Vexen- which always seems to put ME at an inconvenience. Demy- like when he wants money? Vexen- don't remind him!
Rikuxxion just won fifty bucks. So were getting KH3D!!!!
Vexen- foolish replica was supposed to. But apparently, "I'm not his father and can't tell him what to do." Demy- I thought we agreed you WERE his father?
Vexen- Repliku helped me set it up last week.
Demy- oooooooooooh!!!! Buuuuuuurn!!! Vexen- indeed.
That sounds incredibly fantastic! Oh how I want that game.... does it come for any other systems? Or just xbox 360?
Thanks, but I've got a cousin willing to give it to me after hes done with it! :)
Yeah, I'm like the only person on this site that doesnt
Demy- lololol good one Repliku
I'm really excited, but I don't even have re:coded yet! :(
Ooooo! Arkham city! I want that one so bad. I can't get it the release date either, because I'm broke, and I don't even know if I have the job...
Hey! Haven't talked to you in a while! I'm having a good week, actually, and I'm totally excited for Dream Drop Distance! (Even though I'll...
Demy- I can't even pronounce Arthas the leach king.
Ooooo! Nice! Any games you really want? By the way, I saw the ad for KH3D, and I figure if I get this job, I can buy it for me and my siblings to...
Demy- hey Marly! How bout you become the Goblin King? OR! How bout Lord Voldemort?!
Hey! I've just been busy. I have a job interview tomorrow (at cookies by design! Its exciting!) An d lately I've discovered fanfiction and Dr....
Demy - what were you thinking?
Laguna- wait--- Squalls outside?! Aw man... he probably doesn't like me much... this could get ugly. I'm gonna go see if hes still not talking to me. *leaves*
Laguna- *talking to himself like an idiot* awww maaan! This is getting so.... sad.... family bonds and all... I feel like crying... no, I won't. Keep it together man!
Laguna- *so only tifa can hear* this seems pretty important... but I haven't a clue whats going on.