Send feet.
Don't worry about it scoob. Welcome back.
I just recognize you! Lessee... I would've been only less than a month after you registered, so that's probably why you don't remember me.
Holy. (hi I'm shadowjak from back then)
I can see it fine, Ams.
I mean, related
Don't talk to me until you cover your Dusk, sir.
What was? Spoiler: This?
Here comes @Makaze
But like I said, you don't know which way they didn't vote or why they didn't vote. Maybe this speaks to a different issue and shouldn't be "My candidate didn't win thus I blame Schrodinger's voters."
You know, if they didn't vote out of protest, "46%" is a number that makes a pretty big argument. Much more than the 14k (not even the size of a county) who voted for a dead gorilla. People who didn't vote do not make up people who would've voted against Trump. For all you know, they would've voted 100% for Trump and it would've been a landslide. The results are the results. Period. There is no "blame." It'll suck, sure, and I wish more people felt compelled to vote, but acting like they actively hurt you is a lot different.
It was a really weird Spaltfest, for sure.
Gary is the name he held at the time.
Happy Belated, Ams!
Why would I eat a double scoop with a fork? That's silly. Use a spoon for ice cream, kids.
That.... That wasn't already on the table?