Malkira stared at Ander disdainfully, though his face was static his eyes showed disgust and wondrement. Who was this guy? Did he not understand anything Malkira had been saying? Did he not understand he was supposed to be intimidated? He was just going on and on, and on, acting like he knew what was best for everyone. "it does not sound like a curse at all. It sounds more that it was magic and nothing more" "NO SHIT SHERLOCK" Malkira exclaimed, this guy took five minutes just to get to the point, and when he did get to that point, it was something pointless "I don't want to hear it, you know what, this conversation is pointless, you clearly don't understand what intimidation is, are you even human? You don't seem like it" Malkira's voice was dripping with disgust. He looked Ander up and down with a disdainful look "You sound like a machine, a machine that's been programmed how to talk, but not how to talk. Shut up. Just stop talking, nobody wants to hear it. When was the last time someone actually enjoyed talking to you?" Malkira backed away and shook his head "I know people who are like you, they love to talk but nobody wants to listen, because all they do is tell people how to live their lives. You don't seem to have it in your head that I don't want your help" Malkira leaned down so his head was level with Ander's "I don't want to listen to you any more, I never wanted to in the first place. GO AWAY"
As Ander spoke Malkira got more and more infuriated by the wizard's words, was he trying to make Malkira punch him? now he was just listing curses, acting like he knew everything. lashing out, Malkira grabbed Ander by his stupid robes and lifted him up to his stony face "HOW DARE YOU???" Malkira bellowed, his booming voice echoing around the area "You pompous little wretch! You dare call my followers dark? You dare insult those who brought me back to life? You act like you know everything but you know nothing of me! You know nothing of my past life! You know nothing of the land beyond the mountains, where there are no guilds, where we have to fight to survive as individuals! There is no light or dark, only SURVIVAL!" Malkira knew he was going a bit far but he was angry, and he wasn't done yet "And then you go on to tell me that my hopes and dreams are impossible?! DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SAYING?!" Malkira yelled, the quietened down to a threatening whisper "Well, let me tell you this, you insignificant creature, I would rather die a thousand deaths, each more torturous than the last, than stay in this form for the rest of my life! so stop judging me! you are NOTHING! You are a smug little creep, I WAS A CHAMPION! A HERO OF MY PEOPLE!" Malkira leaned in even closer and gazed at Ander with a deathly stare, eyes that echoed the old days of Malkira's glory and fame, eyes that showed truly the beast within "WHAT ARE YOU?!" With that Malkira dropped Ander to the ground.
Suddenly, Vyle realised, as he was fluttering away, that Teliana was possibly still in danger from the wolf. He wasn't sure how well the potion would work. On the other hand Vyle really wanted to get away from there, he hated werewolves. They weren't necessarily a challenge to him, he was after all a high vampire, but they irritated him. Not only were they savage beasts but they hid in society, coming out every so often to wreak havoc and chaos, until they were eventually killed by a witcher, or by Vyle. Turning suddenly Vyle flew back to the village and saw the werewolf barely holding onto his control and Teliana fearing for her life. This werewolf had remarkable control, for a mongrel beast. When it seemed as though the beast couldn't hold on any further Vyle pounced out of invisibility and swooped down between Teliana and the beast. "Run" He told Teliana, brandishing a pair of knives and standing protectively in front of her, no doubt his presence would anger the wolf but at least it would save the mage "FLEE, GIRL!" he shouted again, to get the point across. Willow had never intended to stay in disguise this long and her story was falling apart, she had to make something up quick "I... I don't know" she whispered, fake tears welling in her eyes "Bad people killed my parents and I... I didn't know where to go... I don't think they followed me but... I'm scared" how pitiful, how degrading that she had to act like this "Can I... can I please sleep somewhere? I'm so tired" to emphasise the point she yawned. Hopefully her target would give up the interrogation and she could be left on her own, she wanted to make this quick so she could move on to other jobs. Solomon had been following and eavesdropping on the two witchers on their journey from Kaer Morhen for some time now. Their plan was impressive to say the least, and certainly intriguing to the necromancer. Just thinking about the sheer devastation and death made him excited and gleeful. It took a moment to catch up but soon Solomon was hidden in the shadows near where the witchers had stopped. Well, Solomon would certainly like to be a part of this plan. Skipping out of his hiding place Solomon approached the witchers "Good evening there, ah, you must be the famous Veera of Velen!" In truth Solomon had barely heard of this witcher, but he picked up her name from their conversation he'd be listening in on "A pleasure to meet you, certainly, where are you headed on this fine day? A grand adventure? A mission to slay some great monster? You know I greatly respect the witchers and their work" he lied "anything I can help with at all?"
"Malkira, Malkira of the Red Axe" Malkira replied. Malkira hurumphed as Ander mentioned his non-violence policy, it sounded like hippy talk to him. Nevertheless he remained quiet as Ander continued. but the conversation always came back to Malkira's curse. Just for once he wished people didn't notice it. "I suppose this is more like a blessing. I was killed, but some of my devout followers brought me back in this form. I am grateful, but I miss my human body. At least I have this second chance" Malkira stared at his rock hands for a moment "The ones who reanimated me in this form did not know how to bring me back as a human, but now I know. I asked the Oracle, and now I know that one day I will be human again" He stood with purpose and determination "So why are you at the guild then?"
Malkira was slightly irritated, and humbled. Knocked out of the tournament in the first round? Preposterous, he was Malkira! The Champion of the East, freer of slaves! He was... nothing like what he was. He had to face the facts that he was a statue now, nothing but a massive, dumb, ugly creature of stone. Suddenly he heard a greeting from below and looked down to see one of the other people in the guild (Ander). "Oh, greetings. And who do I have the pleasure of meeting on this fine occasion? A fellow failed combatant of the tournament? It seems luck is not on our side" Malkira tried to seem happy but really he was disappointed, even after all this time trying to gain more experience, he was still nowhere near as powerful as he used to be. Nevertheless, at least his soul was the same.
"Okay" she mumbled as Terra led Willow to the kitchen. She pondered the many methods she could use to complete her mission, she had to be careful though; Terra was not ordinary. Willow had the knife concealed in her rags, but perhaps there were more subtle options. Maybe she should wait a while, she was curious about this woman. In the kitchen Willow turned to Terra with a sad and tired expression, one she had tried to keep up during the meal "What do you want to know?" she asked, almost whispering.
This girl was stronger than she looked, but Malkira was sure he could win this. Malkira used Fire dash
Malkira was excited, it had been a while since he'd had a good old battle, there'd been too much solving riddles and mazes of late and all he really wanted to do was beat someone into the ground... in a friendly way of course. The little girl who stood before him seemed harmless enough, but appearances could be deceptive. Bringing out his battleaxe Malkira got ready for battle "Let's have some fun" and with surprising agility bound forward, battleaxe swinging, as he did this his opponent cloaked herself in fire and charged towards him. Ah, this brought back memories, not good memories but memories nonetheless. He remembered charging into battle when he was human, leading a horde of his Red Axe warriors, his trusty companion Serora by his side. He remembered great triumphs and great losses. He remembered revelry and he remembered grief. But then he remembered he had a fight to do and swung his battleaxe wildly. He hoped he won this or that would be embarassing. Malkira used Wishing Edge So Damian had somehow found his way into this tournament, which was against his ideals, but he supposed it was just a bit of training. His opponent was Rho. Damian readied his staff, he had no idea what he would do here, he was a healer not a fighter! "I don't want to hurt you..." Damian began , but Rho was already charging towards him. "Indeed, may the stronger of us win" but in his heart he didn't truly feel it. He thought of those he hated, he filled himself with anger and passion, he imagined the cruel, the greedy and soon he felt his heart beating with fury, fire rushing through his veins. Clenching his fists he released this power and suddenly his hands were burning. As Rho came close Damian released a monstrous fireball and without thinking unleashed this conflagration at Rho. Where had this sudden power come from? Damian did not have time to think as the fight continued Damian used Fira
Malkira will get Wishing Edge because that seems pretty cool He will also spend a point on Ezra +3 defense again (SUPER TANK) and he will buy a magic armlet
"Oh... uh... okay" Damian said uncertainly "Here, have my sword, you have... uh... proved worthy" Damian passed Clarrissa his staff "Now go and uh... have fun"
What was she even supposed to do here? She couldn't kill the woman in front of all these kids, it wasn't her style. She's have to try and get the woman when she was alone, but Willow was a master of tricks and deciet, she could surely manage it... but why? What had this kindhearted woman done to deserve death? The man known as "Zephyr" entered and sat down, she wondered if she could use him... for now though she just continued to eat the measly portion given to her. "I'm glad that's settled" Vyle reluctantly let the werewolf go and stood formally, taking several purposeful steps away and gazing into the night. "I hope we meet again soon, farewell" he spoke, bowed, and disappeared into the night.
OooOOooOOooOo it's halloween. Damian found himself playing a knight, for some reason. "Uh, stop there woman! I... uh... I am the Black Knight!" Damian stepped in front of Clarissa "I move for no man!" Damian paused for a moment and realised this was perhaps not what the role was meant for "uh, actually I need your help! I'm lost in this forest!"
Late Halloween Missions: "Ooh a nice necklace" The troll stated "Does it suit me? Anyway get onto my boat" Malkira looked around, there was nothing to use as a boat. Very well they would have to use their imagination. The troll got into his "boat" and beckoned to Clarissa "Follow me young lady, and I shall bring you to stranger lands"
Halloween missions: "Oh you mean like Charon? Okay" Malkira got back into character "To cross the rapids you must bring me... a shrubbery! no wait, give me something... uh... something valuable to you" Dale's brother? Oh yes, he'd heard of this guy, this was the one who tried to free a demon and fought some guild members, the story was pretty well known around the guild. This man was a criminal. Damian's eyes narrowed and he stared at the man "You'd better give me a good reason not to drag you back where you belong" he threatened. Even though this man could probably easily overpower him he had to try.
As the door came flying off its hinges time seemed to slow for Vyle. The werewolf was let loose, obviously the potion didn't work. With a bestial growl the werewolf was leaping towards him. Teriana, foolishly, was stepping out trying to grab the werewolf's attention. Foolish woman, did she not understand? These half-beast half-human creatures had no self control in this form. He had to act, otherwise the beast would kill Teriana. Swiflty he intercepted the werewolf's leap and slashed at him. Coming back from behind he grabbed the werewolf and held a blade to his throat "If there is any sense left in that mind of yours you'll give up now, I will not let you harm Teriana" Vyle scowled
Halloween missions: Malkira was dragged rather Rudely onto the stage and told to play a troll. He started to say some objecting remark but stopped when he saw Calxiyn's face. Fine. He decided he would co-operate. Just for her. Getting into character he hunched over and attempted to look like a troll "WHO GOES THERE?" He bellowed with a flourish "And why do you wish to cross the bridge?... wait a second" breaking character for a moment he gave Cal a questioning look "Is there a bridge? What would a troll be doing without a bridge?" he whispered Damian stepped back in surprise at the figure that confronted him, the man was clearly powerful. "Who are you? What do you want? Did you just jump out that window?" Damian questioned the man, he'd never seen him around before, why was he in that tower?
"Very well" Prince Vyle stated "Before I go, may I ask your name? you already know mine" Sam suddenly realised he had nothing else to say in this post. welp. But he had to make it a post longer than two sentences or Magick would kill him. This is probably long enough now.
"Yes, perhaps outside would be better" Vyle responded as he strode out into the darkness "You should learn to better control your dog... mongrels deserve a leash" Vyle muttered "But back to the business at hand, you should have let me kill that necromancer, and I'm sure you realise your mercy was a mistake now. That man is insane and a danger to anyone he meets. He needs to die" Glancing sideways at the woman he added "Or be brought to justice, whatever is decided. He went through a portal to Kaer Morhen, somehow. Now normally I would try to pursue him but, as you can guess, I am not welcome among witchers. Would you..." Vyle was struggling to bring himself to say it, what he wanted to ask went against his very nature "...would you help me? I cannot do this alone but I can't let that necromancer live" As the woman appeared at the door Willow smiled with relief. The woman was just as expected, kind old widow. She must have been a mage, nobody that old looked that youthful. She kept quiet, keeping the desperate young girl facade, quietly muttering a "thanks" now and then. As Willow washed her hands in the basin provided Terra confirmed she was who Willow was after, then asked for her name. "Sarah" Willow mumbled. It was a plain name, one Willow had used before. "I... I don't know what happened... I saw the orphanage sign and thought I'd be safe" Willow quietly mumbled, putting on a show of holding back tears, she began to follow Terra to dinner, keeping quiet again and holding her head down. She was wearing what were effectively rags, but they were large and loose fitting, and most importantly they covered up her dagger. She kept one handy on her in case of danger but left the shortswords and the bow back in a stash in Sanctuary. Hopefully she wouldn't need them and the knife would do, she had to be careful to keep it hidden though.
Damian would like Fire Dash and Fira. Might as well get some offensive ability, especially since this system is non-compatable with healers. have you ever even played WoW? Healer is like one of the most important roles! He'd also like to spend a point on Erza, +3 magic and Damian will be buying a mage earring (it looks great on him) and a platinum ring Malkira would like Fire Dash He will spend a point on Erza, +3 defense Also Malkira wants to buy a crystal crown because that seems pretty awesome
Damian was enraged by Ander's words "NO! You're wrong! Some people are just cruel and don't deserve the air they breathe! They can't be changed, there's no redemption, and if they are spared they will go on killing, they will go on abusing the good! The only right thing to do is rid the world of them!" Damian stomped around the room "You!" he pointed at Ander "And people like you, are the very reason these people go on doing what they do! You just lock them up and don't do anything else with them, so they carry on! They need to know that their behaviour is not tolerated and that the punishment is death!" Damian began to walk away "This whole guild, you're all so... so... lenient! The cruel and greedy need to be taught to fear! They need to fear the consequences of their actions if any progress is going to be made in this world!" Damian began to exit the room "I don't care what you have to say you're just like the rest of them!" he yelled over his shoulder at Ander as he walked away. Rage in his heart he stomped away, out of the guildhall. he gazed at the evening sky. He knew what he wanted, he knew what he needed to do, why was he so useless at it?