It may not! I'll make out lots of stuff we can talk about like... Um... You like anime?
Roy walked to his Ancient Runes class and started taking notes.
Yeah Dx
I know...
I have to hug her now when she gets up ;_;
I kinda picture the same thing just without the blanket. xD
I know. I kinda feel bad for her now.
Hmm... I dunno... Probably the comedy in it, the action and the characters. What about yours?
Uhuh. Divy once told us that she once had a bad dream but both me and zexykupo where in my parents be already. So she had to just walk back to her...
Yeah <333 ^^
Aww, lol. My parents bedroom was right next to mine and I went there if I had had a bad dream or something. I remember once when I was going...
I know <333
That's true. That cant be fun either. When I was younger I was a huge coward and was afraid of like... Being alone in my room at nights or...
I know >.< I've seen three dreams now where have been a KHR character. The latest one had a Hayato chibi in it. I think he was kinda like a child...
'Kay... The time when my sisters went to USA to visit our cousins and I staid home with my parents was lovely xD When my dad was working all day...
My friend also love's Bel. But my sister hates him. But it's nice to piss her off by doing a Belphegor impression. xD I just absolutely love...
xD You have any siblings? *cant remember if i've asked this before*
So is my friend who told me about it. Who's your fave character?
Mine too :lolface: Though I'm still in episode 91 or 2.
God they'd kill me. Divy would rant about it and never let it go and zexykupo would yell at me and possibly hit me. I love my sisters.