It is hard to onow who is a whovian since some of them are not known as one like myself for example. I've been a fan since the start of the ninth Doctor's time. I am just not obsessed with it like most.
It is interesting. I know quite a bit about poems and you did alright with that one.
Nice work, I was only ever able to beat it using ultima and quad magic followed by mime. Never had to worry about blacking out since I had a pheonix last action combo on my strongest character.
Am I weird for wanting to read the poem mentioned?
I recently began thinking about the full KH series and thought wouldn't it be fun to make a live action movie for each game. So I was wondering if someone made one would you watch?
My guess would be around 36 because we already know that Xemnas has a few forms since we fought them before. And if you add the possibility there might be an arena where you can battle extra boss and things like in the past KH games. If my theory is right it would be impossible to say how many Xehanort fights there are really because there would be no limit to the amount of times you battle him in the arena.
I constantly enjoy a suger filled treat And when solving puzzles I am discreet(possible spelling error) I go by an alias more than my own name And...
Indeed your words are correct The reality is something we can't reject L and I share similar traits As you do with the man who had ten fates.
When you find a character with whom you can relate You find yourself wish them a good fate I feel I am just like L And you are like to doctor all...
Exactly so why argue with a fact of life.
I hope I did him justice but yet again I have a new lyric to post up. All that well You say we all have our problems We all have limits to be supassed We all have our stories to tell But our motivation sometimes doesn't last That now matters very little It is something to ignore The time to realize is here Open your eyes wider than before Your life could be going too slow Claiming others are going too fast You could be losing faith In the road you chose in the past You need to realize What is easy to tell The people here are not Coping all that well A tradition of our home Failed to rally the troops Everyone stayed hidden In the pointless member groups Granted some answered the call And for that I am grateful indeed But those who didn't These honest words you should heed This used to be a family One who wouldn't seperate You have cast aside a dream To face a horrid fate This home is slowly changing It is becoming a form of hell Forcing us to watch as our spirits Are not feeling all that well Most things around here are pointless There is no sense for the loyal How could you let this happen How could we let our home spoil Members suffer from the dislike of others Many not given a real chance We have all fallen to the Spirit killing hatred dance We claim to be accepting We willing help those feeling blue But how can we know What they are telling us is true Beside this question I still take it on faith I accept every words they tell Even with that acceptance We don't know each other all that well.
You seem to have lost interest in this chat.
Like I said there is no sense in Discord and I like him because of it. Not everyone can understand him so they can't like him. Take Pinky for example most of us have no dislike of her but some find her annoying because they can't understand why a character like her was made. Like Nights said we can't all share the same opinion and I am sure you can find a hater for any character that exists. But the point this thread is here is to talk about the characters we like and why we like them. Because we are different people the characters and reason will vary but that is normal.
You bear the sanity of Doctor who So insanity is alien to you For me one fact I will tell I bear the sanity of Mr Lawliet better known as L
Uh Goku from Dragon ball z Budokai 3 hd collection. What on earth is my mind going to be like with him in it!
An attachment to an object is easily gained But once done sanity is no longer maintained So I welcome you to insanity You are now Odamental with me.
It is a shorter version of the series and it has some extra info so I loved it.
It is a rewrite special of the seies.
I'm alright just freaked while in a dark mood thanks to Death note relight.
Hello old friend how you been?