For real, that's all I did. Turned them off and turned them back on. And now... fine?
Man that's a good argument for starting right now. HARDER GAME MODE WITH EXTRA CONTENT? Do that when all the DLC is out, it might be worth the second go.
So uh. It was one of my add-ons? Videos are working now. What... EDIT: NOPE. I legit turned them all off and videos started working? and then all of them back on and just... STILL WORKIN' FINE? I'm at a loss. F-Fixed?
Chrome: Version 55.0.2883.75 m (64-bit) OS is Windows 10 64-bit. Need more or?
Hate to make ya work (or make Amaury right) but I'm having a similar issue. Spoiler Works fine in Firefox, I might add. Just having the issue with Chrome Did you try clearing browsing data like cookies/cache/etc Yes.
WHAAAAAT?!?!? IT'S PLUMS'S BIRTHDAY TOO!!! OHSHIWHADDUP Happy birthday dude. Thanks for putting up with my antics and make sure to enjoy yourself. You too Cal. I've already wished you one in #General, but enjoy your day.
This for me too^
Guys, you're missing out Forreal, why couldn't it have been Prompto. It would have been in character!
Sorry mate. She got eaten by a stink bug.
Ummm the video isn't loading?
Also, thank you Heart for re-opening QT.
tfw the admin gives you a dislike because he's in the wrong thread
Tfw you never learned your lesson.
Put your 200x200 avatar back.
Mkay, seriously, how is the topic title not "It's not a phase, mom" Writes itself.