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  1. In explicit Angst
    Hmm... I guess we could start now.

    "Mom! I'm going out!" Katie yelled for her mom from downstairs.
    "Yeah, sure... Stay out from trouble, take your phone with and other stuff like that..."
    Katie chuckled. Her mom was still pretty sleepy before her first cup of coffee. Katie opened the door and smelt the fresh air. She smiled and ran to the near by park. She dug her phone out of her pocket and tried to call her friend Laura.
    "Sorry, I cant talk to you right now 'cause I'm in PARIS! Too bad for you! Leave a message if it's something important and I'll give you a ring when I get home!" Katie heard her friends answering machine. She was so jealous. Her family can't afford to go to Paris, or any other cool place. Laura always went to cool and expensive places and bragged about it when she got home. Katie didn't actually even like her that much, but everyone from her school was like that, and she tried to act friendly to them when they talked to her. And it was nice to have someone around to talk to.

    Meanwhile Roy was taking a walk around his neighborhood.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. In explicit Angst
  3. In explicit Angst
    Cool, an emo xD
    Well, you're in ^^
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. In explicit Angst
  5. In explicit Angst
    Roy smiled.
    "Yeah, I remember when the first movie came out when I was eight or nine, I went everywhere with a 'scar' on my forehead."
    Roy hadn't really talked to Lizzie well before, but she seemed pretty smart and there was something about her he was interested about.
    "Later on, I came a big fan of the books too. I didn't show it that well as I did as a kid, but yeah. I like them." he said still smiling.

    Katie's mind, like always, traveled around the universe. She dreamed of a perfect guy, and of that, she remembered the ball. She looked around to see anyone interesting, but no one seemed so nice or anything. Well they might of been, but she was too shy to go talk to anyone.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. In explicit Angst
    I'll add ya! ^^
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. In explicit Angst
    Hmm... She probably wont answer her phone there...
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. In explicit Angst
    As he sat down he saw what Lizzie was reading.
    "So are you gonna go see the movie? Half Blood Prince I mean." he said pointing at her book.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. In explicit Angst
    I'd probably get banned from the computer for a month... *blinkblink*
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. In explicit Angst
    Love you too bitch.


    Okay, not really

    My dad's on a work/fishing trip and mom's at work. Maybe, I'll say it later?
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. In explicit Angst
    Hmm, sounds okay... I'll make Roy bump into Lizzie, btw.

    Roy couldn't find any place to sit so he walked next to a three. He saw Lizzie sitting there.
    "Hm, may I sit here?" he asked
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. In explicit Angst
    If it's fine for Alexandra, it's fine for me ^^
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. In explicit Angst
    Huh? You mean a date to the ball? Well Roy doesn't have a date either... But I don't want them to go together...
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. In explicit Angst
    OOC: Can we just skip the rest of the recess maybe?
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. In explicit Angst
    Meh, I don't know... I don't really watch it...
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  16. In explicit Angst
    Katie was listening Sakura addiction on a bench.

    Roy tried to find a place to sit so he wouldn't have to sit in the ground.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. In explicit Angst
    Sure, you're in ^^
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. In explicit Angst
    Katie got up and walked out of class. She dug up her iPod and put it to shuffle. She smiled a little when she heard the opening words: "Sakura saku" coming out of her earphones telling her that her favorite song was on.

    Roy yawned and took out a book. He read it for about five minutes looked around to see the class almost empty and that Mr.Geetray was looking at him. "Sure, whatever..." he mumbled and walked outside.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. In explicit Angst

    Teenaged love

    It's summer vacation and there's nothing to do. Your boy/girlfriend dumbed you and your friends are out of town. What to do? Find new friends, date and have the time of you life!
    So this RP is about teenagers dating and making new friends.

    The big bad RULES:
    - Standard forum/section rules apply (duh)
    - Romance PG-13, you're ofcorse allowed to kiss and stuff, but no going to the bedroom :/
    - 2 characters each! I might make it three depending how many people join.
    - For the love of god, be active! If you haven't posted in three weeks I'll send you a PM/IM and if you don't come after that, you're out of the RP.
    - No godmodding! And no 'special' abilities. I don't want to see anything like:
    "Jack lifted John up from his throat and strangled him with his super strength. There was nothing John could do anymore than hope." You can punch or kick someone but let the other user have a chance to duck or something.
    - Please don't make your characters date each other. If you really can't get them date anyone else then they can maybe go out on a date with each other, but it's fricking annoying when your characters only hang out with each other and make out together all the time -.-'
    - Be nice. If you have some grudge against some other user take it via PM/IM
    - If you break the rules you're gonna get a warning. After three warning you can kiss your ass (Yes, I will steal your donkey -.-') goodbye from the RP.
    - Your character has to be an teenager! No younger or older :/
    - Put in the bio why is he/she single at the moment!
    - Saturday is date night. You can go on a date when ever you want to but saturday is the main date night and it would be good to always try to at least get a date on Saturday. And I'll say when it's Saturday so don't make it up. Ask me first!

    OC form:

    What kind of people likes to date:

    Have fun!


    Username: In explicit Angst
    Name: Katie Tiara
    Age: 15
    Personality: Shy, sweet, loving and romantic.
    What kind of people likes to date: She's a sucker for mysterious and romantic guys. She can date fun and silly people too, but if they don't have a serious side the relationship wont have a serious side either. Also some plus would come if he'd be musical. She hates really macho people. The guy has to be able to even joke around and be a lil' girly.
    Bio: She looks very young and that's why she hasn't had a chance to date seriously before 'cause mostly the people her age see her as younger then she really is. She can get pretty upset if someone makes fun of her height and she was bullied in school about it. She hasn't really found anyone she wants to be with after her last boyfriend, but she really wants to find her 'prince'.
    History: Her ex boyfriend was friendly and all but he couldn't take anything seriously. He didn't even want to kiss her 'cause he said he wouldn't have the 'poker face' for it. He would of started laughing right after it. He acted really childishly, and Katie broke up with him hoping they still could be friends but then he started acting even more childish and mean so they don't talk to each other anymore. (< Basically my first boyfriend.)
    She has had a bad past and she used to slit her wrist and burn her hands. She hasn't done it for a while but it's probably because she hasn't had too much stress in a while.
    Other: She has had guitar lessons before and she's okay and she loves playing the guitar, but she isn't too good. She can play only simple songs. She likes to dress up as a man but she is not gay or anything. But mostly when she does that is when she is sad or stressed so she can be 'someone else' for a while.

    Username: IeA
    Name: Roy Clayper
    Age: 17
    Personality: Protective, serious, smart, romantic, and pretty mysterious and brave too.
    What kind of people likes to date: He wants someone he can protect and love. Someone sweet and smart who would appreciates literature and poetry.
    Bio: He's never really been understood and his girlfriend dumbed him 'cause she felt like he didn't open up for her and she liked more wild people.
    History: His parent were always busy doing something else when he was little so he had to teach his self, how to survive in the world.
    Other: He sings and plays the piano very well. He likes to quote stuff from songs, books, poems etc.

    Username: Flyn Pnut
    Name: Zack William Chad Marshall
    Age: 16
    Personality: Protective, charming, funny, brave.
    What kind of people likes to date: Sweet, clever, funny, calm, gentle, kind.
    Bio: His Mum and Dad were always working, his Mum died when he was 2, so he lived with his Dad, but mostly his uncle who he hates has to look after him.
    History: Was born in California, bought up in a big house, Mum died in a car accident so he had to live with his Uncle since his Dad was always at work. He had lots of friends, who he always snuck out with
    Other: Enjoys going out

    Username: Flyn Pnut
    Name: Laila Jai Bell
    Age: 16
    Personality: Fun, kind, nice, friendly, brave, outgoing, sociable.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    What kind of people likes to date: Kind, friendly, protective, kinda likes emos, fun.
    Bio: Lives with her Mom, Dad, 2 sisters and 3 brothers.
    History: Was born in California, her Mom knew Zacks Mom, but then she died (did I say that in his form, because she did...), so her Mom then started to get to know Zack's dad, she's Zacks best friend.
    Other: Her boyfriends have all been nice, but haven't really worked out.

    Username: Dexnail
    Name: Dan Seltar
    Age: 16
    Personality: sad, can be happy but need somebody that is special to him (friend or the person he likes) by him, nice, low confidence, passionate
    What kind of people likes to date: gentle,nice, happy,sweet, and passionate
    Bio: His parents moved alot and now finnaly they have found a place to stay. When he turned 12 his parents starting arguing and fighting. On his 13th birthday December 9th his parents divorced that was his present instead of an loving birthday it was an day full of sadness. He always been sad it felt like they was an hole in him that wanted to be filled but he never knew what. In the past he use to be an happy person that saw the bright side of everything but that was the past.
    History: He never sees his dad since the seperation and his mom hates him. At his house he does not get any love that was one of the factors how he became emo. When he thought he could take refuge from all the bitter love his girlfriends ends up cheating on him and she ends up getting pragnet. Dan breaks up with her and the sadness adds up to the large amount he has inside already. That was last year now he wants to be with somebody that will save him from the painfull lonelyness and the bitter sadness
    Other: he gets really happy if somebody gives him skittles and good at writting poetry. Also he plays the guitar.

    Username: Twilightblader
    Name: Seth Walker
    Age: 16
    Personality: A calm and quiet guy. He may be sky but he will do anything for most people he knows and is kind
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    What kind of people likes to date: Seth really doesn't mind as long as she is kind
    Bio: Seth is usually by himself. He doesn't really mind the loneliness but would prefer having some friends. He never dated yet
    History:Seth was only 7 when his parents died. He started to live with his grandparents after their death. Seth is usually a loner but usually be seen helping others

    Name: Hope
    Personality: spontaneous, weird, friendly, naive, sometimes dense
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    What kind of people likes to date: Someone kind hearted, handsome, strong, talkative, or quiet.
    Bio: An orphan who gets sent from foster home to foster home. She has no idea who here real family is and her new foster parents willing to adopt her. Hope was used to not having many friends or not being able to get used to living at one spot but that never made her shy or anything similar to it.
    History: ????

    Username: Mimiru
    Name: Rachel Vinson
    Personality: Spaztic, kind and optimistic. When like hell
    Appearance: My avatar
    What kind of people likes to date: A boy or girl who speaks her mind and isn't afraid to show emotion. Hates hor@@ogs and perverts.
    Bio: Sword collector, gamer, proud tomboy, dancer, singer and beats up skanks.
    History: Her previous boyfriend would beat her until she had it with him and the relationship was ended with him cheating on her.
    Other: bisexual

    Name: Draco
    Personality:Fun but always worried.
    Appearance: human vampire/MrPerfect19/AnimeGuy.gif
    What kind of people likes to date:Looks and Personalitywise. Also someone who is fun, happy and cool.
    Bio:He has a secret. He actually has Pointy teeth but he can't suck blood or anything like that. He's just afraid that someone might think he is a Vampire.
    History:His mom called him Draco because she loved vampires.
    Username: thugondarel
    Name: FJ Lucas Smith
    Age: 17
    Personality: A very creative individual, blessed with good looks and natural athletic ability. A very friendly guy cursed with the fear of being undecisive. Very sportsman-like in activities and humble. Irresponsible in a few areas of his life, his love life slips up sometimes. Worries about his friends a lot. A person that tries to inspire other people to bring about the best within themselves. Another flaw is his slight naiveness.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    What kind of people likes to date: FJ definately wants a pretty face, but he also wants someone behind the pretty face. The one that'll accept him if when his basketball skills depart and he's just left with witty sarcasm and literary quotes. The one that'll stand by his side when all his dreams come true. That one that will change the world someday.
    Bio: FJ has a passion for literature and basketball. He relates these aspects to his way of life. Always attracted by girls because of his sudden popularity, physique and basketball skills. He wants women to see the other side of him, the deep side that quotes Shakespeare, Alexander Graham Bell, and other inspirational people. FJ is also a music lover who ranges from pop to alternative to hip-hop. When bummed out, he goes to a basketball court around his neighborhood and swishes his problems away temporarily.
    History: Was born in NY. His mom Gemina has moved here a few months ago, around the time school ended. FJ has had plenty of on and off relationships with women due to them liking him for his skill and not himself. His Father left him and Gemina when he was little for another women. Further into the present, thanks to his strong willed and kind hearted mom, FJ's grown to be an incredible person that tries to bring out the best within himself and others he meet along the way. He resents his father for leaving him and his mother behind.
    Other: With the literature smarts and a decent ear for music, he write songs in a portion of spare time.

    Username: Naruto Uzumaki (Bareri-San)
    Name: Valerie-Lorraine Shatkowski
    Age: 16
    Personality: Can be a bit shy and clumsy at times but makes up for it with her devotion to her friends. She is fairly artistic and tends to stay indoors because of her clumsiness. She isn't afraid to voice her opinion on something she is passionate about. She puts the well-being and safety of her friends and close family before her own. Is quite a tomboy.
    What kind of people likes to date: Valerie wants someone that will care for her in a sense. Someone who will help her when she is feeling down and someone that she can joke around with and talk to about anything.
    Bio: Because Valerie is so clumsy to the point that she cut her finger open on a keyboard once, she usually stays indoors a lot. Because of that she toom up the hobby of drawing. No one has ever complemented her for her art and she just keeps to herself nowadays and won't talk to anyone unless she is talked to.
    History: Valerie is part Polish, part Italian and part Japanese, her mother and father broke up before she was even born but they stuck together until she reached high school before they split up. She never really dated anyone since most of the guys at her school went for the 'skanks' of her school and she got picked on a lot as well.
    Other: Valerie tends to only draw in a manga style and is trying to work on her own comic to publish.

    Username: Neko-Chiba
    Name: Joscelyn
    Age: 18
    Personality: She is very down to earth and tries her best and everything. She has a great love for drawing, music and wrestling. She finds it hard to find love, but when she does, she puts all her love into that relationship. She can be emotional. She is a very caring person and would do anything for her friends
    What kind of people likes to date: She like to date people who she has the same interests with but she has to be friends first. She's in it for the love not for anything else. People who treat her with love and respect and someone who likes her for who she is.
    Bio: She is amazing at drawing but no one seems to really care. She has been playing guitar for a long time now and is really good at it. She thinks of others before herself. But if she is taken advantage of you will pay. She speaks Japanese but isn't. She has always loved anime.
    History: She left home and lives on her own. She finds it hard to get work so she draws and plays guitar for her living at the moment. She completed school before she left home. Her parents aren't her real parents. She wants true love.
    Other: She is trying to be in a band or make one, she also is trying to become a well known artist and prove to people that anime is art. If all else fails she will try to become a professional wrestler.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    Thread by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009, 333 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  20. In explicit Angst
    8D 8D a
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone