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  1. Relatively Sane
    Damian hoped the girl would be alright, but he was glad to have helped. For the meantime he walked over to the woman Evanora had introduced as Johanna, who was cleaning glasses at the bar for some reason.
    "Uh, hi, Evanora said I should talk to you" he awkwardly stated, there appeared to be a couple on a date sitting at the bar too, which was odd.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, May 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Relatively Sane
    With a frustrated sigh Damian realised this girl wasn't going to wake up any time soon and no help was arriving. The guild would probably help out. Mustering his strength he picked up the girl carefully, she was cooling down now, and began to carry her towards the guild. (He noticed something very, very strange happening on the roof but decided to ignore it, it's not like he was into that stuff anyway). He was beginning to tire as he clumsily stumbled into the Guildhall, there were so many people milling around he had no idea who to speak to
    "Excuse me, uh, anyone? I found this girl on fire down by the river, also my name's Damian and I've come to join your guild... does anyone care?" He exclaimed, if someone didn't take the girl soon he would drop her...
    Post by: Relatively Sane, May 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Relatively Sane
    Malkira noticed Rho invading his territory, this was ridiculous, he could handle himself! Nevertheless he was actually in danger, so while Rho dealt with the maid he used Cure on himself
    Post by: Relatively Sane, May 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Relatively Sane
    The Sapphire Eclipse, a new opportunity, a new life hopefully. It had taken a while to get here, not least because he stopped in every village to share his healing services, it was getting tiring but he'd do anything to help someone. The carriage drove onwards, the citadel of the Guildhall standing high above the landscape. But something caught Damian's attention, a bright light and smoke nearby. Was someone in trouble? He had to help! Why was nobody in the guild helping? He jumped out the carriage quickly and ran as fast as he could (not very fast) towards the river, where he'd seen the fiery light. The grass was charred, the ground scorched, and in the epicentre was a young girl in a whit dress. Damian approached slowly, looking for any enemies that may have caused this, surprisingly the girl was unharmed, who was she?
    "Hello? Um... excuse me? Are you awake?" he reached out to touch her and stepped back as her skin was shockingly hot. She was unconscious too, what had happened? Healing instinct took over and he used cure, placing the girl in the recovery position as well. He sat down by the river bank and waited for her to wake up, it probably wasn't a good idea to leave the young girl alone.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, May 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Relatively Sane
    Name: Damian Vellister
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Description: Damian is a handsome young man with dark brown hair and eyes, he wears novice robes of the Blind Faith, a shabby brown and gold cloak
    Personality: Damian is quite shy and socially awkward around strangers but is very open and excitable with people he knows well. He is very submissive and kind to others, preferring to take a more supportive role in combat and rarely fighting directly.
    Weapons: Mage's Staff
    Armour: shoddy robes, no armour
    AS: Aero, Cure, Stop
    Strengths: Damian is relatively good at magic, particularly healing and medicine, and gets on well with most people.
    Weaknesses/Fears: Damian is not very good in combat and is generally unathletic. He fears disapproval and will do a lot to make people happy.
    History: Damian is a member of the Vellister family, an influential and religious family who were all too eager to bring their son into the Blind Faith, a fanatic group of priests who worship the Blind God and are known to have visions. But Damian was not so eager about it since the final step of joining was to blind oneself (to remove the distractions of normal sight, or some such nonsense). The priesthood wasn't very happy about his reluctance to begin with but after they discovered he had been having an affair with one of the other young novices, a boy at that, they banished him from the lands. Since then he has traveled and shared his healing abilities, helping out here and there, until he discovered the Sapphire Eclipse and found a new opportunity to help people.
    Character build: Magic
    Character build weakness: Strength
    Post by: Relatively Sane, May 4, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Relatively Sane
    Malkira used blitz because it seemed to be working
    Post by: Relatively Sane, May 4, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Relatively Sane
    Malkira was getting a bit PO'd. Firstly he was assaulted by overpowered maids, then time itself didn't want to behave. At least the maid was a bit weaker now. If he was a less rational man he'd be raging, he had to confront Baron Everlue, but first he had to incapacitate this maid, by violently swinging his axe in her face.

    Malkira used Blitz on the surprisingly less strong maid
    Post by: Relatively Sane, May 2, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Relatively Sane
    Malkira suddenly realised something, why was he using air against this super-powered maid when he had a perfectly good, and sharp, axe in his hand? With this in mind he swung his axe right into the maid's face several times "STOP CLEANING ME!!!" was Everlue behind this? Once he'd taken care of this maid he'd kill that pompous lord...

    Malkira used Blitz
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Apr 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Relatively Sane
    Malkira was shocked, how did getting polished hurt him so much? Malkira was angry now, he raised his arms and blasted the maids away with wind

    Malkira used Aero​
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Apr 28, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Relatively Sane
    Malkira was surprised by some maids entering the room and attacking them with no provocation. We wonder why the hell some random young girls would attack a group of better equipped mages, and didn't like the idea of attacking them because they were clearly deranged. Still, a fight was a fight, Malkira cast down the full power of his lightning.

    Malkira used Thunder
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Apr 26, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Relatively Sane
    This sickening man was not only a prententious idiot, but also a lying, cheating, sick ******* and cheapskate who manipulated these girls. He deserved death. Malkira didn't care about the consequences, as soon as he learned that the book had been taken care of, his axe would meet the fat lord's neck. The maids wold probably whine for their master, the others could educate them and get them new jobs where they weren't manipulated, Malkira didn't think about that though, he just imagined himself brutally slaughtering Duke Everlue over and over again. Ah, it's been too long since bloodshed
    Malkira simply stood there lost in thought as the others performed for the Duke, he saw Zephyrine being dragged off by Vance and hoped the condescending little lordling wasn't going to do anything stupid, he almost admired Zephyrine's bravery to stand up against the Duke, it was still a stupid thing to do. Once they had the book, however, she could go wild for all he cared.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Apr 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Relatively Sane
    Malkira didn't take a seat, rather he stood behind Vance stoically, pretending to be the ever loyal guardian. When conversation turned to Vance's staff Malkira nodded and bowed to Duke Everlue
    "Sir, Vance Dorian has hired me as his bodyguard. You may not have seen me before as I have only recently come into my lord's service" If Malkira had teeth he would be gritting them, playing the servant was not his natural position, heck, he had captured castles to release those in servitude. In Malkira's war camps nobody was a servant, people did things for the good of the army but they weren't forced to, and they were justly rewarded. Also there was none of this servant speak, nobody called him 'my lord' when he was alive. The society and traditions of this land were repressive and unjust. He could just imagine himself riding through the cities, slaying the rich and freeing the poor... but that would never happen. His army was gone. His powers were gone. He certainly couldn't ride a horse. He could make an impression here though, kill the Duke and Vance... but he couldn't, not yet at least, he had to wait until his powers grew. He continued "I do not have a name, sir, I am merely a humble golem", Malkira so wanted to show off his true power before the end of the mission and show the Duke who he really was, perhaps he would have heard of Malkira, if not, he would soon remember it...
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Apr 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Relatively Sane
    As the guards reached for Evan he skillfully dodged and skittered through several pairs of legs. skipping through the stony streets and exquisite marble mansions he tried to lose the guards who ran after him shouting. hopping into a mansion he stopped to catch his breath.
    "And what are you hoping to achieve?" Hazzakan demanded
    "Hmm... Escape?"
    "Okay, then I'll just run back to the others and hide among them, the guards wouldn't try to arrest friends of the king! Right?"
    "You're not a friend of the king"
    "I'll have to become a friend of the king then!"
    "You hate him"
    "Shut up! Also I suppose all plans of leaving are off the table... sigh... damn you past self" Evan got out and clambered along the roads, trying to make his way back through a different route. Eventually he arrived where the goddess and the king were, luckily none of them had noticed his excursion, he hid himself among the group
    "I'm not here, shh!"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Apr 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Relatively Sane
    Malkira stood directly behind the two noblemen, watching every corner with suspicion. The maid was gigantic, but not quite as gigantic as him. The Duke had a lavish house, some small part of Malkira wanted to burn it down... No, we're not burning down mansions anymore. At least, not until there's no other option...
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Apr 11, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Relatively Sane
    "Very well, we'll do it your way" Malkira just knew this was going to be boring. Rash and bloodthirsty attitude, how dare you you arrogant, stuck-up, ignorant disgrace to humanity. If this was the battlefield things would be much different. Malkira had been trying to change, turn his anger into compassion and his violence into peace, annoying idiots such as Vance were not helping, he was this close to slicing Vance's head off, and now he was being asked to protect him. Fine, but only because I'm new here, we're all new here. If I was in charge you'd be the one dressing up as the maid.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Apr 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Relatively Sane
    Malkira held back his pride "Very well, I shall pose as your bodyguard. On one condition, I get to kill anyone who seems threatening" Malkira leaned down threateningly "That is what bodyguards do. Of course, it shall hopefully not come to that" Malkira lied, he really hoped it would come to that. He didn't like Vance, the man seemed to think he was instantaneously the leader just because of who his parents were, just because of noble blood. Malkira had no noble blood, he did not even have a last name, but he was still well known in history all across the East as Malkira the Marauder. That was true power, the ability to come up to prominence from nothing. Vance... Vance had everything handed to him on a silver platter, Malkira took it with an iron knife.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Apr 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Relatively Sane
    Evan tried to hang back behind the rest of them. He wasn't particularly comfortable in this city, he had a feeling he would turn a corner and find someone who knew him. Luckily the King seemed ignorant of Evan's past. While Evan was being quiet Hazzakan wasn't helping.
    "Look at all this! Why have I never come here before, there's magic everywhere, so much to analyse! I could spend a year in this city and there'd still be hidden mysteries left!" Hazzakan had wonder in his eye
    "I'm not planning on staying here a year. We have dinner because I haven't eaten anything good in weeks, we watch this battle because no matter the result I love seeing a smug ******* beaten into the ground. Then we leave. I don't care about the Goddess, we're leaving" Evan didn't like the King, he didn't like most of his companions either, Evan liked very few people. Some people were too depressing, they didn't understand the fun in life. Others were too happy, or arrogant, they were bound to get killed at some point and Evan didn't want to be associated with them. Others were plain stupid.
    "Leaving? Really? But we just got here!"
    "There are other places we can go that are just as amazing and magical, your scientific mind won't be resting for long" wrapped up in his own thoughts Evan bumped into a palace guard. the guard turned to him and recognition flickered in his eyes "Oops, sorry, slipped"
    "on what?"
    "On... absolutely nothing. Anyway, I should get back to the others, they'll be lost without me... like sheep" Evan backed away hurriedly, he recognised this man slightly and didn't want to find out how
    "Wait a second... I know you! You got banished from this city years ago!" the guard shouted "You killed my brother!"
    "Not intentionally!" the others were beginning to look back at the commotion "How was I supposed to know overloading his body with lightning magic would kill him? Or was he part of the necromancy experiment? You'll have to remind me, I killed so many elves and they all look the same" the guard was now even angrier
    "You're screwed Evan, and that means I'm screwed... this isn't good" Hazzakan stated as the guard called for backup
    "I wish, I'm worse than screwed, we could possibly be executed for the crimes I've comitted in this city..."
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Mar 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Relatively Sane
    "Is that what he calls fair? I heard this backwards country had different standards but I didn't expect them to be... well... this different. Judging by his other maids I'd probably make a more suitable servant for this guy than the girl we sent out" Malkira stated, after noticing the looks he got he glared back at them "That doesn't mean I'm doing it!" he thought for a second "Zephyros... Zephyrine sorry... if you can shapeshift can you become... less attractive? I know it's not fashionable but it might be our best shot". Malkira was tired of waiting around, he turned to Edric "Taking seven people onto this mission just to have one person infiltrate is illogical. I have concluded that there is more required from us, could you elaborate?"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Mar 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home