Accepted, although I'm not sure how she wears ropes... Accepted[DOUBLEPOST=1451512116][/DOUBLEPOST]Now that everyone's joined there's just one small bit of character creation left. This is the character sheet. The only bits you need to worry about are the stats (far left) and the skills and perk chart (far right). Each of you will have to allocate numbers to the stats (strength, agility, etc.) on the character sheet. You are given 6 numbers to stick into your stats: 17, 15, 12, 10, 5, 2 So for exampe if I were playing a fighter I would put that 17 into strength and the 2 in magic, since magic would be my least needed stat. Additionally you need to put skill points into the skill chart, which may seem complicated at first. Basically you have 5 points, stick them into various skills you want (bear in mind the "light herald" and "dark bringer" are not available yet)(Also if you want the rituals you have to have a point in the corresponding "favour" skill. So for Dark Rituals you have to have Unholy Favour and for Divine Calling (light rituals) you have to have a point in Holy Favour). Read the skill chart section above for more information on this. Each of your characters has a tab at the bottom for them, please only edit your own character sheet (I'm looking at you Vlad)
accepted, nicely specialised characters Please can you specify what kind of armour Kara has, light or heavy. Personally i would recommend light as it works well with dual wielding. Other than that you're accepted :) Accepted, despite the use of TV tropes to explain the character Accepted, and I'm already shipping Aedan x Panola Accepted finally, thanks for changing that stuff Welcome back Baldomar. Other than the fact your characters will probably get sent to prison, accepted. Accepted. Although "carefree air" is an odd combination with "DIVINE KNIGHT!!!" and "SEIGEI!!!" XD
Solomon acted harmlessly surprised as Veera questioned him "Well, beyond the door lies beds of course, you did not expect to sleep in a lobby did you?" Solomon chuckled again "anyway, do not worry you should be perfectly safe here, Nobody will notice you" Solomon stared idly at the door, if anyone was beyond it they surely would have heard, even still "But just in case let's check, OH NO WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE?!" Solomon exclaimed as reached to thrust open the door. Let the chaos begin. Willow nodded as she listened to the girl's speech about the orphanage, Gods she talks a lot doesn't she she thought cynically. "Thank you" she said to the girl, before laying her head down and pretending to go to sleep. After a while the other girl had gone to sleep, finally. Willow got out of the bed and slowly crept out of the room. Silently peeking into several rooms she eventually found the orphanage mistress lying in bed, the candles in the room still burning. Willow had been planning her attack for a while now but she had to be very careful here. She couldn't just stab the woman, if she was a mage there was a high chance of this going wrong. Also she didn't want to end up being incriminated, after all, a new girl arriving in the orphanage and the owner suddenly dying? Maybe she could pin it on the new guy? No too risky. Hmm. Her eyes caught the candles burning in the room. Silently Willow moved over to the side table, she wouldn't even need her knives. If questioned Terra would have to state she'd left them burning. Picking up a candle Willow moved silently with purpose. slowly and carefully she lit the corner of the bed on fire, it was dry cloth, sure to catch. After that she dropped the candle on the floor, making it look as though it had simply fallen and stepped back into the doorway. Still in the form of a little girl she stared into the room as the inferno slowly engulfed Terra's bed. Hopefully, she would never awake again.
Malkira listened to their tale expressionlessly while he handed around tea and sugar "I agree Cal, we should help them" he then turned to Charlotte and stared at her with a stony expression "And you know what else are renowned for being evil?" he asked "Undead". For a moment he just stared with a challenging glare "So maybe get rid of that prejudice, they are telling the truth after all" turning away he looked back at the demons cheerily "You are incredibly lucky you came across such a merciful group of people. Sorry about the punch, but you were trespassing and making advances on my friend, just be glad we stopped there. What do you need?"
Vyle rolled his eyes and smiled ever so slightly "Let me guess, you thought we all just drink blood? While it is true that we need that to survive, I have always enjoyed the taste of tea" Vyle's face suddenly turned serious "Coffee, however, is truly repulsive. If he doesn't have any tea that's fine, I can go without" Vyle stopped talking and let Teliana go to the house "This is indeed the place!" Solomon exclaimed, looking at the dilapidated inn. Unbeknownst to the witchers this place was also an entry point to Sanctuary, the home of the Dopplers. Oh what a wonderful surprise it would be for them to find a witcher in their midst! And what an ever greater surprise it would be for Veera! And Solomon would just be so happy to facilitate this surprise, he chuckled gleefully "Hmm? Oh I was just remembering something funny, nevermind, come along then" If Solomon was correct, and he assumed he was, after all, Solomon was the most trustworthy person Solomon knew... where was he going with this? Ah yes, if he was correct then there would be some doppler guards just inside the building...
Legends of Tyrrus Lore Tyrrus. It is said that long ago the Dragonqueen Zythia built this land for her devout followers to thrive in, but that was long ago. This is a land with great magical presence, the Archmages of the Citadel delve into magical power and encourage the practice of magic across the land. But it is also a time of great scientific progression as scientists attempt to drive themselves out of the dark ages and discover the secrets of the universe. (basically think european renaissance era but with magic). The myths and legends of the past are being disregarded in favour of rationality; mysticism and religion is making way for the inevitable progression of science. But recently events have happened which have shaken the foundations of our faith. Armies of the dead have been invading, things we never thought possible have returned, people are putting their faith in gods and dragons once again due to the mysterious events of recent years. Additionally a national curiosity has arisen about the lands beyond... Tyrrus is surrounded on three sides by sheer mountains and on a fourth by a stormy sea that few have crossed, few passages are available to escape the land but for most of Tyrranean history the people have never wanted to go beyond, they were safe in Tyrrus and the lands beyond were said to be savage and dangerous. After recent events have shaken our faith in our science and government though the people look to a greater power and begin to realise the truth of the myths and legends of the past. Map Spoiler YOU are a citizen of Tyrrus and have somehow come across this note: “Greetings (warrior/mage/ranger/whoever you are), you are cordially invited to the Adventurer's Society! We are a select group of talented combatants dedicated to finding the secrets of the world and exploring the lands beyond the mountains. We are based in the old Bracklewood Manor in Varewyn, if interested please come along! Sincerely Sanderson Bracklewood, Chairman of the Society P.S: Yes you will be paid. Yes there will be food” (Tyrrus is entirely my own original creation) Rules Spoiler: Rules 1. The standard rules of this site and RPing in general 2. No controlling other people's characters without their permission 3. Don't assume your actions always succeed without conferring with me, most thing will require dice rolls 4. No metagaming 5. Be nice 6. Maximum of 3 characters 7. Your characters must be human 8. Your character must fit in this renaissance/early industrial time period 9. Please try to make your character original HOW TO PLAYThis system is actually pretty complex so I would recommend reading through this otherwise you'll have no clue what's going on. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask. Health and Status Spoiler You health is a measure of how much vigour and energy you have, how much fight you’ve got left. When health reaches 0 you are unconscious, or possibly dead. You limbs, head and torso have a status. Healthy - There’s nothing wrong Slightly Injured - you’ve been cut or bruised and that particular body part is not as effective. If a body part takes over 25% of your health as damage it is slightly injured. Severely Injured - you’re seriously wounded, using that body part hurts you and is much less effective. If a body part takes over 50% of your health as damage it is severely injured Crippled - that body part is unusable and your total health is reduced by 10 until you recover. If a body part takes 75% of your health as damage it is crippled. Being exhausted decreases your health. Mana and Favour Spoiler Mana is how much magical energy you have. Using magic costs mana, you can’t use more mana than you have. Mana slowly recovers over time, at a rate of 1 mana every 15 minutes (in game time). Favour is how much favour with the gods you have and lets you perform incantations and rituals. You can gain favour by being devout to the gods, praying to them, and giving them sacrifices. Favour does not naturally recover. Attributes Spoiler There are 8 attributes that define your character: Strength - determines how strong your character is. This is used in fighting and performing feats of strength. Constitution - determines how tough your character is. This is used in fighting, defending, resisting effects, and grants more health. Agility - determines how agile your character is, this is used in fighting, sneaking and performing feats of agility. Precision - determines how precise your character is. This is used in shooting ranged weapons, using your hands with precision, and generally performing feats of precision. Magic - determines how good your character is at magic. This gives more mana and is useful when performing feats of magic. Faith - determines how much willpower and devotion to the gods your character has. This is useful when doing rituals, performing feats of willpower, and grants higher favour with the gods. Intelligence - determines how perceptive and intelligent your character is. Useful in perception, crafting, and generally performing feats of intelligence. Charisma - determines how charismatic and persuasive your character is. Useful when talking and generally makes your character a bigger presence in any room. Levelling Spoiler Rather than levelling up as a whole, you level in each individual attribute as you perform actions involving them. For example, if you successfully run away from someone chasing you, I would give you a level up in agility. As you level up in these attributes you gain attribute points in them. You also gain skill points. Skills Spoiler As you level up in various attributes you gain skill points, which can be spent on skills in skill trees. The physical skills have three different skill trees, each of which has three branches Strength - Levelling up in strength and constitution grants points in this Fighting Defending Endurance Dexterity Movement Finesse Shooting Intellect Knowledge Diplomacy Perception The skill tree can be found here Note that you cannot get a skill until you get the one that comes before it. Magic Spoiler Magic also has skill trees, but these grant you spells and advanced control over your magic. There are several different schools of magic: Electromancy (Lightning) Wind Magic Cryomancy (Ice) Arcane Magic Hydromancy (Water) Plant Magic Druidery (Animals) Geomancy (Earth) Pyromancy (Fire) Psychic You can focus on one of these or branch out. The Magic skill tree can be found here: You can’t get a spell until you get the one that comes before it. Rituals and Incantations Spoiler Those who worship the gods can use their divine power to their advantage with the use of rituals and incantations. These require setup and may take some time, but offer powerful rewards. Light Magic Dark Magic Necromancy Dragon Magic The Ritual skill tree can be found here: You can’t get a ritual until you get the one that comes before it. Crafting Spoiler These are miscellaneous non/pseudo-magical skills which require the use of materials to do. Alchemy Enchanting Surgery Survival Skills Blacksmithing The Crafting skill tree can be found here: You can’t get a crafting skill until you get the one that comes before it. Making your Character Spoiler The Character Sheet can be found here: To begin with, your character will not be very powerful. But as you level up that will change. You begin with 20 attribute points to put into your base attributes. You cannot put more than 5 in any one attribute. You begin with a level 1 in every attribute. You can choose one attribute to be level 3 in and one to be level 2 in. As the game goes on you’ll get more levels. There will be a number next to the box that says “Skill Points”, this is how many skills you can choose in that tree. In the Skills tab it should show all of the skills, with explanations of what they do if you hover your mouse over them. Pay attention to the layout of the skill tree (link in the Skills section of this page). The same goes for magic, rituals and crafting. (Special rule for the “Knowledge” bit, you can only learn these from a teacher or mentor. I will allow each character to start with one knowledge skill, if they wish, but the rest must be learned) The Character App: Spoiler Name: Age: Class: Weapon(s): Armour: Appearance: Personality: Backstory: Base Attributes: Level 3 Attribute: Level 2 Attribute: CURRENT MISSIONSDarklight Disturbance Expedition Leader: Shyra Bracklewood Summary: Travelling to the Darklight Caverns, the strange caverns under the Sunset Mountains, to try and maybe find something and train the newbies Members: (6/6) Alice (Support) Laurentinus (Tank) Kara (Melee/Ranged Damage Dealer) Lumen (Melee/Ranged Damage Dealer) Tessa (Support) Conrad (Tank) The group have been lead to Ashten village where they planned to briefly stop before moving on to the caves, however, Conrad and Tessa have been kidnapped by Rayyad, the odd man in the caves. Big Game Hunting Expedition Leader: Sanderson Bracklewood Summary: Drakes in the north have been showing unusual behaviour lately and coming down from the moutains, the town of Fordington has an infestation. Seems like a good time to go hunting, train the newbies, and help out some people while we do it Members: (5/6) Lyra (Melee/Ranged Damage Dealer) Bryce (Tank) Iris (Ranged Damage Dealer) Aedan (Support) Panola (Ranged Damage Dealer) Currently Sanderson has lead the group to an inn where they have encountered a strange man. The Mists of Fogwarden Expedition Leader: Aston Venger Summary: The eccentric Kellan Sithwyr invites the Adventurer's society to raid the forgotten Fogwarden Crypt, but another raiding party has its sights set on it so time is of the essence! Members: (5/6) Badun (Ranged Damage Dealer) Arthur (Support) Kevin (Ranged/Melee Damage Dealer) Anthea (Ranged Damage Dealer) Baldomar (Tanky/melee) Kellan has lead the group into the Hinterlands where they have come across where Fogwarden Keep is supposed to be MY CHARACTERSName: Sanderson Bracklewood Age: 32 Class: Hunter Weapon(s): Hunting Rifle, Pistol, Blunderbuss Armour: Fur coat and scarf Appearance: Sanderson has a well-kept appearance, his brown hair is styled stylishly and he has blue eyes. Sanderson wears typical nobility clothes most of the time but when he is out adventuring wears a fur coat and scarf. He seems to constantly have a genial expression and looks upon the world with kindness. He is 6”2' and has quite a stocky build. Personality: Sanderson is a curious individual who loves to discover more about the world, he is also a very polite chap and never judges others for their faults, he prefers to see the good in people. He is very talkative and can often ramble on about insignificant matters, he absolutely loves to talk about the outside world and his adventures. However, there is some subtle hidden anger behind that friendly face, a rage well controlled and barely noticeable to most. Backstory: When Sanderson was born the Bracklewood family was in a bit of a crisis, they were going down in significance in Varewyn and were going bankrupt, they even had to leave the Bracklewood Manor. While most of the family moved up to Eredan where they could live for less, Sanderson's parents still wanted him to have an education in Varewyn, thus he was sent to be cared for by the Zaunus's in Varewyn and grow up with them, learning all about technology and science from their respected professors. Sanderson quickly became friends with another child being brought up by the Zaunus's, Kolbjorn. But Sanderson was a curious child and always wanted to learn more, when he was 20 he and Kolbjorn made a plan to leave and discover more of the world. They travelled through the many ruined castles of Tyrrus, seeking secrets. They travelled among the tribes of the Hinterlands and learned of their dark magic. They even climbed up into the mountains and found dragons of all shapes and sizes. However it was when they travelled into the Northlands that Sanderson began to think they were going too far, they went even beyond Mortholme, the cold ruins that marked the northernmost point of the known world. But Kolbjorn would not give up and strode on beyond the Northern mountains. Sanderson had no choice but to leave him. When Osfryd Zaunus travelled beyond the mountains in 2015 Sanderson realised there was a whole new world out there to discover, but realised it would be dangerous to go alone. He began to set up the Adventurer's Society to discover the world beyond. Base Attributes: 3 Strength 4 Constitution 1 Agility 5 Precision 0 Magic 0 Faith 4 Intelligence 3 Charisma Level 3 Attribute: Precision Level 2 Attribute: Constitution Name: Shyra Bracklewood Age: 29 Class: Elementalist Weapon(s): Staff Armour: Magical robes Appearance: Shyra also has brown hair and blue eyes like her brother, but seems to carry a sterner expression. She often wears magical robes. Personality: Shyra is quite stern and disciplined, she likes organisation in all things. She can seem antisocial, unfriendly, stubborn and arrogant, but she really does care about people and can't stand seeing her friends hurt Backstory: Base Attributes: 2 Strength 2 Constitution 4 Agility 2 Precision 5 Magic 0 Faith 5 Intelligence 0 Charisma Level 3 Attribute: Magic Level 2 Attribute: Intelligence
Malkira had just entered the guildhall from the land of nonexistance when suddenly he saw some random guy kissing Calxiyn. As Ra's sand soldier punched the guy in the jaw he stumbled backwards to recieve a prompt fist of iron to the face. Malkira wasn't the only one angered by this, several others, including Cal, threatened the group. "You are trespassers" Malkira stated seethingly. Suddenly he noticed something that Cal had also noticed, they were wounded "But we, as a guild, help people do we not? And these people look like they need help" This was addressed to the guild members "Ra, Thomas, show a little mercy. Although..." he turned to the kid who'd kissed Cal "If you attempt anything like that again then I won't be helping you. Now. Sit down, tell us what's wrong, and let me make you some tea"
Damian followed as the others sleuthed their way around and discussed architecture, it was nice to see Thea being all happy and energetic for once. Damian examined the gate inquisitively but he could not see what was so important about it, weren't they supposed to be looking for El Dorado? Suddenly Damian heard a cry, Thea seemed in trouble. The ground around her feet had transformed into a wild fiery environment. For a moment he panicked before he remembered that she had chosen terrain magic and had little control over it. Stepping forward Damian closed his eyes and brought his hands to his head, time to test out some magic. In his mind's eye he saw consciences all around, the pirate, the seer, the nobles... and there she was, an innocent little girl with barely any control over the great powers she held. Damian's mind reached out for her "It's okay" He said with his thoughts "This is just your new magic. Be calm, it cannot hurt you as long as you are in control of it" He didn't really know how to calm down little girls but gave it his best shot "Do not be afraid, your father is neaby, you are safe" But are we safe? Damian wondered to himself.
Damian watched as Conrad stumbled around like a drunkard and mumbled various things, Damian wasn't listening he was just enthralled by the wreck of a man Conrad had become from drink. Damian was glad he hadn't drunk any alcohol at the party. Damian sighed "I did tell you not to strain yourself too much after the treatment, but nobody ever listens to the doctor" Damian muttered. This was a lovely scene with Thea hugging Conrad, but with Damian's medical experience he was predicting Conrad puking all over everything, moving closer to Thea he advised "I would suggest moving further away, Conrad isn't exactly in the best state"
So that was fun. At the ceremony Damian found himself filled with the power of fire, fire of many colours. Additionally he gained the power of telepathy. Lastly, and certainly not leastly, he garnered to power of a Sky God Slayer. Perfect, with this he could heal people properly, he could save the world. He felt a strange feeling, almost religious. Is this what all those priests were droning on about back home? He felt a divine duty, it was now his mission to bring hope to the righteous, and fear to the evil. He would be the Herald of Justice. Later on Damian was brought along for a mission taking them to El Dorado, the ancient city of gold. Seemed interesting. Malkira sat around waiting for demons to show up
Damian shall have: RAINBOW FIRE! Sky god slayer Telepathy
Malkira shall take: Iron Dragon Slayer Earth magic Sand magic
Malkira is going to go on the Demon War Damian is going to the City of Ember
Name: Ransak Frisk (Ran for short) Title: The Scavenger Faction: Neither Age: 20 Gender: Male Description: Ransak Is a small and wiry man with dusty brown hair and tanned skin, he is often covered with grime and his hair is always scruffy. His eyes are a piercing blue that seem to look beyond first appearances. Ran is dressed in a confusing medley of claimed clothing and jewelry that he has discovered or stolen, but under all these colourful cloaks and bling he is wearing brown rags. All his clothes are very dirty as he spends a lot of time in the wilderness or dusty old ruins. Personality: Ran Is a very curious man, always interested in discovering secrets and hidden things. Whenever he meets somebody new he seems to size them up at a glance and analyse everything about them, almost as if he's trying to put a price to them. Ran often trades his various finds and so has become excellent at appraising items, and people, and will often try to put a price to anything, even if he doesn't own it. A greedy man, Ran will always want what he doesn't have and will often attempt to steal these things or trick others into giving them to him. Some things though Ran will never trade, some things are priceless. These are things that Ransak will try to claim by any means and will hoard once he does have them. The rarer the item, the more he wants it. Weapons: Ran is not a fan of fighting but he does carry a quarterstaff and is relatively good at using it, not an expert though. Armour: Cloth Abilities: Passive: A Nose for Treasure: Ransak has an incredibly heightened sense of smell and can often sense magical presence. Active: Ransak does not so much have magical abilities as he does have collected artifacts that do various things Rod of Divining: An artifact which leads Ran towards valuable things Boots of Sand: A magical pair of boots which can let Ran burrow through the earth a short distance Lens of the Seeker: A lens which lets Ran see through walls a short distance Shackles of the Desert: Temporarily stuns an enemy Blade of the Lockbreaker: Chance to open any lock, magical or physical Strengths: very quick and agile, quite intelligent, very good at finding things. Weaknesses: Not very strong at all and lacks many basic social skills. He also can find his rationality overcome by his greed History: Ransak grew up on slums in a poor town, determined to make something of himself he began to get into trading and learned how to price and value things well. However one time, after escaping from some people he'd swindled he accidentally found himself in an ancient ruin and found great treasures. This led him onto a path of discovering valuable items and selling them, or if they were rare enough, keeping them. Ran is often hired to find and acquire items due to his skills. Other: Ransak will want everyone else's powerful stuff Name: Timothy Chesterton Title: The Eternal Servant Faction: Neither Age: Indeterminate Gender: None Description: Timothy is a massive mechanical automaton built of brass, he appears as a mechanical butler and glows with blue energy. He is about 8 ft tall and has large hands. Personality: Timothy is a machine, he has very little personality of his own and only wishes to follow the commands of another. Timothy is incredibly subservient and does not know what do with himself when without a master. He is, however, very polite and incredibly loyal. Weapons: Massive metal fists Armour: Is made out of metal, that's pretty good armour Abilities: Passive: Mechanical Immortality: Timothy cannot be healed by regular means but he automatically fixes himself, giving him the equivalent of level 5 immortality Artificially Intelligent: Timothy is unaffected by psychological effects Eternal Servant: Timothy can magically sense when his master needs him Active: At your side: Timothy gains a massive speed boost and runs towards his master Do you require assistance?: Does the last ability his master used Let me get that for you sir: Dashes to an enemy who has harmed his master and punches them so hard they are flung back away from his master or holds them in place Refreshments: Make a cup of tea exceptionally well I'll handle this sir: If his master is sufficiently harmed, Timothy goes into OVERDRIVE mode, whereupon he gains a massive amount of armour and his punches electrocute enemies, he also grows to 12 ft tall, becomes quite strong and his tea becomes just incredible. However while in this mode Timothy will attempt to return to his master no matter what and once there cannot move more than a few meters away from his master. Strengths: Timothy is strong. He also never tires due to his mechanical nature and does not require food or sleep. Weaknesses: Timothy is not terribly smart. In fact he cannot think for himself and has to follow the commands of his master, he can also be incredibly overzealously protective of his master, to the point where it just becomes annoying. Also because he is partly electronic he is vulnerable to electricity. History: A while ago a magical technician built for himself a robotic butler to suit his needs and named it Timothy, but the man was only mortal and the butler would live forever. After the man died Timothy lost his purpose and is now looking for a new master to serve. Other: Timothy will probably become the servant of the first person he sees
Prettyboy claimed to be called "Ra", then asked Malkira what kind of magic he wanted "I'm honestly not entirely sure... maybe something to do with weapons, or fighting" Malkira swiped at the air with his hands "I've always been more of a physical combatant, I used to have a massive greatsword, Unbridled it was called. I assume it got passed down when i died. Unfortunately I did not place highly in the tournament, never underestimate girls with keys, so I may not have much choice" Malkira chuckled and it came out as a stony rumble "What exactly does Arc of Embodiment entail?"
As he calmed down Malkira was beginning to feel a bit like an intruder in their conversation, his piercing gaze on Ra calmed down and he turned to the man "I don't believe we've met" he said, proffering a granite hand "I'm Malkira, former champion of the East. Don't worry, there is a human soul inside this rocky visage" he felt that he might as well try to act nice with prettyboy, for Calxiyn's sake if nothing else "So what were you two talking about?" Gexln looked like he wanted to drop kick Damian out of the window but luckily a new guy arrived just in time "Virgin Cuba Libre? That sounds nice" Damian didn't have enough experience of drinks to realise it was just coke. But Gexln just went mad. For a moment Damian wanted to run away, but anger took over from his fear "Excuse me? Who are you calling bitch? You're just an idiot, at least I can have a good time without drinking foul substances that would make me really regret this in the morning. Stop harassing me and go back to dancing badly, seriously, I've seen better moves performed by a frightened chicken" Damian turned away from the drunkards towards the bar where the considerably more reasonable person stood.
Vyle was surprised that the woman wished to stay, but obliged nonetheless. Feeling slightly tired, he had been chasing that necromancer for a while only to run into a werewolf. He sat down beside Teliana "I suppose if we're going to be sitting here a while we're going to need some refreshments, do you have any tea in your house?" When this new girl walked into the room Willow quickly adopted the persona of the frightened little girl, this girl talked way too much, Willow just imagined how satisfying it would be to chop that tongue out. But for now she just kept up the image "No thanks, I'm fine" she muttered "I'm just tired right now... actually" Willow was curious, what kind of orphanage was this? "Are all the people in this place just orphans from the street? What happens when they grow older?" The kid seemed suspicious of Solomon's motives, and with good reason, but the witcher woman seemed to trust him enough, or else she was overconfident in her ability to kill him if she needed to. "Thank you for trusting me" he said cheerily "and the point isn't for it to be appealing, the point is for it to be hidden, no? This hideaway will certainly keep you safe from your acquaintance. Of course, we could go the roundabout way, but that would take an absolute age and I'm sure you wouldn't be able to bring your horses along those winding paths. So!" Solomon clapped his hands and a portal appeared "Viola! Ladies first!" He gestured to Veera "On second thoughts, I'll go first, to calm your suspicions, this is not a trap" With that Solomon hopped through and gestured for the witchers to follow. The portal lead to the location he had promised, an old abandoned inn.
Damian was rather astonished at the reckless display the dragon slayer performed as the man offered him alcohol straight from the keg "Uh... I'm sorry I wasn't looking for alchohol, just something to drink... uh... do you have non-alcoholic cocktails?" Damian asked nervously, he avoided eye contact with the man as he was still feeling rather anxious. He'd had cocktails once before at a party and liked them, but he didn't want the same incident that happened at the bar so was avoiding alcohol. On the other hand the beer would probably make him enjoy this party much more... but was it really worth the risk?
Malkira strode confidently into the Guildhall, such wonder! Such colourful characters! Malkira himself had wanted to dress up for the occasion but there wasn't exactly anything he could do. He was slightly disappointed at being so far behind in the tournament but he supposed there were just so many other powerful people at this guild, most of whom had been there longer. Malkira's hulking form passed through the crowd, towering above everyone else. Soon enough he saw Calxiyn amongst the crowd, happy to have finally found his friend he strode forward... and stopped suddenly. She was deep in conversation with some kid, a very handsome tanned young man. Well... so? Was that a problem? Nope, not at all... at least that was what Malkira told himself. Looking at them for a moment he deduced that she was not simply having a brief conversation with a friend, she was paying rapt attention to him and they were talking about pretty serious stuff... was she flirting with this blond young man? On second thoughts why did Malkira care, he wasn't jealous at all of this blond young handsome human with elegantly carved features. Nope not at all. Malkira clenched his fists. He had to intervene. Pretending to be calm and happy Malkira strode right up and interrupted "Hey Calxiyn! Sorry to interrupt but I haven't seen you in a while, you know, since I saved your life that time" Although he was speaking to Cal he was glancing at the blond kid, who did this guy think he was? "Congratulations on coming second in the tournament by the way! It was a rather spectacular performance, I rather admired your strength" Yeah that's right prettyboy, what are you going to say now? Who even are you? Just because you're not a soul trapped in a statue you think you're so tough. Damian gulped as he entered the Guildhall Ohhh damn there are so so many people here I can't deal with this. He thought, but swallowed his trepidation and strove into the crowd. Some of these people he knew, others were mysterious faces that seemed to loom above. stop looking at me stop looking at me stop looking at me. Just being in such a massive crowd was giving Damian paranoia, he was anxious enough around just a few strangers, this was ridiculous. When he arrived at the bar he found NOBODY SERVING AT IT. (Sam rolled his eyes, I mean what kind of party doesn't have a bar? Are we just supposed to get drinks from the drunkard? Also where are the non-alcoholic drinks? Everyone at this party seems smashed). Wandering through the crowd, and certainly not mustering enough confidence to talk to anyone, let alone dance, he looked for a familiar face.
The werewolf was clearly no longer conscious, luckily. He had been worried that he'd have to wait until the morning. Vyle also noticed that Teliana had no run "You should have run, I could have taken the wolf on my own. But... I appreciate that you stayed behind. That was a selfless gesture" Vyle turned back to the wolf and gazed at it intensely, making sure his silver daggers were ready "You should go back inside, unlike me you need to sleep. I'll keep watch of the werewolf for the night in case this lull in activity is only temporary" He looked up and down the street, he hoped no peasants had noticed the commotion "I'll try to make sure nobody, including him, comes to any harm" As soon as Terra left and she was left alone Willow sighed and rolled her eyes, this act was getting demeaning. From under the folds of her rags she brought out the dagger, almost as if checking it was still there. This job was going to take a while she could just tell. Getting changed she crept into the small bed set out for her, perhaps she could learn something from her roommate? She couldn't go into this without knowing the supposedly harmless orphanage owner's true capabilities. Carefully hiding the dagger away she sat and waited. Patience. Patience was her true virtue, one of the things that distinguished her from other assassins. She once sat upon a rooftop for three whole days in winter just to get a job done, but once it was complete it was executed perfectly. And nobody complained about how long these things took, as long as they were done well. She would kill Terra Mace, and it would be glorious. "Indubitably!" exclaimed Solomon as they asked him for a place to stay "Yes, indeed I do know of such a place! Extremely well hidden if I do say so myself!" This was just perfect, inside Solomon was laughing with glee "a dilapidated abandoned inn, buried deep within a cluster of cramped buildings and hidden by the inevitable growth of the metropolis, the only sunlight that permeates through the haze is lackluster and dull. From the main road left at a rusted lampost then first right, there you'll discover a small passage that doesn't seem like a path, it winds between two grime encrusted lower class establishments, but trust me it leads on to a rusted and locked gate. I'm sure you're agile enough to climb over the blackened bars where you'll find a dirty enclosed area, ignored and surrounded by urban structures. From there open a long forgotten soot-coated window and pass through the remains of a dirty and unused house, continuing to hop off the western balcony and..." Solomon paused "Perhaps it's best if I just lead you there. You will eventually find a faded and abandoned shop front, forgotten for decades, the goats-head inn. Perfect hiding place trust me, I'm sure not even your "persistant and smart" friend could find you there. And best of all, it's got beds and you don't have to pay anything to stay there! I've often used it myself as a hideaway" Though his manner and voice remained calm inside he was envisioning the chaos that he could cause. It was glorious.