My parents want me to get my license, but go be honest, I hate driving their cars and driving scares the s**t out of me.
I absolutely love British, Scottish, and Spanish accents. I can pull off a pretty decent British accent (so I've been told). And I also like French and Russian. And even Canadian!
.....lets just say that my car beat up two bigger cars in a parking lot...
Ya'know, fear of being judged keeps people from being themselves at school, or at work, yadda yadda yadda. I never let on how completely obsessed with Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Harry Potter, Psych, or Doctor Who I actually am whenever I talk to people I know personally, because 'what if they find out I'm a total nerd?!' However, I find it easier to go on and on and on about all of these things on the internet. Or with people I don't truly consider 'best friends.' Do other people do that too, I wonder? I mean, is it easier to be yourself over the internet where even more people have a chance to judge you, even though they don't know you? Or maybe its because they don't know you, you're not afraid to be yourself? I don't know, maybe that's just me.
There are a lot of things from my childhood that I'll never forget, but the greatest thing that had an impact on me was when my dad brought home 3 newborn kittens- merely 5 hours old! We took care of them for a few days, hoping against all odds that they would live without a proper mother. We weren't supposed to name them in case they didn't make it, but my siblings and I couldn't help it. We named them Simba, Callie, and Sneezer. Sneezer was our biggest worry. She was incredibly small, and kept sneezing all through the night. She made it a few days before her dark gray fur was reduced to thin peach fuzz. But after a while, she grew her fur back- this time in a beautiful cream color. It was odd, but amazing. She got a new home and is now mothering another little kitten that get new owners rescued, and her name was changed to Hazy. Callie is also doing fine. She too has a new home, and likes to torment the big dog that lives with her. She was my favorite, and always the princess. We only kept Simba. She was an orange Tabby, and the favorite of my sister. We kept her almost a year, but sadly, she got sick and didn't make it. But of all the memories of my childhood, I find this one most important because I learned a lot about life and death and emotions. And of course, cats.
My views on romance were tainted, slightly, because I have trouble seperating life from fiction. What I WANT is someone willing to jump out into space to save me if needed (yes, just like in Final Fantasy VIII), but I'll settle for a night if cuddling on the floor with Final Fantasy turned on, not necessarily being played, just chatting and listening to the music, because that game has some incredible music. Its not the MOST romantic thing in the world, but its actually QUITE nice. :)
The most attractive thing for me is a sweet, yet goofy smile. I don't know, its just something I love. Joseph Gordon-Levitt's is a good example of the kind of smile I like. When it comes to eyes, I really LOVE green and hazel, but I also find eyes pretty in general, so any color works. An interesting personality. I think its really attractive when someone is goofy or silly, but overall sweet. I'm really attracted to the character of Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII. That is the EXACT personality I find the most attractive. As far as looks are concerned, I don't like guys who are "pretty" like Justin Beiber or Taylor Lautner. I like guys who are kinda rough-looking, I guess, and of course, have a great smile. Finally, I find a good singing voice, (especially tenor!) INCREDIBLY sexy. Just sayin'.
I have a few favorites. I like "Eyes on Me" from Final Fantasy VIII, because it's pretty AND I love the meaning behind it. I like "Background Noise" by Mike + the Mechanics, because the music is gorgeous. And I like "O.N.E." by Yeasayer because it is incredibly catchy, although I've never really learned the lyrics. There are PLENTY of others, including "A Curious Feeling" by Tony Banks, "That's All" by Genesis, "Sanctuary" by Utada Hikaru, "The One That Got Away" by Katy Perry.... I could be at this for hours.
If I could drive, (which, you'd think I'd be able to; I'm 17 and a half as of today) I would go right out to gamers or video games etc. Or...
Vexen- and what ARE the symptoms, exactly?
Well, I'm faaaaantastic! But I am supposed to be doing the dishes. I can't get KH3D till they're done, but its probably sold out at the moment anyway.
Vexen- I can't experiment on an experiment! The results would be unreliable at best! Demy- *scoffs* because experimenting on people who technically don't exist makes a big difference...
Okay. I have a PS2 now, so if I ever upgrade, I'll probably get the PS3. So that's probably the first game I'll buy for it if I ever DO upgrade.
Vexen- if the disease is any sort of STD, then I cannot be held accountable. Demy- but if its a Scientifically Toxic Disease, doesn't that make you MORE than responsible? Vexen- that's not what - you know what, nevermind Demyx. Luxord, what sort of disease is it anyway?
Vexen- I gave you 200 munny for setting up the PA system! If you don't have enough, can't you just play birth by sleep? Demy- pshhh. Even I know its not the same. Vexen- tough luck. Luxord, I'll give you the munny if you help aid me in an experiment
Happens to everyone I think. :P
Why hello! How are you?
That always seems to happen at my house. We lose stuff, look for it, when we can't find it we buy a new one, next day the original shows up.
Harley- *laughs* *appears to be having the time of her life*
As soon as my iamlexaeus finds the charger for his 3DS... we may end up buying a new one and then we'll find the first one.