Ha. Don't you have enough rpgs as is? XD
I know... I don't wanna be mean or discriminate anyone but its not the rpg I wanna post in anymore.
I do it to everyone People don't really appreciate it much...
I'm gonna go all spelling police on you for a second... its spelled "psychopath" just sayin. :P
Some people just gotta have their way...
Will I ever win?
Vexen- great. Its back.
Sheesh. You think hes just mad because we made him ditch the ocs?
Demy- what the Deuce! Who's that?! Vexen- Oh no.... its just as I thought... the time machine has brought at least one of our childhood selves to our dimension...
Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Please no Saïx puppy!!!! Anything but that!!!!
You got it dude
My phones actually having issues with skype right now. I have no idea whats wrong.
Demy- Marlys being evil again.
NEVER. Be ashamed. Of watching Spiderman.
Vexen- that's fantastic! Demy- cool.