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  1. In explicit Angst
    Roy glared at Zack and Dee but didn't say anything to them just quietly pushed his chair next to a empty table and started doing his Ancient Rune's work.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. In explicit Angst
    Roy grabbed his arm and glared at him.
    "Don't touch me." he said slowly. Then he pushed his hand away and glared at him some more.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. In explicit Angst
    Profile Post

    :lolface: .

    :lolface: .
    Profile Post by In explicit Angst for Johnny Bravo, Jul 6, 2009
  4. In explicit Angst
    After Roy's teacher gave him the homework Roy walked out of class to watch the first years. "Ugh, I'm not an baby sitter" he thought to his self and opened the class room door. He looked at them all strictly and seeing that some of them seemed to be afraid of his glare he smirked and walked to a chair he could sit in.
    "Professor Sprout would like you to write this down." Roy said and moved his wand toward the blackboard and some text appeared there. After some students still looked at him scared he continued: "Don't mind me, there's nothing to be scared of if you just quietly do your work."
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. In explicit Angst
    Katie looked at Zack like she was gonna kill him.

    Roy put his feet on his desk and yawned.
    "You two really should now when to just shut up."
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. In explicit Angst
    OOC: Can anyone make a fuss or something which would make Roy come there? It's really boring trying to RP with him right now ;_;
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. In explicit Angst
    Katie gave out a small smirk for herself still a bit blushing.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. In explicit Angst
    "Why cant girls play football and you boys can go dance around with each other at the ball." Katie answered to Jake's comment.
    "And Zack, it's woman, not women." she said rolling her eyes then blushed a bit like she always did when she opened her mouth in class.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. In explicit Angst
    "Great hall? Um... I think we should just stick with the first plan... Or I don't know... It's just a huge risk of getting caught and we would probably lose really many points and all..." Katie mumbled.
    She liked breaking the rules but getting caught, not so much.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. In explicit Angst
    Katie stared at the teacher from her seat. A ball? Not those again. All her memories of different kinds of ball's and dances weren't very lovely. Just sitting on a bench alone.
    "Uh, do I have to go?" Katie asked lifting her hand.

    OOC: I can see that the pictures of Katie and Roy aren't working, at least on my computer. I'll try to find some new ones, 'kay
    Edit: Is it okay if the pic of Chrome is really a pic of an anime character called Chrome? She wouldn't ofcorse be her she would just look like her? But anyways here's the link for Katie's pic: Oh and she doesn't really have an eyepatch
    And here's the one for Roy:
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. In explicit Angst
  12. In explicit Angst
    Profile Post

    Cool! :lolface:

    Cool! :lolface:
    Profile Post by In explicit Angst for Johnny Bravo, Jul 5, 2009
  13. In explicit Angst
    Profile Post

    Nothing much. You?

    Nothing much. You?
    Profile Post by In explicit Angst for Johnny Bravo, Jul 4, 2009
  14. In explicit Angst
    Profile Post

    :lolface: .

    :lolface: .
    Profile Post by In explicit Angst for Johnny Bravo, Jul 4, 2009
  15. In explicit Angst
    Ah, yes. Good xD
    I'm gonna start RPing tomorrow.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 4, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. In explicit Angst
    Ah, good. Thank you!
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 4, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  17. In explicit Angst
    OOC: Are you gonna add the characters to the front page? Also did I get in?
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 4, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. In explicit Angst
  19. In explicit Angst
    Profile Post

    Um... What's up?

    Um... What's up?
    Profile Post by In explicit Angst for jettie, Jul 4, 2009
  20. In explicit Angst
    Okayh! :lolface: Err...
    Profile Post by In explicit Angst for jettie, Jul 4, 2009