;_; You're making me feel all sad...
Nuu *searches for more images* Can you get the avatar pic like this? If that doesn't work then this one: http://i595.photobucket.com/albums/tt40/vera1226/aa23dcddb7dc0ace8d1029d0.jpg And the same for the second sig image: And this, if that one doesn't work: http://media.photobucket.com/image/chrome dokuro/musthaveKH2/Katekyo hitman reborn/012.png Oh and if you do use the pic where Chrome is standing in the sig, then can she be really close to Mukuro?
As a proud Finn I believe the only thing I can now do is lock you all into a sauna. *locks you all into a sauna*
What am I supposed to answer to this as an half american and half finn...
Is this fine? Or cant it be from photobucket either? Avatar: Size: 100x100 Stock/Render: http://www.flash-screen.com/free-wallpaper/uploads/200903/imgs/1236050304.jpg Theme: Don't need anything Other: Could there read : "In explicit Angst" in cursive writing Signiture: Size: 400x125 Stock/Render: http://www.lugaluda.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/katekyo-hitman-reborn-episode-25.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f343/kljs/chrome450.png Again, if you could get the pic of Chrome in the same pic with Mukuro Theme: Something sad and spooky. Text/Font: "In explicit Angst" written in cursive again. Effect: Some mist in it and maybe something else that you think looks good.
'Kay, I'll try to find different images...
Finns pwn you all.
After about 15 minutes shining her broom, Katie pushed the supplies back to her suitcase and carefully put his broom to lay on her bed. She ran away from the girls dormitory and away from the common room. When she reached the library she saw Isabella. "I was supposed to let you do your homework in peace, but this castle is so boring alone, so I wont let you do that." she said sitting on the table Isabella was doing her homework in. Katie told her about the plan for the evening. That she would steal some food and that Isabella would help the others keep Roy busy or something. "So what do you say?" she whispered 'cause the librarian (cant remember her name) had looked at her strictly of her loud voice.
Can I have two characters? If not I'll just have Katie. Forum name: In explicit Angst (Roxas-Chick) RP name: Katie Tiara Age: 16 Personality: Sweet, romantic and a bit shy. Looks: http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff6/BladedxBlood/Anime%20Girl/animepunkgirl.jpg User you want to go with: Anyone will do ^^ Forum name: IeA RP name: Roy Clayper Age: 17 Personality: A romantic and pretty serious guy. Looks: http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll177/RPMaster9491/Any anime men/VampireAnimeBoy.jpg User you want to go with: Same with Katie. Anyone will do ^^
You should maybe ask someone else who know stuff better than me, 'cause I'm just guessing that ^^'
I don't think so but I wouldn't really be in such a shock if were wrong.
Right, I don't remember was there other sections where post doesn't count but you can check it out by yourself.
Well, like in the 'Fun and Games' post doesn't count. "Post don't count" reads in all the sections were, well post doesn't count.
4/10 I'm about an 1,46 meters (4.79 foots I think) tall and I'm turning 14 in october.
'Ello ^^
I've heard that like a thousand times already.
I watched Twilight with my sisters on my oldest sisters name day. It was actually better then I thought.
Yeah :lolface:
Katie was laying on a chair her feet up and her head in the table. She was getting pretty bored. Isabella hadn't came yet so she was probably doing homework in the library. She gave out a moan and flipped to the floor in purpose not caring of the few students who were looking at her. She shouldn't bother Isabella so she walked up to the girls bedrooms and opened her suitcase. She pulled out her broom and took out a broomstick care package. (Don't know how they called those thing in the books, 'cause I've bee reading them in Finnish...)
I got mah name change!