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  1. Relatively Sane
    Damian gasped in awe as Vance flew him and Thea up to the bridge "That's incredible!" Damian stopped, blushed, coughed and regained his composure "I mean... uh... how are we going to get up there?" Damian eyed the rock wall, he was not the fittest person in the world, far from it. But he had been climbing before in his treks through the world. Right. Time to put that to the test. Damian left his pack, staff, and book on the ground "Uh, if one of you winged people could fly that up... thanks. I think climbing is the only option for the rest of us" Taking off his jacket Damian cracked his knuckles and approached the rock wall cautiously. Right. Well. Let's do this. Carefully Damian grabbed a rock hold and began to haul himself up, sticking his hands on handholds and feet on footholds. He was doing pretty well, but a glance at the ground and the top showed him that there was still a while to go yet. Wiping sweat off his forehead Damian continued

    Sam decided to introduce a bit of RNG, he rolled a d20. Luckily it was a 14 so Damian succeeded on his agility roll

    It was a slow grind, and flying would have certainly been quicker, but Damian didn't want to risk the new magic, and didn't really trust his comrades. When Damian was almost at the top and grabbed for a crag his hand slipped slightly. For a moment time stood still and Damian's heart pumped like mad, if he fell from this height he would certainly get several fractured bones, he knew how to minimise damage but even then it would cause quite severe bruising, and the shock of the impact itself would render Damian useless for the rest of the mission. Quickly his eyes darted around to find a new hand hold and he scrabbled at the wall. Fortunately he managed to get a grip and brought himself close to the wall as he calmed down. "I'm okay... I think" he said, more for himself than anyone else. Continuing with care he reached the top and hopped onto the bridge. "Phew... not all of us have wings. Also you are really unfit... sorry" Damian mumbled shyly to Vance "Right, well now we're up here. Um... why are we up here?"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 8, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Relatively Sane
    Curses, the man had seen her. It mattered little, swiftly she skittered backwards further into the alley "You can't protect the girl!" she called to him. When she was sure she was out of sight she deftly clambered up the side of a building and perched above, hidden in the darkness. But as she watched she began to see strange shapes appearing in the shadows. Was that... her? What was going on?

    Solomon wondered where or not he should interject here, and instantly decided that of course he would. with a flick of a hand the shadows of the alley coalesced into an illusion that the man (Zephyr) would just about be able to see. It was the young girl who the doppler had been disguised as. And behind her he created an image of the assassin doppler herself grabbing at the young girl and taking her away, further back into the alley. Still stealthed in the shadows Solomon orchestrated this scenario, smiling ominously behind the mask.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 8, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Relatively Sane
    Shyra sighed at the pathetic display, this girl was clearly not adventurer material. If Shyra ran the organisation she would have slammed the door on the girl before she even came in. But Sanderson wanted to accept everybody, so Shyra supposed she would have to control herself "I don't even know your mother" She protested "You want to learn more about magic? Well I suppose this place is cheaper than a university. I guess I can teach you a bit about magic. Do you even know runes? Can you read magic? Probably not" Shyra sighed again "look, uh, why don't you just run off to the dining hall and have a cake" Some of these recruits would take a lot of training, it seemed.

    "Please, help yourselves! I insist!" Sanderson exclaimed as he strolled into the hall "We're still waiting for a few stragglers, but some of your have come all the way from the other side of Tyrrus, you must have worked up an appetite!" Picking up a pastry Sanderson took a bite of it before sitting heavily down in his large chair "Miss Anthea, that was your name correct? Don't feel obligated to pour us tea" Sanderson chuckled "We have a servant for that, Chesters!" Sanderson called loudly
    "Yes sir?" A tall, grim man appeared silently, so silently that nobody even noticed his arrival until he spoke
    "Greetings, could you perhaps serve our guests?" Sanderson grinned "Anthea, my good lady, we already pay someone to serve us, here you don't have to be a servant, we're all equals, relax! Have some tea! Have a scone, they're very good, Chesters cooked them himself"
    "Indeed" The dark haired man stated. He kept a perfectly emotionless expression throughout the conversation "We seem to have more guests than anticipated, shall I bring some more cakes and tea?"
    "Please do, my good man" Sanderson gestured for him to do so, turning back to the group he sipped at his tea and addressed them all "Please do sit down, I must say I applaud your eagerness, but what brings you to the Adventurer's Society?"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 7, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Relatively Sane
    "Very well" Solomon stated evenly "When you're ready I will find you" With that Solomon stepped backwards into a portal and disappeared from view. The room with Veera and Aaron in seemed to get slightly lighter and the shadows were still.
    Above, on the streets of Oxenfurt, the dark mage stood. The souls still called to him, singing their song of fear. So many dead. The energy filled Solomon as he gracefully accepted their souls. Soon. Soon he would be strong enough. Slowly Solomon took out the locket
    "Soon. Soon. we will be together". Suddenly Solomon heard people approaching and the door to the building he was next to opened. Ducking into a back alley Solomon hid himself in the shadows.
    As soon as Zephyr took her outside Willow ducked around the corner of the building, evading the man. While out of sight she began the transformation process. Suddenly she felt a presence beside her."Who's there?" she hissed quietly
    "You can't stay hidden forever, little doppler" a voice stated from the gloom "they will find you" it was an unnerving voice, something that sounded like it didn't belong to any normal person
    "Where are you?" she whispered as she peered into the shadows, but she could not see the source of the exclamation. Who will find me? What is he talking about? She decided to put it out of her mind, the voice had fallen silent so she assumed it had left, she could worry about it later, right now she had a job to do. Silently she readied her weapons.

    Solomon stood back, he was curious about this situation. And the way the doppler woman held those blades made him smile grimly, she wasn't playing around. She was here to kill.
    Vyle was silent for a moment as he considered what Teliana had said and recalled what he knew of the necromancer "Solomon is... very very old. Older than most mages. Not as old as me, but impressive age for a mortal. I've heard reports, stories, about him, a strange black clad man wandering the land causing torment wherever he goes. These stories are dismissed by most as fallacy, after all, raising the dead is not a very common thing. But I paid attention. I finally managed to track him down today. And now he's gone again. But wherever there is chaos and torment, Solomon is not far"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 7, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Relatively Sane
    After the two witchers had their confrontation there was a silence. Until that silence was rudely broken by Solomon clapping "Bravo, bravo!" Solomon applauded "So I suppose we shall continue? Excellent. As I mentioned, beyond that door lies the key to destroying the dopplers forever. There will be more guards alerted by the commotion but I'm sure they're no match for you" Solomon stopped and cocked his ear. The restless souls of the slaughtered were calling out to him, their voices strained and distant. They sang a song of loss, Solomon hummed softly and it almost seemed as though the shadows were dancing behind him. So many dead, so many souls who did not understand what they did to deserve this, who could not comprehend that it was the nature of life to disappear. Although the room was silent Solomon alone could hear a chorus of voices, rising together in a cacophany of fear and sadness. The only way Solomon cold drown out the overwhelming emotion of a sea of souls was to join the harmony and sing along. My children of death, oh what torment I have wrought upon you. But worry not, for you shall return. Suddenly Solomon returned to reality. "I will guide you into the city and assist you as much as I can but after that I will have to leave" More souls call, more torment may be delivered. The melody of life must come to an end and be replaced by the harmony of death. Don't worry Aaron, Tiana will be quite safe...
    Vyle smiled as the girl spoke "You certainly are brave, braver than most humans I've met. But yes you are quite right, if I wanted to kill you... well let's not go into that. Whatever the case I do not wish to cause you any harm, I value human lives above all else. But unfortunately, just like the rest of my kind, I still must feed" Vyle rubbed his stomach slightly "It's been far too long since my last meal, I was going to feed on that necromancer, I try to avoid feeding on the innocent and only feed on criminals and killers"
    "Yes... I understand" Willows said softly as Sara, drying the tears on her rags. She looked up at the other ma, Zephyr, he was called. Willow wondered if he could be of any use to her plans. She tugged meekly on the man's sleeve "Before you take me back to my room... can you please... come outside with me?" Willow coughed "I want fresh air... and I don't... I don't want to go out alone"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 5, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Relatively Sane
    Sorry guys, but since there are now SO MANY OF YOU we're going to make THREE missions instead of just two.

    So yeah, you'll have to post in the OOC again stating which mission you want to go on. These expeditions will start sometime soon hopefully.

    Darklight Disturbance
    Expedition Leader: Shyra Bracklewood
    Summary: Travelling to the Darklight Caverns, the strange caverns under the Sunset Mountains, to try and maybe find something and train the newbies
    Members: (6/6)
    Alice (Support)
    Laurentinus (Tank)
    Kara (Melee/Ranged Damage Dealer)
    Lumen (Melee/Ranged Damage Dealer)
    Tessa (Support)
    Conrad (Tank)
    Supports: 2
    Tanks: 2
    Melee Damage: 2
    Ranged Damage:

    Big Game Hunting
    Expedition Leader: Sanderson Bracklewood
    Summary: Drakes in the north have been showing unusual behaviour lately and coming down from the moutains, the town of Fordington has an infestation. Seems like a good time to go hunting, train the newbies, and help out some people while we do it
    Members: (5/6)
    Lyra (Melee/Ranged Damage Dealer)
    Bryce (Tank)
    Iris (Ranged Damage Dealer)
    Aedan (Support)
    Panola (Ranged Damage Dealer)

    Supports: 1
    Tanks: 1
    Melee Damage: 1
    Ranged Damage: 2

    The Mists of Fogwarden
    Expedition Leader: Aston Venger
    Summary: The eccentric Kellan Sithwyr invites the Adventurer's society to raid the forgotten Fogwarden Crypt, but another raiding party has its sights set on it so time is of the essence!
    Members: (5/6)
    Badun (Ranged Damage Dealer)
    Arthur (Support)
    Kevin (Ranged/Melee Damage Dealer)
    Anthea (Ranged Damage Dealer)
    Baldomar (Tanky/melee)

    Supports: 1
    Tanks: 1
    Melee Damage:
    Ranged Damage: 3
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 5, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Relatively Sane
    DM Message:
    Within the Dining Hall is a large banquet table with 20 seats. Upon the table are many assorted pastries including cakes and scones, as well as some fruit bowls filled with local fruits. Several teapots, accompanied with milk and sugar and teacups, are laid on the table. Several decorative candles and flowerpots are scattered around. At the head of the table is a large ornate seat clearly meant for Sanderson.

    People currently in the Dining Hall:
    Bryce, Aedan, Badun, Iris, Baldomar, Lumen, Arthur, Kevin, Anthea, Laurentinus

    Do what you want guys
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 4, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Relatively Sane
    Ransak Frisk
    Ran laughed nervously
    "Nothing like that" he responded. The airship was landing, oh good, that meant the possible valuables on board were still safe "Hmmm" Ransak took off his pack and delved deep into it, rummaging around after a moment we pulled out a stick. It was no ordinary stick though, this stick was forked. Ransak held the stick by the two prong bits and stuck it out "This is the Rod of Divining. Bought it for cheap off some old trader who didn't know what it was. This artifact dates back to the age of demigods. Now let's see..." Ransak waited for the rod to guide him to valuable items.

    "You should not drink too quickly mistress, you'll scold your throat!" Timothy advised "ah, how rude of me, I haven't even introduced myself! My designation is Timothy Chesteron, and I hereby serve you, as per Function 15" Timothy bowed, its hulking frame creaking with the complex maneuver "I am an automaton, a creature built of metal and the arcane, technology and magic mixed together to create an eternal servant" Timothy straightened its bow tie "And if I may ask your name mistress?"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 4, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Relatively Sane
    Shyra Bracklewood

    Shyra looked at the group with an attentive gaze, she noticed a couple of girls decided not to follow the rules and split off on their own, Aston was dealing with one of them and Shyra turned on the other
    "If you're here to join the Adventurer's Society you'll have to tell Lyra your name, we don't just let any strangers in" Shyra stated sternly, but she could see this girl was quite shy and didn't necessarily want to face the group, Shyra sighed "Oh very well, just tell me your name and move on to the hall, there's food ready"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 3, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Relatively Sane
    "Wonderful!" Sanderson stated enthusiastically, there were so many wonderful people here today! And although some of them didn't seem to be getting on Sanderson was sure that eventually they'd all be the best of friends "My name is Sanderson Bracklewood, this is my sister Shyra Bracklewood and our friend Aston Venger. We hereby cordially invite you to join the Adventurer's Society! If you would please follow us inside, I do believe food is ready!" With another smile Sanderson stepped into the manor and almost bumped into a well dressed young woman "Ah hello there Lyra! I'm sure you'll be glad to know we have plenty of new recruits!" Sanderson grinned with a sense of achievement "They do seem an odd bunch, but in my experience strange people can be more familiar than you'd think!"

    Shyra rolled her eyes as Sanderson enthusiastically greeted the group again. Shyra had her doubts about this... gathering. They were certainly not the kind of people Shyra would be happy to accompany into savage forests of Hirokir. "Well? What are you all doing standing around? Come inside!" Shyra stepped past the door and saw Lyra, the only other sensible person in this Society "When you come in please tell Miss Arcamere here your names" She shouted back to the rabble. There were already some people in the manor "You too, we need names" With that Shyra stormed off to sort out various plans. There was no possibility of going to Hirokir yet, these recruits were simply too... weak. Untrained. Shyra might take them to the caves that joined Hirokir to Tyrrus, just have a look around, but there was no possibility of going beyond yet.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 3, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Relatively Sane
    Having punched through the basement door Timothy exited Sky Tower through an exterior entrance. Timothy registered the barren landscape, it doubted that even it, with its supreme gardening skills, could make this place look good. Wandering around for a moment Timothy suddenly looked up and saw signs of life "Human!" it exclaimed, it had been so long since Timothy had seen a living being, a being to serve, a being to care for... Timothy had a sudden yearning, urges.

    Timothy needed to give this human tea.

    It analysed the figure, a red cloaked woman who seemed to be climbing the tower with no idea there was a perfectly usable entrance right here. Admittedly this "entrance" wasn't there a moment ago... before Timothy had punched a hole in the wall. Suddenly Timothy noticed the woman was falling. Timothy Chesterton was not one to stand idly by while a human was in danger, a deeper whirring began in Timothy as he sprinted forwards to help the woman. Just as the woman was a few feet from the ground Timothy adeptly caught her in his large metallic hands and broke her fall.
    "That was a very dangerous stunt there mistress, I must insist that you keep to using ground floor entrances" Timothy spoke as though he had known this woman for his whole life as he put her back to her feet "Now madam, after such a fall you surely must want some refreshment, I shall brew you a good old cup of tea. Please sit down" Timothy dusted a fallen log and indicated for the woman to sit. It then stood upright and began to shake erratically, the sounds of boiling water could be heard from within Timothy's chrome body, building up to a small beep, it brought out a teapot from within its metal frame and began to pour the woman some tea "Oh? A stranger approaches" Timothy stated as a strangely dressed man approached "And what business have you with the mistress?"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 2, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Relatively Sane
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The young one was feisty. Solomon chuckled as Aaron held him against the wall "Ah, the boy has tasted the fruits of the seeds that have been sown, and found them bitter" Solomon did not struggle as the boy held him but stared into his eyes. Although no part of Solomon's face was showing he managed to exude an attitude of complete and utter apathy. Apathy towards the lives of the dopplers, apathy towards the life of Aaron, and most importantly, apathy towards his own life. "Go ahead, kill me. I dare you. But first you might want to have a talk with your friend" Solomon nodded at Veera "I want to make a plan to eradicate the dopplers" For a moment Veera's voice came out of Solomon's mouth "She wants to kill them all, every woman, every child, every murderer and every innocent. Every doppler who lives among unsuspecting humans and every one who lives in isolation. This is not going to be easy, they are everywhere. There are doppler farmers, doppler bakers, doppler innkeepers, doppler killers, doppler peasants and doppler noblemen, doppler knights and doppler assassins, your friends may be dopplers, your enemies may be dopplers. You cannot eradicate a race of people by just killing left and right, you need a plan. Cut off the head and the body will die, and I've just brought you to the head" Solomon indicated the door with his head, never taking his gaze off Aaron "Under the city of Oxenfurt lies Sanctuary. Haven of the dopplers, the one place they can be safe. As long as Sanctuary remains you cannot destroy the dopplers, but with the city threatened dopplers everywhere lose their insurance" Solomon leaned in close to the boy "So, have you lost your heart now you're here? Do you no longer wish to follow miss Veera into oblivion and hellfire? The boy has tasted the fruits of the seeds that have been sown, and found them bitter"

    Weather magic, it just HAD to be weather magic. Willow thought as Terra dissolved the rain clouds she had so handily used. Willow, as Sara, looked up in wonder at the orphanage matron "...Are... are you a mage?" she asked innocently "I'm sorry... I promise I won't tell anyone miss Terra... I'm sorry..." she scrunched up her face and began to cry "I just... heard something fall over... and came because... I was scared... and couldn't sleep... and I saw the fire and... I was so worried... and scared and... I'm sorry" Sara looked down at her feet. What a pitiful act, but at least it would ensure Terra didn't suspect her, after all, who would suspect a little girl?
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 2, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Relatively Sane
    Ransak Frisk

    With a bemused expression Ransak looked at the woman
    "You look but you do not see" he stated cryptically, lowering his goggles and zooming in on the ship he pointed "See, markings. It's the Order of the Hammer. Which means Demigods. Which means..." he grinned at the woman "...treasure. Valuable stuff" While his goggles were zoomed in Ran quickly scanned the rest of the scene... "...there's a woman climbing the tower..." he muttered to himself. Ignoring it Ran took off his goggles again extended his hand towards the woman with the bow "Ransak. Ransak Frisk. You can call me Ran. If you help me get stuff from the aftermath of this, we can split the rewards. Sound good?"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 1, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Relatively Sane
    Might as well stick up the Expeditions

    There are two expeditions we'll begin with, these are nothing overly complex yet they're just to introduce you all to the system and get your characters acquainted

    Darklight Disturbance
    Primary Expedition Leader: Shyra Bracklewood
    Secondary Expedition Leader: Aston Venger
    Summary: Travelling to the Darklight Caverns, the strange caverns under the Sunset Mountains, to try and maybe find something and train the newbies
    Members: (6/8)
    Anthea (Ranged damage dealer)
    Bryce (Tank)
    Alice (Support)
    Lumen (Melee/Ranged damage dealer)
    Iris (Ranged damage dealer)
    Badun (Ranged damage dealer)

    Big Game Hunting
    Primary Expedition Leader: Sanderson Bracklewood
    Summary: Drakes in the north have been showing unusual behaviour lately and coming down from the moutains, the town of Fordington has an infestation. Seems like a good time to go hunting, train the newbies, and help out some people while we do it
    Members: (6/8)
    Laurentius (Tank)
    Aeden (Support)
    Kara (Melee/Ranged damage dealer)
    Kevin (Melee/Ranged damage dealer)
    Baldomar (Melee damage dealer)
    Lyra (Melee/Ranged damage dealer)

    Please post saying which mission you want your characters on
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Dec 31, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Relatively Sane
    Solomon laughed as Veera went beyond the door and began slaughtering Dopplers. His laughter echoed around menacingly as he watched the wichers' rampage. This was just brilliant, he'd let a wolf loose amongst the sheep and who knew what could stop her rampage. Slaughter, massacre, death. Oh how beautiful it was. "The sanctuary, heh, no longer as safe as it seemed" Solomon skipped along as Veera invited him along with them, he waltzed around the bodies, humming a little tune. The consequences of what he'd done filled him with joy, there was clearly nothing purer than extinction. The witchers had played right into his hands. First it would be the dopplers, every single one eradicated from the surface of the planet. Solomon's hum rose into a song, a creepy song, in any other context it would be an upbeat tune, but as the necromancer danced and hopped around the slaughterhouse it sounded... eerie. Then what after dopplers, werwolves? Vampires? Mages? it mattered little, but the important thing was that last of all had to be humans. And Solomon would watch and laugh as every human on the planet turned on each other, they hated each other enough, he barely had to do a thing. The perfect ending would be Solomon, alone, standing amongst the dead, their tormented souls calling to him.

    Then, and only then, would Solomon grant himself permission to die.

    Solomon stopped and grinned at Veera
    "Welcome, my dear, to Sanctuary"

    "Ah, thank you kindly" Vyle stated as he accepted the cup and took a massive swig "This is good tea, have some" he offered the cup back. He sat in silence for a moment longer "You know, most people despise me simply because of what I am, but I admire that you've stayed behind. Aren't you afraid I'm going to drink your blood?" Vyle asked with a smile on his lips "After all, I am a "horrible bloodthirsty vampire", eating people is kind of what we do"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Dec 31, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Relatively Sane
    Ransak Frisk

    The figure stopped. He felt as though he had very briefly been in great danger and barely escaped it. The figure stood up straight and looked around the landscape.
    "...who's that?..." He muttered to himself as he saw a figure in the distance with a bow and arrows. Lowering his goggles over his eyes he zoomed in. There was a young woman also paying attention to the airship. He wondered why anyone else would be standing around a battlefield and began to scuttle towards them. "Hey" Ransak called out as he approached. His eyes darted up and down the woman, almost as if scanning her "...22 year old female..." Ran muttered under his breath. He nodded at the target with the arrow in the middle "Nice shot. What are you doing here?" Ransak spoke disinterestedly in short sharp statements as he scurried around, he didn't seem to stay still for a single moment "There's going to be battle, you know" Ransak looked back towards the Airship "Don't really want to be here. Until it's over" he turned back to the woman and grinned excitedly "But. If you want my advice. There'll be a lot of valuable stuff laying around after"

    Timothy Chesterton

    Deep within Sky Tower, a forgotten basement, an abandoned area that had remained uninhabited for centuries. Cobwebs and dust were all that filled this room, with the exception of a monolithic figure standing by the far wall. This Statuesque creature lay immobile in the darkness, oblivious the events above. Suddenly two piercing blue lights lit up the room as the creature's eyes opened. A slow whirring sound could be heard as the figure started up and a slight blue glow emanated from within it. With the room plunge into light it could be seen that the being was metallic, and seemed to wearing a waistcoat and bow tie. The whirring suddenly built to a climax and quietened down again as the mechanical being activated. Slowly it moved its featureless head from side to side, those glowing blue eyes shining light onto the rubble around the room. It stepped forwards, as it moved dust shifted off and shiny chrome metal could be seen beneath.
    "Function 22, activated" The robot stated in an unusually posh British accent, it delved into its own memory banks and recalled what its master had told it with his dying breath. "Designation: Timothy Chesterton. Mission: Find new master"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Dec 31, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Relatively Sane
    Sanderson Bracklewood:

    "Cold? You ought to spend a night in the Northlands, then talk to me about cold!"
    Sanderson chuckled in a friendly manner. Soon enough people began to crowd around the manor, firstly was a heavily armoured fellow soon followed by a woman carrying blades. Before he could even greet the pair though he was hailed by a walking bush. Soon after another girl arrived and remained at the back, but they were then greeted by a woman who claimed to have been instructed to arrive. Sanderson turned to Aston again "Have you heard of a Sir Garson Winterburge?" he asked the man. A moody young fellow arrived in armour and didn't seem to pay much attention to the leaders. After this another walking bush approached the manor, this one dragging a warhammer. Sanderson was honoured to have so many wilderness dwellers at the city, he knew how difficult it was to get them into the city. Sanderson stepped forward and greeted the whole crowd "Greetings! I am Sir Sanderson Bracklewood, but you can just call me Sanderson. This is my sister Shyra Bracklewood, and our friend Aston Venger. We are the leaders of the newly founded Adventurer's Society" He grinned at the crowd "If you are here to join, please come in!" Sanderson stepped out of the way of the entrance and gestured.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Dec 31, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Relatively Sane
    Hmm? Oh, Vance was talking to him. Uh, well this was awkward. "Umm... well... truthfully no" Damian stammered "I have Telepathy, God Slayer and... uh..." Damian blushed slightly "...Rainbow fire". Rainbow fire. Seriously? He had seriously been given rainbow fire? It was kind of a hinter wasn't it? Why did he have to get stuck with it. It wasn't a bad magic, but it was just... embarassing "I don't think anything I have can be of help here" Damian stated.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Dec 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Relatively Sane
    A desolate wasteland surrounded Sky Tower. Bones and old trees were strewn across the rough dirty dunes. Here and there could be seen old relics from battles of the past. Presently a dusty head stuck itself up from behind a boulder. Its wild eyes darted back and forth and the creature scuttled out towards an old sword, presumably left behind from some battle or another. The figure lowered its goggled and examined the blade carefully "...Shards of Hope made... probably around 20 years old... possibly worth..." the figure wiped dust off the nicked edge ", not much" but he chucked it into his sack of items anyway. This area was highly contested land between the Order of the Hammer and the Shards of Hope, and battlefields were always rather profitable. The figure continued to scurry along the wilderness, moving with surprising speed. Suddenly the figure stopped as they noticed something. The ground was getting darker. A looming shadow was being cast upon the dirty desert from high above. The figure looked up in surprise and saw the Valiant towering overhead. "...I wonder what it's got on it?" The figure moved excitedly further towards the battlefield, the Shards of Hope would be far too busy with the airship to notice the scrawny figure bounding across the dunes "...if that thing crashes... I'll be rich... well, richer..." the figure muttered to himself.

    They said war had left Arkan ravaged and brought doom to all.

    On the contrary, war had brought great profit to Ransak Frisk.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Dec 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Relatively Sane
    The man pulled a dusty old sheet off a large dining table and shook it out. Coughing, the woman stepped back and attempted with futility to wave away the dust.
    “Come on then Shyra, help me out, no good if guests arrive when we're unprepared!” the man chuckled at seemingly nothing “We don't want to be caught several forks short of a cutlery drawer!”
    “Sanderson, I can't tell if you're being serious or if that's another metaphor” the woman called Shyra retorted. The man harrumphed enigmatically. As he stood back he could be seen properly, he was a thickly built man with quite a tall frame, if he were anyone else he would perhaps be considered imposing, but nobody has ever thought Sanderson Bracklewood looked imposing. This was simply because of his constant expression of geniality and kindness. The man had nicely combed brown hair and striking yet soft blue eyes, he was dressed in a stylish long brown jacket and waistcoat, an air of nobility exuded from him but also an almost fatherly presence, his smile seemed to suggest that you were safe around him, and he would like you no matter who you were. “Nevertheless dear sister, it's about time we got this old place in some kind of order” he stated with determination, lighting candles around the room “In the morrow I'm expecting a lot of new blood”
    “That confident are you?” although Shyra Bracklewood looked very similar to her brother, they could not be more different, Shyra was a rational and overly cynical woman. She had the same blue eyes as Sanderson, but seemed to look upon the with judgement and criticism. “I don't look forward to teaching amateur mages how to do basic things”
    “Oh don't be so pessimistic, I think it'll be quite fun, I'll finally be able to make some use of the shooting range out back, and that chap Aston will teach them about weaponry” Sanderson wiped down a counter
    “I don't like him very much, too reckless” Shyra stated disdainfully
    “I'm certain you've said those exact words about me” Sanderson chuckled again “You'll grow to like him, he seems a friendly chap. Ah there we are” Sanderson stepped back to admire his handiwork “Doesn't it seem just like the old days? Just like home”
    “You mean before our family went bankrupt and had to leave this manor? I am sure this plan isn't profitable, your fortune can't last forever”
    “But what's the use of a fortune if you can't spend it?” Sanderson opened the heavy mahogany doors at the front of the manor and stepped out into the night “The Adventurer's Society is officially open!”
    "Really? This late in the evening?"
    "The Adventurer's Society is officially open! tomorrow"

    The next morning Sanderson Bracklewood stood at the manor entrance eagerly awaiting all who wished to come, with him were his sister Shyra and their new friend Aston Venger. Sanderson beamed out at the beautiful city. Today was going to be a good day.

    (This is where your characters come in)
    Thread by: Relatively Sane, Dec 30, 2015, 457 replies, in forum: Retirement Home