Vexen- You're welcome.
Why hello! I see you're sporting a Jeff Dunham avatar.
Demy- THERES NO MISTAKIN THAT Romes gonna be mine! Its just a matter of- its just a matter of- its just a matter of time! Vexen- is there any sort of meaning behind those lyrics?
I wish I could, but I highly doubt it...
Demy- This song is called Rome! *sings* when you see me, better make a phone call. Cuz I'm a bad brained gravel gone fiend with no time at all. But just know that I'll drive so when I deposit your body in the gulf coast darlin' tomorrow!
I know very well how that sounded. :P and I have it signed. I will probably email it to you later today, or whenever I scan my drawings to upload...
Now, I'm afraid not. Promised my brother id watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows with him. And I'm honestly looking forward to it. I am SUCH...
Demy- YOU WANT ME TO PLAY?!!!! :=D: Vexen- oh god.
Demy- YEASAYER!!!! And if you don't like that, you can try Dave Matthews Band. They're pretty badass if you pick the right song.
Vexen- isn't it though? Demy- you're one wacky dude, vexie.
Vexen- not recently, however, I can't recall what this does, and it could potentially explode.
Why hello! You can just call me pdal or pipedown if you wish.
Demy- *pout* well you guys suck. Yeasayer is da bomb. Vexen- speaking of bombs, Demyx, will you pass me that thing you just about sat on?
Scanning will not be a problem. I can totally do that within the next week.
Demy- hey Vexen, do you know the band Yeasayer? Vexen- no. Demy- do you Repliku?
I'll get to signing as soon as I get home then
Demy: well I think it looks awesome. I wish i could get me some sexy armor like dat!
I'm guessing you want me to wait until after auditions to sign the thing right? :P
Demy- Vexen told me to tell you hes a genius. Vexen- That's right.
All right! If you want I can give you my email if that would be helpful.