I'n my opinion..I also agree with everyone (or almost everyone xD) because neither Roxas or Namine have hearts..since they are Nobodies..they only pretend to have one..
Aww now DP had to go too T--T
Hey! and welcome to kh-vids! Remember to read the rules and follow them, post lots and have fun! Hope to see you around! ^^
Hey! and welcome to kh-vids! =D enjoy your stay Hope to see you around! ^^
Hey! and welcome tokh-vids! remember to read the rules, post lots and have fun! =D Hope to see you around! ~Misa-Chan~
Aww!!! bye-bye Jazz!! =D
LOL I remembered that's the song of "Flyleaf"
I play the Guitar and Singing too. xD OMG I swear when I started to sing I felt like a total idiot.
LOL Dude take it easy xD!! I used to be a noob at comp's too. Jazz: What instrument have you played?
Yeah, but I'm kinda addicted to Rock Band and Guitar Hero for now
V-i-d-e-o-g-a-m-e-s *-----*
*Feels special and loved* *--* Yay me! xD lol thanks Jazz
Fo' Shiz xD that is some random pic xD kitties!!
Hey and wlcome to Kh-Vids! remember to post lots and have fun! =D Hope to see you around Peachers! ^^
OMG..*Puts on detective suit*..Hmm looks like DP is right..she does have proof about that..Tootsie you FAIL! 8D
OMG...YOU LIKE RP TOO!? 8D!!!!!!!!!!
Lulz what a nice interesting conversation both of you had xD
B-but..movie comes out at December 12!!!!!! we have to wait a shitload of time yet!!!!!! D:!!! And..like I said earlier..I am...OK 8D
LOL I am nice! she's the one who bug's me on teh phone D: 'cept sometimes..I do 'cuz I'm naughteh >;3[?] (Ok? xD)
Simple as this..she's a dorkie 8D