp. He paused for a split second, then with the full force of his stone feet swept X's legs out from beneath him "Unfortunately for you I don't play fair and square" this had three outcomes. 1) It didn't work. 2) X fell and dropped the hand, in which case Malkira would pick it up again. 3) X dropped the hand on himself, which would have some kind of poetic irony, they could leave a solid gold statue of a very surprised looking X here.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Sep 18, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Relatively Sane
    Children, smaller humans, micro meatbags, immature and... childish. Why was he forced to converse with them? Humans were bad enough. Hycastle would prefer to endure a thousand summers than have this child talk to him any longer "Silence girl" he stated with a voice that was the echoes of wind from the snowcapped mountains. He held out one hand and caught several flakes of snow that were gradually falling, they didn't melt in his palm. A flurry of snow was slowly descending around The Winterbringer. "Do I want to build a snowman? No. I wish to build a snow army" Perhaps he could entertain the girl, maybe she wouldn't distract him so much then. The snow was falling faster now and Hycastle floated into the air high above. With a flick of his staff some snowflakes whirled around a spot, as they settled they revealed an intricately built soldier of snow, complete with armour and a sword, but utterly faceless. Hycastle swung his staff around dramatically and more were created. The snow was falling faster and faster and heavier and heavier, you could barely see the form of The Winterbringer in the middle of the snowstorm, gesturing like a conductor as he built a masterpiece below him. Until suddenly it stopped and the snow became light again. As the flakes settled they revealed that beneath Hycastle was gathered a whole squadron of snow soldiers. He glared down at the child "I do not play, I win"

    Well this "Tessa" was certainly very friendly... and trusting... and gullible... oh come on LeNoir needed a challenge, twisting this girl's mind was going to be far too easy. The girl asked her a question. "Hmm? The hero? Well I don't really know them, but I would say anyone who feels the need to call themselves a hero, is no true hero"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Sep 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Relatively Sane
    Name: Wayne Rayne

    Gender: Male

    Age: 25

    Appearance: Tall and thin, wears glasses, white hair (probably dyed), often likes to wear extravagant outfits and loves hats and big collars. How about this

    Personality: Imperious, arrogant, self-centred, talkative, naive, opinionated, always thinks himself right, sarcastic, blunt, disrespectful, always looking for a challenge.

    Goals/Dreams: To discover his home planet, to become king of the world, to create a weapon to destroy the human race... I'm only half joking. Wayne wants people to recognise his superiority but even more than that, he wants to meet somebody like him among the dull population of Earth.

    Weaknesses: Not particularly physically fit, people don't tend to like him, gets distracted easily, has no respect for anyone else he's met, often takes on more than he can handle, likes to antagonise people.

    Fears: That he is the only human who thinks like him, being insignificant, the sea.

    Strengths: Incredibly smart, quick at analysing a situation, good with maths, has an incredible memory and can replicate some things after seeing them once, quick reactions, good at technical drawing and quite creative.

    Blood Type: AB-

    Star Sign: Sagittarius (Although Wayne doesn't think this has any significance and despises those who believe horoscopes)

    Hobbies: Games of all kinds, gambling, drawing, maths, disproving psychics and religious people, generally telling people they're wrong.

    Career: Architect

    From a young age (cliched I know) Wayne enjoyed learning far more than his peers and strove to be the best in the class, as he grew up he realised he didn't really need to try, it was no longer a challenge, the other teenagers were lazy and cared little about knowledge the way he did. He sought the truth in everything he did and could find no greater truth than the pure simplicity of mathematics and science. He began to hate those who believed things he considered stupid and false. This got him beat up a bit, as it would, but this just encouraged him, because it made him realise he could provoke and antagonise people. Eventually his hate became just pity as he realised the views of those below him mattered little, as he was clearly far superior, and alone. He became an architect because it was a chance to use both his creativity and his skill at maths, also it let him make an enormous impression on the world, but it still was not enough. Wayne challenges the world, he wears what suits him, builds what suits him, says what suits him, desperately trying to provoke some kind of response from the lazy and stupid human race. Wayne needs a challenge, he seeks opportunity everywhere and needs something to show the world he is one of the greatest humans to live, fortune and fame are his aspirations, perhaps then he could find someone like him.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Sep 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Relatively Sane
    After Beucette pulled bread out of her pocket (why and how did she have bread in there?) she said the dreaded words "What could possibly go wrong?" Malkira rounded on her "NEVER say those words, do you realise what you've done? You've doomed us all now! Some monster from Greek Myth is probably going to come hurtling towards us out of nowhere now you've said that" he said with a mix of anger and frustration "EVERYTHING can go wrong somehow, trust me"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Sep 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Relatively Sane
    So they went into this massive room with the golden hand and somehow flew up and found the hand and a load of stuff happened. Balthazar seemed incredibly happy to find the hand, which Malkira didn't really understand. I mean, gold is always good, but there was more to life than money.
    "Great we've got what we came for, now I guess I have to bring up the elephant in the room, how the hell are we getting out? The way we came in is flooded"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Sep 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Relatively Sane
    The Winterbringer had been watching. Carefully, logically, rationally. He was planning the next few moves, the game was changing slowly but he would always adapt, the winter came no matter the landscape. He couldn't quite understand the actions of the meatbags before him, the ranger had run on ahead and met a girl, he considered intervening but there was no point. Suddenly he noticed a voice by him. What was this? A young girl? This was not planned, he's been hoping to keep his presence unknown. He turned to the girl and loomed above.
    "Frosty? I'm sorry young human" he floated several inches off the ground "You have me confused with someone else. I AM THE WINTERBRINGER" his voice echoed with the howling volume of blizzards, there was no emotion in the voice but some subtle menace. "Why do you disturb me?" he questioned, the air was noticeably colder.

    LeNoir was doing absolutely F all for a while until she realised Sherridan, Hycastle and that idiot Casimir had run on ahead. Jogging along she came across Sherridan with some random girl, they were talking about the hero. "Sorry Sherridan darling I somehow got left behind, ah hello who is this?" LeNoir curtseyed to the girl and took off her hat. From out of the hat popped up a white rabbit, which twitched nervously and hopped away. LeNoir straightened up and replaced her hat "LeNoir, magician extraordinaire at your service, and you are?"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Sep 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Relatively Sane
    Oh dear, the maze appeared to be flooding. Cal desperately started running and tried to drag him along "Don't worry too much about me, I don't have to breath after all" Malkira had once walked across the bottom of a riverbed, he would be fine surely. He jogged along easily following Cal, the water barely hindering his travel. Soon enough they arrived at a door "Didn't I say? Always go left, my tactic worked perfectly" he walked along casually as the water rose, no need to rush, and eventually strode through the door, making it look easy. "And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you complete a maze, and we would have done it so much quicker if you all followed me at the start"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Sep 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Relatively Sane
    The wind was howling through the rocky spires, the snow falling in huge flakes to stack upon the fields of white below. The weather was harsh here, and the creatures harsher. one slip and the ranger would have fallen down the glacial ravine probably to his death. But as the Winterbringer watched this trespasser in his realm he became... curious. The man had survived this long, for what purpose he did not know. The ranger had not noticed the Winterbringer's perch upon the summit, gazing with hawklike eyes at the human who clearly did not belong. It would have been a simple matter to kill the man, but what use was he dead?

    The ranger and the ice mage were an interesting sight to LeNoir as they travelled through the worlds. LeNoir had noticed them and become instantly curious, the rabble she usually dealt with were boring and gullible, she needed a challenge, she needed to add some spice to life. So LeNoir had followed them, remaining unseen until she wanted to be noticed. Where interesting people go, interesting events follow. And interestijng events usually lead to profit. LeNoir had not revealed her ability to change appearances, had to keep some things up her sleeves. LeNoir was not too fond of the "Winterbringer" as he called himself, he didn't seem human, too logical, too blunt. Worst of all he seemed to be immune to being tricked, most people could be distracted, most people let down their guard when they saw an opportunity. But Hycastle... he was stubborn and implacable, he had one strategy in his mind and he stuck to it.

    Eventually they had arrived at a barren landscape, LeNoir felt uncomfortable here. She was at home in the city streets or the stage, where sleight and illusion were simple to perform, where her tricks worked. Her, she was out in the open, nowhere to hide, nowhere to run.
    "Ah, yes, the hero hunters" To be truthful LeNoir was barely paying attention to the ranger's quest, she was just along for the ride "Let's go, I don't know how I'll contribute if any kind of combat occurs, but I'm sure you'll protect me brave ranger" she held onto her hat to stop the wind blasting it off and moved with Sherridan. The ranger she liked much more than the ice mage, and she looked forward to having fun messing with him. He was not gullible, sure, but she loved a challenge.

    Hycastle never liked the magician. She was a trickster who relied on guile, charisma and illusion to get what she wanted off other people. She was a parasite, but Hycastle would not be fooled by her childish games. Eventually they arrived at... well... paradise. The dusty dunes, the rocky spires, it was just like home but a little warmer. This place didn't even need winter to come it was already lifeless and barren. Sherridan claimed to have noticed the signs of battle "Yes, the ones we are after have been here" he floated a couple of feet above the ground and stared at nothing in particular, he could hear the sounds of combat too "Lead the way Sherridan. No it will not be a warm welcome, especially not when I arrive"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Sep 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Relatively Sane
    Sorry, but I need two characters

    Name: Hycastle, AKA, The Winterbringer
    Age: Ageless
    Appearance: The Winterbringer wears exquisite robes and armour and is constantly surrounded by subtle clouds of mist and frost. he has a mask which hides his face, or perhaps it is his face, we'll never know.
    Small Bio: on a cold world, a land of nothing but winter and ice, a man with the name Hycastle was abandoned, as the days went by and he struggled to survive his past was lost, only the winter and survival remained. This cold world was home to strange magic and mysterious forces began to change Hycastle. The man fought against them, struggled to resist but eventually let them overcome him. Hycastle became a creature of the winter, a harbinger of frost, with access to powerful ice magic. He was no longer human, there was now only one purpose in his mind. As he surveyed the worlds and saw lands of warmth and life he knew... he knew that he alone could bring forth the cold. Winter always comes.
    The Winterbringer cares little for life, he believes in the inevitable march of winter with all his frozen heart and has very little humanity left within him. He is also very smart in a logical and inhuman kind of way, being excellent at planning and rationally thinking, he will always try to change the situation in his favour. He may be slow to enact his plans, but like a glacier he cannot be stopped and it is very difficult to change his mind once he's set. Hycastle does not make friends, only temporary allies.

    Weapon: Ice staff
    Power: Ice and weather magic
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Sep 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home